It wasn't just Yang Chang who felt the boundless fear at this moment, but everyone in the tent felt the indescribable fear at this time.

Yang Chang sat on the ground in horror, and the boundless fear made him incontinent, trembling and begging for mercy.

"Master Wu! Martial Immortal! I just let them collect grain, and I didn't let them kill people......! It's none of my business! Please, sir, have a lot of them, take my life! I don't dare anymore! No, I'll give you all my things! You can take my life!"

As Yang Chang begged for mercy, the other people in the tent were also full of horror at this time, begging for mercy constantly.

With a cold face, Wu Si turned his head to look at the others, and said to the innocent women who were kneeling on the ground, "You guys...... Get out!".

As if they had been granted amnesty, the women fled the tent in a panic.

Then, before they had left too far, there were already terrible voices from inside the tent, and at the same time, these women were terrified in their hearts, and at the same time, they felt a little bitter pleasure of revenge.


movement in the military tent attracted countless Yellow Turban soldiers around, and they gathered around the military tent, but they did not dare to approach, even if the screams in the military tent were endless, they did not dare to take another step forward.

Because he had the courage to approach, but as if he had seen some wild beast, he immediately fled to a distant place in horror, and never dared to approach here again.

In the crowd, everyone began to talk about this phenomenon, and said that it was a punishment from heaven, some people said that Wu Si annoyed the heavens, and some people said that Wu Si must be a heavenly immortal and so on.

In the crowd, Uncle Niu's face was full of anxiety, he knew that Wu Si was going to Yang Chang and the others for his child's affairs, but he could only watch at this time, and he couldn't do anything at all.


screams continued for half a pillar of incense, and when the curtain was opened again, everyone was unconsciously silenced.

And when Takeshi appeared in front of everyone covered in blood, his indifferent and ruthless eyes made everyone dare not look directly.

Takeshi walked slowly forward, and the people who were blocking the route along the way immediately rushed out of the way, as if if if they got in the way, Takeshi would kill them.

It wasn't until Takeshi came to Uncle Niu, who was stiff, that his bloodstained face had a slight expression.

"Uncle Niu, I avenged the dog......


After saying that, Wu Si bypassed Uncle Niu's trembling body, left these people directly, and came to the dense forest, intending to find a river to wash away the blood stains on his body, and at the same time wash away the tyranny in his heart.

As he walked, Takeshi suddenly noticed that the surrounding area began to be hazy, and a little starlight shone around.

Wu Si's heart moved, and he understood that this was the destiny of heaven, so he followed the guidance of the starlight and walked slowly forward.

As his surroundings became dreamlike, Takeshi was already in an incomparably vast space.

It was like being in a cave, and it was like a dark space formed by giant trees covering the sky and the sun, and the starlight all around it illuminated the entire area.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently, and Takeshi stood firmly on his feet.

And in front of him, a wide stone staircase suddenly appeared, and a woman in a gorgeous black dress stood in the middle of the stone staircase.

The voice was ethereal, as if it was in the ear, and it seemed to come from afar.

"It's rare for such a special hero to descend here. You're the farmer Takeshi, right......


Takeshi looked at the familiar face indifferently: "Where is this?".

"This is the exquisite place of heaven and earth, the sword castle forged by the mandate of heaven. Anyone who sets foot in this place is destined for heaven, and they can obtain their own destiny weapons. "

"Who are you?".

"I am the Lord of Sword Forgery...... I wonder where the hero is going?".

Takeshi asked indifferently, "Are you going to ask?"

A smile appeared on the face of the Forged Sword Castle Lord, and he walked slowly towards Wu Si: "Ask the reason, and you can determine the hero weapon." "

Takeshi looked at the Lord of the Sword Forgery Castle deeply, and then said loudly: "I want to reorganize the mountains and rivers and make all the people in the world prosperous!"

The Lord of Sword Forgery was a little surprised: "With such a majestic ambition, you are the most special one I have ever seen. "

Takeshi said coldly, "The people you see are not farmers!".

"That's true...... "The Lord of the Sword Forgery was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a smile, "Do you know the unparalleled ability?"

"......" Takeshi didn't answer, because although he knew that there was a peerless power in this world, but unfortunately, he didn't know how to cultivate.

The lord of the Sword Forgery Castle did not hide his secrets, and said directly: "On the land of China, there has always been a legend of the unparalleled hero. Martial arts wizards absorb the energy of heaven and earth, and the unequaled heroes become stronger and stronger, and all heroes meet to stimulate the higher potential of the other party, and condense the maximum energy derived from the universe in the body. "

"A hero with unparalleled strength has the command to go to the hero, the spirit of dominating the world, and the destiny of being the king. Wushuang, it can be described as destiny!".

After listening to the introduction of the castle lord of the Sword Forge Castle, Wu Si understood how the so-called unparalleled power was obtained.

In fact, it is not much different from the cultivation of other worlds, and it is also absorbing the power of heaven and earth, but it is just a little over-the-top in performance.

And this method, Wu Si naturally understands.

Therefore, he was slightly determined in his heart, and tried a little bit of the method of absorbing natural energy that the ninja Takeshi had studied.

In an instant, the sand and rocks flew around the Takeshi, and the little starlight circled and flew around the Takeshi.

A moment later, a strong air flow flowed through Takeshi's body, and that majestic power, even if it was only a trace of it, he could feel it incomparable!

This is different from the fire charge and other abilities he had learned, when he learned it, it was as if he had learned a skill, and he could only use it, knowing it but not knowing what it was.

Now, with the insight and cognition of other worlds, I have a correct understanding of the so-called unparalleled power and how to release my skills before.

And Wu Si's performance stunned the Sword Forge Castle Castle Lord, although the people who returned to the Destiny were all good, but like Wu Si, just after listening to her introduction, he comprehended the method of cultivating the unparalleled power on his own, this kind of human world is rare!

The Lord of Sword Forgery looked at Takeshi's eyes full of curiosity: "You are different from the people I have seen in my life, and I look forward to your future ......."

Wu Si said coldly: "You will see a completely different world!".

The Lord of Sword Forgery Castle waved his hands: "According to my rules here, everyone who comes here is a hero destined by heaven, and they can all get peerless weapons from me." "

"Weapons, like people, have their destiny and spirituality, and they will choose a master who matches them, and once they choose a master, they will breathe and grow with him!"

Takeshi opened his eyes suddenly, he was already lying in a creek by this time, and the blood stains on his body had been cleaned.

When he stood up from the creek, he found a sword with a simple and ornate shape stuck in his side.

Pulling out the sword, the name of the sword immediately came to mind: "Lulu Sword ......".

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