At this time, in the cosmic canopy, countless fonts were distorted and changed.

Everyone knew that Keisha got the answer right and her reward was coming.

【Start Reward】

【Divine Atom Ascension!】

Divine Atom Ascension?

The civilizations of the universe were almost dumbfounded when they saw this reward.

As we all know, Keisha is already a divine body, stronger than the average fourth-generation super gene.

And the Divine Atom, as the basic substance of the Divine Body, has now been upgraded again.

Everyone dared not imagine how powerful Keisha would be after the upgraded Divine Atom?


Inside the Twin Star Tower, the light of the stars shines like a dream, reflecting the entire space in a picturesque way.

Keisha, the goddess with a graceful figure and a peerless face, stood quietly in the center of the tower. The light veil on her body seemed to merge with the light of the stars, shimmering with a mysterious light.

Suddenly, a burst of white light rose from her body, and these points of light condensed into a powerful energy that surrounded her body and condensed into a huge ball of light. The divine light emitted by the light cluster illuminated the entire tower, making the entire space filled with endless majesty and solemnity.

At this moment, the inside of Kesha's body underwent earth-shaking changes. It was as if her cells had been injected with new vitality and began to rearrange and combine. A powerful energy flowed through her body, constantly transforming her body structure.

Her skin became more crystal clear, as if blended into the light of the stars. Her figure has become more slender and graceful, and every inch of her skin exudes a charming glow. Her eyes shone with a deep light, as if she could see all the truths in the world.

Angel Hiko and Burn watched this scene intently, completely shocked. They had never seen such a magical sight, nor had they ever experienced such a powerful force. Their hearts were full of awe and admiration for Keisha, and they also felt extremely proud and joyful.

Xu Ling stood aside, his gaze always calmly at Kaisha.

He knew in his heart that this was the only way for Kaisha to reach a higher realm.

In the entire Twin Star Tower, there was no sound except for the soft sound of the light of the stars. Everyone waited with bated breath for Keisha to complete the process of ascending the Divine Atom.

This moment seems to be forever engraved in the history of the universe and has become an immortal myth.


Soon, Keisha was officially promoted to the fifth generation of gods.

She felt her body change drastically.

First of all, her appearance has become much younger, as if she had returned to the way she was when she first became the King of Angels. Her skin became more delicate and smooth, like porcelain, and exuded a charming glow.

Her eyes sparkle with wisdom that makes it impossible to resist its charm.

In addition, her figure has become more perfect.

The originally graceful posture is now more symmetrical, with beautiful curves, and a sacrosanct majesty is revealed in the seductive temperament.

Her long hair fluttered in the wind, cascading like a waterfall on her shoulders, adding a touch of femininity and gentleness.

The most significant change is her physical condition.

Today, her body seems to be between the physical and the spiritual, with both physical reality and a dynamic aura.

She felt that she was more connected to the universe, as if she could merge into the stars at any time, breathe with heaven and earth, and share a common destiny.

Keisha's heart was full of doubts, is this the fifth generation of gods?

It does feel different from the Divine Body, but there seems to be some similarity. She tried to use her newfound powers, and found that her perception and control had increased like never before.

She can feel the pulse of the universe, can perceive the truth of all things, as if she has become a part of the universe.

She remembered the origin of the Divine Body, the product of the Eternal Code of Genes, theoretically more powerful than the pure Fourth Divine Body. And now, the fifth-generation divine body she possesses seems to have gone one step further, allowing her to reach a new level of strength and wisdom.

After a few moments, the halo completely dissipated, and Kaisha's newborn divine body appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Xu Ling looked at Kaisha carefully, and he was amazed by her changes.

The graceful posture and youthful face all show the unique charm of the fifth-generation divine body. Especially the perfect body, which was plumper and more attractive than before, made Xu Ling's eyes flash with a hint of appreciation.

"I have obtained your fourth-generation divine body, and after research, it has been discovered that it contains eternal genetic code. Xu Ling spoke slowly, "I found that although the body of the Divine Atom can be destroyed, it will reunite even if it is blown to pieces, right?"

Keisha nodded in agreement.

Xu Ling continued: "And the Divine Atom Body belongs to an independent divine body system, and is not in the arrangement of the divine body. You should now be a second-generation divine body, far stronger and more resilient than any other divine body. This means that your body cannot be destroyed by force. "

Kaisha frowned slightly after hearing this, she knew that what Xu Ling said was true.

The power of the divine body was indeed beyond her imagination, but she also understood the responsibility and meaning behind it.

However, after Xu Ling said this, Kaisha completely understood.

She has been promoted from a divine body that also belongs to the fourth generation of divine bodies, to a second generation of divine bodies.

It's not a simple way to upgrade the fifth-generation god body.

Keisha closed her eyes and took a deep breath. In this moment, she felt as if she had established an invisible connection with the stars around her.

The distant stars, their light and power, seemed to be under her control.

She felt a sense of strength that she had never felt before. It is a force that is connected to everything in the universe, as if her life has merged into the entire universe and become a part of it.

"Is this the power of the second generation of gods?" said to Keisha.

She opened her eyes and looked at the endless starry sky.

In her perception, those stars were no longer just distant glowing spots, but beings full of life and power. She could feel their breath and sense their strong connection to her.

At this moment, Keisha understood the true meaning of the second generation of divine bodies.

It is not only a powerful physical body, but also a spiritual realm that is connected to all things in the universe and can control the power of the stars.

She smiled slightly, her heart full of confidence and strength.

At this time, two beautiful female angels, Hiko and Zhixin, circled around Kesha, looking up and down.

They were extremely curious about the second generation of divine bodies, which were also extremely rare in angelic civilizations.

"Congratulations to the Queen on her promotion to the Holy Body. The two female angels said in unison.

Their words were filled with joy and respect, and Keisha was not only a queen in their hearts, but also an object of their adoration.


At the Dead Song Academy, Carl sat quietly at his desk and fell into deep thought.

He naturally knew something about the Divine Body, but not much.

He knew that the Divine Atom, as its main constituent substance, played a vital role in the power and character of the Divine Body. And now, these atoms have been upgraded, which will undoubtedly have a profound effect on the divine body.

"Will Keisha's divine body also be upgraded to a fifth-generation divine body?" Karl muttered to himself, his gaze wandering back and forth on the drawings, his thoughts wandering.

He began to wonder if Kaisha had now been upgraded to a fifth-generation god, but he quickly shook his head again, rejecting the idea. He corrected, "No, it should be said that it is the second generation of divine bodies. "

Just as Carl was deep in thought, his communicator suddenly vibrated and Morgana's voice was heard.

Although Morgana had always treated him badly and even with some disdain, Carl was not bored with it.

In his heart, he has always been deeply in love with Morgana. He understands that Morgana's coldness and provocation are just her disguise, and that there is actually a soft side to her heart.

This made Carl pay more attention to her every move and pay more attention to her feelings.

He adjusted his attitude and tried to communicate with Morgana in a more mature and steady way.

He hopes that through his own efforts, he can gradually enter Morgana's heart and win her trust and recognition.

Morgana's voice came from the communicator, with a hint of urgency.

"Carl, that reward is an iteration of the god body! Is the current Kaisha already a fifth-generation god body?" her question hit the nail on the head, obviously very concerned about the iteration of the god body.

Carl was silent for a moment, he knew that the reason why Morgana asked this was because in their cognition, he Carl was a pure fifth-generation god, but this news was not made public, so the outside world called him a spirit body.

But Carl doesn't think Keisha is in the exact same situation as himself. After all, their god systems are different, and the impact of iterations of divine atoms on them may also be different.

"In fact, I've had some speculation about the upgrade of the Divine Atom before. Karl spoke slowly, and his voice revealed a deep thought, "As the core of the Divine Atom, its iteration will undoubtedly have an important impact on the Divine Body. But I don't dare to jump to conclusions about the specific iterations. "

He looked at the light and shadow drawings in front of him, which depicted a concept map of the Divine Body. He knew that the study of the divine body needed to be cautious and meticulous, and any speculation needed to be verified by practice.

"After all, our knowledge of the Divine Atom is still very limited. "We need more data and experimental results to more accurately assess how the iteration of the Divine Atom affects Keisha's Divine Body." "

There is a hint of humility and pragmatism in his words. For him, true scientific research is based on sufficient evidence and objective analysis.

Morgana anxiously asked, "What kind of powerful effect will that have?"

Karl shook his head lightly and replied, "I'm sorry, but I can't accurately predict the exact effect of the power for the time being. After all, the iterative effect of the god body will be affected by many factors, including individual differences, environmental factors, and various unknown variables.........." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He paused, then went on to explain, "I don't think the plan to use the star to blow up Keisha should be working now. The Divine Body can be blown up, but not annihilated, and now it's iterating, and I don't know if it's made up for it. "

When Morgana heard this, her face changed slightly, and she eagerly asked, "What about that guy Hua Ye, does he still have the ability to kill Keisha?"

Karl shook his head slowly, with a hint of uncertainty in his tone: "What Hua Ye currently has is only the Void Engine, and he uses the Black Hole ability. While this ability may pose a threat to the Divine Body in some ways, it is important to kill the Divine Body after the iteration...... I can't give a definitive answer either. "

When Morgana heard this, her face instantly turned pale, and she roared angrily: "Can't give a clear answer?Is this the promise you made to me?I swore to tell me before, as long as Hua Ye takes the City of Angels, everything will be fine! You now tell me that there is no guarantee?"

Carl was momentarily speechless, aware of Morgana's disappointment and anger. He sighed helplessly, his heart mixed.

He understands that the situation is more complex and grave than expected.

On the other end of the phone, Morgana's voice was a little flustered, and the look in her eyes showed deep concern.

"If Keisha really became a fifth-generation god...... her voice trembled slightly, obviously terrified of this possibility.

Morgana's feud with Keisha is well known. Whether she is facing enemies or former allies, Kesha's presence is always a thorn in her heart. She knew that the showdown with Keisha had almost become an inevitable fate.

"If that's the case, then we really don't have much chance of winning. Morgana muttered to herself, a flash of despair in her eyes.

At this critical moment, the ranking of the Demon Legion on the canopy became her only hope and sustenance. She is eager to see her legion show its strength in the next rankings and add strength to her path of revenge.


Demon Wings.

Morgana anxiously paced back and forth in the command room, her steps sharp and powerful, the sound of "da-da-da" echoing through the silent room.

Atto and Black Wind stood silently aside, knowing full well that what the queen needed at this time was support and comfort. However, in the face of such a predicament, they also feel helpless.

The two glanced at each other, their eyes showing helplessness and worry.

Throughout the command room, the atmosphere became oppressive and heavy. Morgana's every step felt like walking on the tip of a knife, and her heart was filled with uncertainty and fear. This contest with Keisha seems to have been doomed from the beginning to be a war with no winners.

Soon, the canopy changed again, attracting everyone's attention.

"3rd place prizes are now available:"

【Release Rewards】[]

[Honkai Engine Technology!] can be used to fully harness the will of Honkai. 】


Inside the Twin Star Tower, Xu Ling looked at the reward in front of him, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"It's a good reward, it's a useful thing for us. He said lightly.

Keisha asked curiously, "What's the use of 5.7?"

Xu Ling explained: "Honkai is a kind of energy that specializes in destroying civilization, and it is strong when it is strong. We've always suppressed Honkai and used it as the foundation of the Lawgiver's core. But with this Honkai Engine technology, we can completely control Honkai. "

He paused and continued, "This engine technology allows everyone to control the Honkai, and it can also bring the Honkai to any civilization at any time. Once the collapse comes, that civilization is equivalent to being sentenced to death, and only destruction awaits them. "

When Keisha heard this, a look of surprise appeared on her face: "What? It's so terrifying?"

Hikoya sighed: "This thing doesn't sound like a good thing! It's just a regular weapon." "

Burning Heart swallowed his throat, and the shock in his heart was incomprehensible. She never imagined that this Honkai Engine technology could be so terrifyingly powerful. This is not only a powerful weapon, but also a destructive force that can destroy civilization.


Chat room.

[Ge Xiaolun: Emma, what kind of reward is this! Why can't I understand it at all!]

[Liu Chuang: It looks awesome, but I really can't understand it. 】

[Rena: Engine, is this a weapon?]

[Otto: It's not so much a weapon as a control technique, to be honest, the reward this time is really good, with this thing, the Honkai energy can be better used!]

[Pan Zhen: Listening to you say this, what kind of avalanche can this thing be of great use to you?]

[Hexi: Excuse me, with this kind of technology, can you better control that kind of Honkai energy?]

[Otto: Hehehe, almost! Honkai energy is not so easy to control, with this, we can use Honkai energy as an arm. 】

[Zhao Xin: Tsk, that sounds like a good thing. 】。

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