On the Scorching Sun Star, the martial arts exercise ground is vast and boundless, and thousands of Scorching Sun elite soldiers are arranging and practicing in a uniform manner. The sunlight shone on their resolute faces and shining armor, reflecting a dazzling light.

These soldiers were dressed in black armor and armed with all kinds of sharp weapons, and their eyes were determined and murderous. Every swing of the sword carries the momentum of thunder, and every sprint seems to penetrate the heavens and the earth.

Their movements are precise and powerful, like a group of cheetahs galloping across the grassland, with a momentum like a rainbow.

The smell of iron and fire filled the air, accompanied by the neat footsteps of the soldiers and the sound of metal clashing, as if a rousing war song was played.

In this martial arts arena, every soldier is a landscape, and they use sweat and blood to interpret their love and dedication to battle.

On the high platform, Pan Zhen's figure is particularly eye-catching. His breath was as hot as the sun, like a burning flame.

However, his mind was not on the thousands of elite soldiers on the battlefield.

At this time, Xuantian Ji, who was dressed in silver armor and was mighty, slowly walked up to the high platform and came to Pan Zhen's side. His demeanor exuded a kind of calmness and majesty, and he was obviously an excellent general.

"General, the last general has come to report. Xuan Tianji's voice was deep and powerful.

Pan Zhen slowly turned his head to look at Xuan Tianji, his eyes had a hint of deep meaning, "Do you see those rewards on the canopy?"

Xuan Tianji nodded, "I saw it, I can only say that those rewards are all good things, and they are coveted." His tone revealed admiration and envy for those awards.

Pan Zhen sighed lightly, "Well, the strength of the Plane Empire is obvious to all. I fear that a catastrophe is coming that will sweep the entire universe. There was deep concern in his tone.

Pan Zhen stood on the high platform, overlooking the martial arts arena below, the sun was shining obliquely, stretching his figure very long.

His gaze is deep, as if he can penetrate all appearances and look directly at the essence of things.

He said to Xuan Tianji in a serious tone: "Tianji, you must lead the soldiers well, practice day and night, and prepare to deal with foreign enemies. "

Xuantian took a deep breath and responded, "The last general will take orders." "

His voice was firm and there was no hesitation.

Xuan Tianji turned to leave.

Pan Zhen watched Xuan Tianji leave, his eyes revealing complicated emotions.

He looked up at the sky, his eyes showing a hint of worry, he knew that the road ahead was full of unknowns, and he had to lead the soldiers on the Sun Star to walk bravely.

Then, a shadow appeared in his mind, and this shadow made him more determined.


In a gray-white world, countless powerful auras converged here, as if a precursor to an impending storm.

The world seems to be shrouded in an invisible fog that makes people feel depressed and uneasy.

In this gray-and-white world, a tall platform stands majestically, contrasting with the desolate landscape around it. The platform is like a metal fortress, strong and heavy, giving people a heavy feeling.

The entire platform is made of precious metal materials, shimmering with a cold light, as if it were a shining pearl in this gray-white world.

Around the platform, there are densely packed mecha soldiers, wearing sturdy armor and holding all kinds of weapons, majestic.

Their eyes are firm and sharp, like a herd of cheetahs watching their prey, ready to launch a deadly attack. The powerful aura emanating from these mecha soldiers filled the entire platform with a murderous aura.

The air was filled with the cold and hard smell of metal and a faint smell of engine oil, accompanied by the slight mechanical movement and breathing of the mecha soldiers, as if playing a prelude to war.

Xu Ling stood on the platform, facing the three rewards, his face did not show too much surprise or excitement.

He calmly assesses the usefulness of each reward.

He shook his head slightly, believing that this reward was useless to his current body. His body had been specially modified to the point where it was indestructible, so that this so-called divine body seemed worthless in his eyes.

"Forget it, Otto, just distribute this divine body to the warriors. Xu Ling said to Otto, apparently thinking that this reward might be more useful to the warriors.

Beside him, Otto, who had blonde hair and was wearing a white cloak, respectfully bowed his head to receive the order, "Subordinates understand!" He knew Xu Ling's intentions well, and immediately prepared to distribute this reward to the soldiers in need.

Xu Ling turned his gaze to the second reward, "Two-way Foil".

He thought about it, this should be the real 'dimensionality reduction strike'.

In the Three-Body World, the two-way foil is no longer suitable as a weapon for advanced civilizations, but it is still used as an inexpensive cleaning tool to eliminate weaker civilizations hiding in more complex star systems.

And its misuse greatly hastened the death of the universe.

For yourself, it's useful, but it's not much, and there's no harm in keeping it.

As for the third reward - "Supreme Battleship".

A hint of interest flashed in Xu Ling's eyes, he understood that with the ascension of the plane, he might encounter more powerful civilizations and enemies in the future.

The Supreme Battleship is undoubtedly a great help, which can help him gain an advantage in interstellar warfare.

After all consideration, Xu Ling decided to distribute the Sacred Atom Body to the warriors, keep the two-way foil as a backup, and pilot the Supreme battleship to meet the challenges ahead.


At the same time, the chat room exploded.

Morgana: I'm Nima...... With a wingspan of 60,000 meters, this star-destroyer is longer than my demon fleet group combined!

[Ge Xiaolun: This, this, this...... That's a great reward, isn't it?How can the champion and runner-up be so different!].

[Liu Chuang: Hey, hey, otherwise why would people be champions! It's comparable to the current gold and silver prices!].

[Rena: Alright, speak carefully!You represent the earth!Do you know!].

[Pan Zhen: Now that the situation has changed, my god Rena, why don't you go home, now it is not the safety of the earth, but the safety of the whole universe is imminent. 】

Morgana: Oh, General Pan is scared? Hahaha! Come, sister, listen, I'm thinking about protecting you from the sun. 】

[Pan Zhen: Hmph, a guy who is chased by the universe, let's think about how to protect myself].

[Carl!: Liang Bing, I just made a certain prediction about the two-way foil, he can collapse the three-dimensional universe into an absolute plane that only exists in length and area, and is deprived of the concept of volume, once this kind of blow is encountered, I can't think of how to avoid it, but if you are willing to turn into a spirit body like me, maybe you can ......].

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