Because, he believes, with his talent, he will grow up sooner or later.

When the time comes, it will definitely be able to destroy the entire Blood Demon City.

"Look for death!"

After hearing Karl's voice, the eyes of the leader of the Blood Demon Clan showed a hideous light.

He knew that he couldn't back down, otherwise.

What awaits the Blood Demon Clan is destruction.

Thinking of this, the momentum on his body became more and more solemn.

And look at such a scene.

Carl was not the slightest bit afraid.

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, he rushed straight up.


The great axe slashed, and a powerful wind howled.

And the leader of the Blood Demon Clan is not hiding or evading.

Instead, they came forward.

This blow was blocked by him.

Then, blood splattered out.


He roared.


A punch slammed into Carl's armor and sent him flying.


It stopped after crashing into a wall.

"Haha, do you really think that my blood demon clan has no one.

Tell you, the Blood City is your burial place today.

Kill him and let him know how powerful the Blood Demon Clan is!"

The leader of the Blood Demon Clan roared frantically.

At this time, the surrounding Blood Demon Clan soldiers had already surrounded them.

Armed with blades, they besieged Karl in place.

At this time, there was a glint of excitement in his eyes.

And just after his voice fell.

There was a look of surprise in Karl's eyes.

Unexpectedly, the combat power of these people is even stronger than that of the soldiers of the pioneer battalion.

This time, I'm afraid I'm in trouble.


And at this moment, a figure jumped up in an instant.

He's extremely fast.

A hard kick on Karl's torso.

made the other party fly out in an instant.


Blood spits out of his mouth.

The whole person's face was extremely pale.

Obviously, it was injured.

And at the same time as Carl was injured.

The surrounding Blood Demon Clan powerhouses were also coming towards him.

They are extremely fast. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's almost in the blink of an eye.


A violent collision sound sounded at this time.

This time, Carl was completely at a disadvantage.

Not only was he besieged in place, but he couldn't even escape.

He was in disarray.

Moreover, the body is covered with blood marks.

At this time, he couldn't hold on.

I could only watch my men scream and fall to the ground.

"Truly, little one, admit defeat.

You're no match for me!"

The leader of the Blood Demon Clan let out a sinister smile.

And at this time.


The sound of an arrow breaking through the air rang out in an instant. []

made everyone's pupils shrink.

I saw that the leader of the Blood Demon Clan was just about to defend himself.

The arrow had cut through the space and struck him in the forehead.


Blood gushed from within the wound.

His eyes widened with horror in his eyes.

"You're ......!"

The voice rang out.

It is to fall downward. (Got Zhao)

On the other side, Karl did not take advantage of the victory to pursue.

Because, he saw a young man of the Blood Demon Clan, who was extremely strong, walking slowly.

When you see each other's faces clearly.

Carl's eyes couldn't help but show excitement.


The voice sounded, and he ran towards the comer.


And after hearing the voice, the other party snorted coldly.

And then there is.

"Carl, why are you back? "

"It's dangerous here!".

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