In fact, Morgan Le Fay, the legendary Queen of the Lake, led Pine in the right direction.

Following the route she pointed out, after turning two corners, Pine saw familiar stone steps.

Going up and turning around a corridor, Pine found a large vase in front of him.

Turning his head and looking around, he actually found the tapestry of the troll wearing a tutu.

"It seems that I have good luck."

Pine quickened his pace, walked to the tapestry, and raised his wand.

With the help of the light above, he looked at the strange tapestry in front of him. It can only be described as unbearable to look at.

On the tapestry, a group of trolls wearing tutus, holding wooden Sticks or bone sticks are posing in various 'enchanting' postures.

The person who taught these giant monsters to dance was Barnabas, who had been ridiculed for more than a thousand years - nicknamed 'Silly Barnabas' by others. '.

This man actually tried to teach the troll how to dance ballet.

As a result, he was beaten up by the moth-eaten troll.

When Pine was observing the tapestry, the troll also stopped beating the ballet teacher and turned to look at him, as if asking:

"What are you looking at?"

"What are you doing!"

Pine responded:

"If you dare, beat him to death!"

Barnaba's eyes were filled with tears when he heard this, and he cursed at Pine pitifully.

Unfortunately... they were just portraits.

Pine walked towards the white wall opposite.

The condition for entering the Room of Requirement is to walk through this section of wall three times and concentrate The spirit thinks about what it needs.


"I want a place to practice magic, a place to practice magic……"

Pine concentrated his attention, walked to the window at one end of the white wall, turned back, and then turned back to the vase at the other end.

He muttered something under his breath, and when he turned around for the third time, something changed on the wall.

Countless patterns appear on the white wall, and a smooth door gradually emerges.

Pine felt good because he knew he had succeeded.

He held the brass handle, opened the door and walked in.

Inside is a large, spacious room.

There were torches lit around the walls, making it look like a black cube defense-engraved classroom.

There are many wooden bookshelves along the walls of the classroom.

There are a lot of books on every bookshelf.

On the other side, there are some puppets used to practice magic

"Isn't this the place where Harry led the DA army to practice Defense Against the Dark Arts in the original book?"Pine said softly.

The route to here was rubbed out on the parchment.

Pine did not stay here any longer.

This place will be here for a long time and it is his private territory.

He cannot let too many people know about it.

Pie After En left, the door of the Room of Requirement turned into an ordinary white wall again.

Pine turned two more turns and found a downward staircase.

He walked down the stairs and started wandering around the castle. Asking about the characters in the mural on the wall.

This time Pine found the moving staircase.

No matter how many times he saw it, he felt that the scene of the moving staircase was spectacular.

It is said that the moving staircase and the Room of Requirement are both Rowena Ravenclaw. Law's handiwork.

It has been used for more than a thousand years and still operates with abundant magic power. This shows how powerful Ravenclaw is.

But could Rowena Ravenclaw be hiding any secrets in the Room of Requirement?

After all, Slytherin kept a basilisk in his secret room.

It makes sense when you think about it.

Pine captured Hufflepuff's kind-hearted ghost monk.

Under the guidance of this 'good-hearted ghost', it took two It took ten minutes to thoroughly study the operation rules of the stairs.

Finally, I marked it clearly on the parchment, and then left the stairs.

Entering the foyer, Yuumi on Pine's shoulder gave a"meow".

It turned out that it was killed by a skinny Burmese. The cat attracted attention.

Pine knew that it was probably the caretaker Filch's cat - Mrs. Norris.

Then Yuumi jumped off Pine's shoulders nimbly and walked to Mrs. Norris's house on a high catwalk. In front of him.

He said"meow-meow-meow" arrogantly.

Then he looked back at Pine a few times, as if asking for his opinion.

"Go ahead, if you want to go around, just go and have fun!"

The most qualified owner.

Pine will not let his cat lose face in front of other cats.

Let it play with dignity, and don't worry about being scolded when you go home!

When you go out to hang out, isn't it important to keep your face?

When Yumi After leaving with Mrs. Norris,

Pine continued to explore downwards.

When he reached a long corridor, the torches on the walls on both sides lit up automatically.

He found pictures of various foods decorated on the surrounding walls.

Pine found a A large portrait, the portrait was of a huge silver bowl filled with fruit, and the kitchen was hidden behind the painting.

The secret to entering the kitchen was on the pear.

Pine gently touched the big green pear, and the pear actually squirmed. Got up, chuckled, and suddenly turned into a big green doorknob

"Sure enough, here, it seems that I have good luck."

Pine was in a very happy mood. After finding the Room of Requirement, he successfully found the kitchen. He reached out and grabbed the door and pulled it. The kitchen was as big as the auditorium above. There were many tableware placed on the surrounding cabinets, and the auditorium was also Four long wooden tables are placed.

The positions of these tables are exactly the same as the tables of the four houses in the auditorium above. There is already some food on the table, which should be breakfast for the students.

When it is time to eat, the house elves will Through magic, the food is transported to the equivalent table above.

What a magical space transfer magic.

"Pie, Pine, Mr. Wilson?!"

A house elf discovered Pine and shouted loudly in surprise.

In an instant, before Pine could react, there were hundreds of house elves crowded around him.

They were chattering and expressing themselves to him..Everyone was holding food and wine in their hands, as if they wanted to get his approval.

…… ps: I just cast a magic in my dream: if you give 10 flowers to a giant, you will get a house elf who knows how to work!

If you give away monthly passes and rewards, you will get a Bulgarian Veela to help warm your bed on cold winter nights!

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