Looking at Reba with an apologetic face, Chu Mo comforted: "Okay, I already know the matter." "

"It's none of your business. "

"Isn't Yaoyao okay?"

This happened just by accident.

Now that Yaoyao is fine, she is naturally stronger than anything else.

Reba smiled bitterly: "Chu Mo, you still blame me for being too careless." "

"I should put away Yaoyao's bracelet when I go out. "

Such a valuable thing, wearing it on a child, is still too eye-catching.

Chu Mo looked at Reba and smiled at her: "Reba, I said it, I don't blame you." "

"Don't talk about it anymore. "

He didn't want Reba to be haunted by this incident.

Feeling Chu Mo's smile, Reba's tense heart completely relaxed.

Xiang Chu Mo smiled sweetly: "Well, I won't talk about it in the future." "

Feeling Reba's heart knot open, Chu Mo nodded, and then looked at Yaoyao.

Said gently: "Yaoyao, are you sleepy?"

"Daddy will take you to bed, okay?"

After lunch, of course, take a lunch break.


Yaoyao happily agreed.

"I took Yaoyao to sleep, you can sleep for a while!"

"Good afternoon. "

Chu Mo said towards Reba.

Reba replied, "Good afternoon." "

Chu Mo nodded and pulled Yaoyao towards the room.

After a while, he returned to his room.

put Yaoyao on the bed, and Chu Mo also lay down.

Then he shoved his arm under Yaoyao's head.

smiled and said, "Yaoyao, go to sleep!"

Yaoyao grabbed Chu Mo's arm, looked at Chu Mo with big eyes and said, "Dad, Dad!"

"Yaoyao is not sleepy!"

Every day after lunch, she would get sleepy.

But when Chu Mo came back today, she was extremely excited, and she didn't want to sleep at all now.

Chu Mo turned his head sideways, looked at Yaoyao and smiled, "Not sleepy?"

"Would you like to watch TV for a while?"

Yaoyao shook her head and said, "Dad, Yaoyao doesn't want to watch TV." "

Chu Mo replied, "Oh?"

"And what do you want to do?"

"Tell Daddy!"

Yaoyao frowned and thought for a while, then her eyes lit up and said, "Dad, Yaoyao wants to learn magic with you!"

"Is it good for Dad to teach Yaoyao to do magic?"

This is what Chu Mo promised her when he left.

She always remembered it clearly.

Chu Mo looked at Yaoyao, and then nodded lightly.


"Then Dad will hand over Yaoyao to do magic. "

Now he is enough to turn Yaoyao from an ordinary person without a spiritual root to an immortal cultivator with a pseudo-spiritual root.

Of course, this kind of pseudo-spiritual root created by Chu Mo could not be compared with the real innate spiritual root.

In terms of absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth, there is a world of difference.

Moreover, in modern times, where the aura is almost exhausted, it is even more difficult.

In his whole life, it is only about the level of the second and third layers of the Qi refining period.

However, it is still possible to let it know some simple "magic".


Yaoyao clapped her hands happily.

Chu Mo smiled: "Let's go!"

"Daddy is taking you to magic tricks!"

He is going to take Yaoyao to the backyard, where is it, with the cooperation of the spiritual vein, the effect will be better.


Yaoyao nodded heavily.

Chu Mo released his divine sense and looked next door, and found that Reba was already sleeping, so he hugged Yaoyao and teleported.

In the next second, he appeared in the spirit gathering array in the backyard.


"Daddy is amazing!"

Seeing that she had suddenly arrived in the backyard, Yaoyao screamed in surprise.

Chu Mo smiled: "Yaoyao, you can be as powerful as your father in the future!"


Yaoyao nodded excitedly.

"Yaoyao, you wait a while, Dad will get some things. "

Chu Mo said to Yaoyao.


Yaoyao obediently agreed.

As soon as Chu Mo's mind moved, more than ten array flags appeared in his hand.

He wanted to set up a large array of five elements to absorb the five elements qi between heaven and earth.

It is then infused into Yaoyao's body.

Makes it have the effect of a pseudo-spiritual root in its body.

Then combined with the elixir, the pseudo-spirit root was locked in Yaoyao's body.

In this way, you will be able to reluctantly cultivate.

Chu Mo waved his hands, and after a while, the Five Elements Great Array was arranged.

Chu Mo sat cross-legged on the ground and said to Yaoyao, "Yaoyao, sit down in Dad's posture." "

Yaoyao also sat down cross-legged as if she were presentable.

As soon as Chu Mo's palm flipped over, a pill appeared in his hand.

"Yaoyao, open your mouth!"

Chu Mo shouted at Yaoyao.


Yaoyao obediently opened her mouth.

As soon as Chu Mo's fingers flicked, the pill was sent into Yaoyao's mouth.

"Yaoyao, feel it with your heart!"

Chu Mo stretched out his hand and tapped at Yaoyao's head.

The mental formula about the Five Elements Qi came into Yaoyao's mind.

"Read it with me. "

Chu Mo said a word to Yaoyao, and then slowly spoke: "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang..."

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang..."

Yaoyao spoke slowly.

Chu Mo then read: "The universe is desolate..."

Yaoyao repeated: "The universe is desolate..."

With the silent recitation of the mantra, the five elements of qi between heaven and earth began to converge towards the two of them.

Chu Mo guided the formation and transmitted the Five Elements Qi into Yaoyao's body.

Then a trace of aura was separated, and it began to guide in Yaoyao's body.

In a short time, the Five Elements Qi ran in Yaoyao's body for three continents.

At this time, the elixir also began to take effect, and the five elements qi in Yaoyao's body began to flow automatically.

With the rotation of the five elements, Yaoyao's body began to change.

The Five Elements Qi began to merge into her muscles and bones.

Seeing this scene, the aura in Chu Mo's body exploded.

A mana cage was formed around Yaoyao, imprisoning all the five elements qi that had just been absorbed around Yaoyao.

Then closely observe the condition in Yaoyao's body

The whole process lasted for half an hour, and the Five Elements Qi was perfectly integrated into Yaoyao's body.

Chu Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

The hardest part is absorbing these five elements qi.

Once you've done that, the rest is much easier.

Chu Mo stretched out his hand and pointed, and another mental formula came into Yaoyao's mind.

Because Yaoyao's qualifications are relatively poor now, this mental formula is the easiest Chu Mo chose.

"Yaoyao, follow the voice in your head, read it together!"

Chu Mo said towards Yaoyao.


Yaoyao agreed, and then began to follow the voice in her head, silently reciting in her heart.

Chu Mo used his spiritual power to observe Yaoyao.

After about a stick of incense, Yaoyao produced the first wisp of true qi in her body.

Chu Mo was overjoyed in his heart, hurriedly controlled the wisp of true qi, and ran along the route recorded in the mental method...

An hour later, Chu Mo withdrew his true qi from Yaoyao's body.

After this hour of guidance, Yaoyao is now able to control the true qi in her body to operate on her own.

This shows that now she has become a first-level monk in the Qi refining period.

"Yaoyao, alright, stop!"

Chu Mo looked at Yaoyao and smiled.

Yaoyao slowly opened her eyes, looked at Chu Mo and said, "Dad!"

"Is this magic?"

"It's amazing!"

True Qi runs through her body, making Yaoyao feel warm all over her body.

I can't put it into words.

It's so comfortable!

Chu Mo smiled: "Yaoyao, what Dad taught you is not magic, but cultivating immortals!"

"It's not magic!"

Magic is just some tricks, and cultivating immortals is the road to immortality!

The difference between the two is like a world of difference!

"Dad, what do you mean by cultivating immortals?"

Yaoyao asked curiously.

Chu Mo smiled: "Dad will explain this to you later." "

"You have to remember that cultivating immortals is a secret between your father and you, and you are not allowed to tell anyone!"

"If you say it, Daddy won't like you!"

Yaoyao hurriedly nodded and said, "Dad, don't worry!"

"Yaoyao won't say anything if she is killed!"

If Dad doesn't like him, he's going to die of sadness. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chu Mo touched Yaoyao's head, and then said, "Okay, let's go back!"

"When it's night, Daddy is teaching you something fun. "

The two have been out for a long time, and Reba has woken up and is looking for the two.


Yaoyao nodded.

Chu Mo stretched out his hand and summoned, and the array flags planted everywhere were put away by him.

Then, he pulled Yaoyao and walked towards the villa.

After a while, I came to the second floor of the villa.

Reba was sitting in the hall on the second floor, and when she saw Chu Mo and Yaoyao, she asked suspiciously, "Chu Mo, where are you going?"

Chu Mo said casually: "Yaoyao doesn't want to sleep today, I took her out for a walk." "

Reba nodded, "Oh." "

"That's it!"

Chu Mo asked, "What's the matter?"

Reba waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay." "

"I'm just asking. "

Chu Mo said: "Well, then I'll take Yaoyao back to the room." "

"She's a little sleepy. "

Now that Yaoyao has true qi in her body, she can teach her some simple little spells.

"Good. "

Reba nodded. []

Chu Mo pulled Yaoyao and walked into the room.

Then the door was shut.

Reba glanced at the closed door and got up and walked towards his room.

Some time ago, Chu Mo was not there, she had been taking care of Yaoyao, and she didn't study much management.

Now that Chu Mo is back, she can continue to concentrate on her studies!

Chu Mo took Yaoyao back to the house, put Yaoyao on the bed, and then looked at her and smiled:

"Yaoyao, is it okay for Dad to teach you a spell?"

Yaoyao frowned and asked, "Dad, what is a spell?"

Chu Mo smiled: "That's it." "

After speaking, Chu Mo rubbed his hands, and a fist-sized water ball appeared on his fingers.

This is the most basic spell, the water polo technique.

Similar to Fireball.

It's just that the water polo technique is much less powerful than the fireball technique.

Chu Mo decided to teach Yaoyao this first.

As for the fireball technique... Forget it, he was afraid that Yaoyao would be careless and set up all the houses.


"Dad, you're amazing!"

Yaoyao looked at the water balloon on Chu Mo's fingers, her eyes glaring.

Chu Mo smiled and controlled the water balloon and flew towards Yaoyao.

Floating in front of her.

Yaoyao stretched out her hand and touched the water balloon curiously, and a wave of ripples swung from above, and the water balloon was like gummy, soft.

Yaoyao's eyes lit up.

Chu Mo looked at her and asked with a smile, "Yaoyao, do you want to learn this?"


Yaoyao immediately nodded.

"Okay, Daddy will teach you!"

Chu Mo said the mantra of the water polo technique.

Then he looked at Yaoyao and asked, "Yaoyao, do you remember?"

Yaoyao nodded and said, "Well, remember!"

"Okay, you can try the mantra. "

"Remember, you have to match the true qi in your body!"

Chu Mo said to her.

"Hmm. "

Yaoyao agreed, stretched out her hand in a learned manner, and began to recite the mantra.

After reciting the mantra, a water ball the size of a glass ball appeared on the tip of Yaoyao's fingers.

Looking at the water balloon on her fingers, Yaoyao screamed in surprise.

"Dad, I'll pull too!"

But before she could finish her joy, the drops on her fingers fell to the ground.

She hadn't learned how to control the water polo.

However, being able to condense water polo is already very good for her.


Yaoyao exclaimed in surprise and asked Chu Mo, "Dad, why did my water balloon fall to the ground!"

Chu Mo smiled: "You try again, pay attention to control your thoughts and focus on the water balloon." "


Yaoyao nodded, and began to try again.

After a while, a water balloon of the same size appeared on Yaoyao's fingertips.

This time, the water balloon held on to Yaoyao's fingertips for half a minute before falling to the ground.

"Yaoyao, go on!"

Chu Mo encouraged her.

"Hmm. "

Yaoyao agreed, and began to continue trying.

Kyoto, National Security Agency.

Zhang Lao sat on the chair with a happy face.

Just now, he got a report from the Tiger Slayer and knew that Chu Mo had returned to the Demon Capital.

"No, I'm going to make a phone call here. "

"Ask him where he's gone, he's been there for so long!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Lao picked up the phone and dialed Chu Mo.

"Doot toot..."

After a while, the phone was connected, and Chu Mo's voice came from the phone.


Zhang Lao smiled into the phone and said, "Chu boy, it's me!"

Chu Mo said lightly: "Well, I know." "

"Is there something wrong? It's okay, I'm teaching Yaoyao water polo. "

Hearing Chu Mo's words, Zhang Lao was surprised: "Water Polo Technique?"

"Yaoyao also has a spiritual root?"

Chu Mo replied: "It's just a pseudo-spiritual root, you don't have to be so surprised. "

"I just taught her some little spells to make her have a little fun. "

Hearing Chu Mo's words, Zhang Lao said regretfully: "It's a pity, it's a pity. "

"It would be nice if it was Linggen, when Yaoyao is older, I will accept her as a disciple!"

Zhang Lao is also an immortal cultivator, and his cultivation, like Chu Mo a month ago, is the Great Perfection Realm in the late stage of foundation building.

It's just that his qualifications are much worse than Chu Molai's.

For so many years, he has not been successfully promoted to the Jindan realm.

Chu Mo replied: "Forget it, if you want to be a master for Yaoyao, you are not qualified enough." "

Hearing Chu Mo's words, Elder Zhang immediately glared.

shouted into the phone: "Chu boy, what you said!"

"I'm no worse than you, old man, why am I not qualified?"

Although he may not be Chu Mo's opponent in a fight, when it comes to disciples, he is not necessarily stronger!


Listening to the sound on the phone, Zhang Lao almost fell ill.

said angrily: "Chu boy, tell me honestly, where have you been running away all this time?"

"I went back to Shennongjia. "

Zhang Lao was puzzled: "You kid is not in the magic capital to accompany his wife and children, what are you doing when you go back to the place where birds don't?"

Chu Mo Fan Circuit: "It's nothing, I just went back to retreat for a while, and by the way, I broke through the Jindan Realm." "

Zhang Lao's mouth grew, and he asked in disbelief, "You... You.. Say what??"

"You... Did you break through?"

Is this kid a demon? In just a few years, he can break through to the Jindan realm?

Compared with his age, he is simply living to a dog!

Chu Mo replied: "Well, it's just a fluke. "

Hearing Chu Mo's answer, Zhang Lao swallowed a mouthful of spit unconsciously.

Then grab your phone and laugh out loud!

"God bless the Dragon Kingdom! God bless the Dragon Kingdom!"

A Jindan Realm cultivator is simply like a Dinghai Divine Needle for the Dragon Kingdom!

In the entire Dragon Kingdom, except for that old ancestor, there was no second Jindan Realm cultivator.

And now, there is one more Chu Mo, how can this not make Zhang Lao ecstatic!

After Boss Zhang shouted a few words, he said solemnly into the phone: "Congratulations to Daoyou Chu, stepping into the avenue of cultivating immortals!"

From this moment on, the three words Chu boy, he will never shout out of his mouth!

If it weren't for his special identity, this would be the time to call Chu Mo a senior!.

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