When Lao Hu and I returned to the camp, Yingzi had already returned from hunting a wild boar, and Fatty was roasting it on the fire. Don't worry, they kept quarreling, but they are still talking and laughing now. When I returned to the camp, I saw that the fat man had already finished packing up the gifts, and he had also hidden the bottles. It was really easy to prevent the fat man from doing such a sneaky thing. After eating a meal of roasted wild boar, we started to prepare to go back. The way back was much faster than when we came. We returned to Yanzi's house in the afternoon of the third day, and Yingzi also went back with a few dogs. I discussed with Fatty Lao Hu that Yingzi couldn't let Yingzi make this trip in vain. I took out five hundred yuan from my wallet and asked Fatty to send it to Yingzi. It would be considered as the cost of the trip into the mountains.

When Father Yanzi saw that we didn't bring anything back, he smiled and said, I told you not to go. In recent years, many young people in the village have gone into the mountains to look for treasures. Either they came back empty-handed, or they all came back empty-handed. It's missing. It's not that easy for you, a few outsiders, to find something in the mountains. When Lao Hu heard what Yanzi's father said, he understood the reason why I didn't let him tell me about the Guandong Fortress. So many people went into the mountain to no avail, and some even lost their lives. We were the only ones who found something when we went into the mountain. Can people feel at ease? If they don’t feel at peace, they will naturally complain. If more people spread the word, it will naturally Something is going to happen.

Lao Hu glanced at me, and I smiled and said nothing else. Dad Yanzi and I said, it’s okay, we can just collect some special products and go back. We want medicinal materials and mountain products from anyone in the village. When Yan Zi's father heard this, he said to us, OK, we rely on the mountains to rely on the mountains, and there are a lot of good things in the mountains. I told the villagers to bring the things and you can see if you can collect them.

From the afternoon of this day to the afternoon of the next day, villagers have been bringing in mountain products that they have dried. Due to the season, there are not many. I think the quality is quite good. According to what Yan Zi’s father said, there are not many in the market. The purchase price was increased by another 20%, and it was all collected. When loading the mountain goods into the truck, I hid those bottles in the middle. This way you can hide things without breaking the bottle. We discussed and prepared to return to Beijing the next morning. It had been more than ten days since we left. The shop was always closed, so it was time to go back.

When I was chatting with Yanzi's father in the evening, we talked about his legs. I checked his pulse and gave him a few injections, and he felt much better. I left a box of ointment for him to use before returning to Beijing. I'll send you two more boxes, you can use them when you feel pain. Yanzi's father was very grateful and said that the medicine was easy to use and the pain was gone. I also left my phone number so that he could call me if he had anything to do, and he could come to Beijing to visit when he had time.

We got up early the next day and said goodbye to everyone and left. When we went back, we had no less stuff than when we came. All three cars were loaded with stuff.

I didn't expect to encounter rain when I went back. It was really unsafe to ride a bicycle in the rain. I had no choice but to stay in Chifeng for another day before returning to Beijing until the rain stopped.

We all breathed a sigh of relief when we returned home in Beijing. After lunch, the fat man suggested that we all take a bath and give them a good rub. It had been several days since we had taken a good bath. Lao Hu and I both felt itchy, so the three of us went to a nearby large bathhouse to take a good bath and soak. Everyone was tired when we came back in the evening, so we had dinner at a small restaurant and then got ready to go home and sleep. When they got home, they went back to the house, and I sorted and packed the mountain goods, and also wrapped the medicinal materials and put them in the warehouse.

Those bottles still needed to be maintained, so I put them in the warehouse without moving them along with the cloth bags. Seeing that it was getting late, I returned to the room myself. I slept really soundly that night, and my own bed was so comfortable....

When I got up and had breakfast the next day, I didn't rush to open the store. Instead, I took a few cloth bags into Fatty's room and opened the cloth outside to reveal the bottles inside. I didn't have the chance to look carefully before, but now the three of us were gathered around to look at it. I picked up a bottle and looked at it carefully. It was Song porcelain that was correct and the sample was intact. Although the value is not as high as my pair of plum bottles, five or six hundred thousand is totally acceptable.

I thought about it for a while, and there was no other way to ship it. I still had to find Crescent Restaurant. They were also considered the top shipping place for ghost weapons.

I said to Fatty Lao Hu, please wait a minute and I will contact the shipping company to see if they can help us get it out. If not, we have to find other ways. Things of this level can only be shipped in my store. If you have to wait for the opportunity, then you won't have time. They didn’t understand this business at all, so naturally they had no objections. I put the two best ones into a box, and also put the mask worn by the Jin Kingdom general before and the jade grip that the fat man got. He mentioned it earlier, and then used the phone on his desk to call Manager Yin Hao.

Hello, Manager Yin, I am Xiao Zhao who sold plum bottles last time. Manager Yin said, Hello, I remember you, what can I do? I didn’t hide it. I went to a place in the Northeast a few days ago. It was the tomb of a Jin general. I got something and wanted to take it out. I wonder if Manager Yin would be interested in taking a look. Yin Hao paused for a moment, and then said, take it over and take a look. I said thank you, and I'll go over right away. Manager Yin said, okay, I'll wait for you in the office.

He took the things and said to Lao Hu and Fatty, are you interested in going with me? Lao Hu and Fatty looked at each other and said yes, I will go with you and let Fatty look after the store. The fat man had no objection to being kept here. He was not afraid that Lao Hu would trick him. He and Lao Hu could just go together.

We rode our motorcycles and arrived at the Crescent Hotel. The front desk must have been notified and took us directly to Manager Yin's office.

Entering the office, I introduced myself to Manager Yin as Lao Hu. Manager Yin asked us to sit down and put the box on his desk. Manager Yin looked at the things I brought carefully, and finally picked up a mask and looked at it. Boss Zhao, you can tell the origin of your mask. I know that Boss Yin is interested in finding out what I am. So after telling me what I knew about the history and origin of this mask, Manager Yin said hello. He said that being able to get treasures is not a skill, but being able to understand the origins of the treasures that you get is a skill. Boss Zhao is young and has good eyesight.

Let's do it like this. It will be a while before these things are put up for auction. Let's see if I give a minimum price. If so, you can give it to me. Manager Yin looked at everything again, then thought about it and gave a lower price. I want to pack them all. If you go to the fields later and you have something to harvest, you can come to me. I can give it to you. You can rest assured that it is safe when I come here. Let's do this. I'll give you three million in total. If Boss Zhao thinks it's okay, I'll write a check. I thought about it and decided it was okay. I glanced at Lao Hu and saw that he had no objection, so I told Manager Yin that it would be okay.

Manager Yin wrote me a check. I collected the check, thanked him, and went out with the empty box.

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