After lunch, I took my little brother out to go shopping. He still couldn't adapt to the environment with so many people. He always lowers his head and blocks his sight with his hair. When I see his ostrich look, I want to laugh. I took his arm and led him to the barber shop first to cut his long hair short. He looked at me sideways, but didn't say anything, with an unhappy look on his face. When his hair was cut into a cut like mine, I looked satisfied, but he didn't have hair that could cover his face, and he looked very helpless.

He used to talk little, and now he doesn't say a word to me at all. Perhaps because of his amnesia, he seemed particularly innocent. After coming out of the barber shop, I went to buy him all the clothes from inside to outside, as well as watches, belts and other accessories. The ordinary face on the top of my head now looks handsome even though I have dressed up regularly. When Lao Hu and Fatty saw the little brother when they got home, they both smiled and said,"Isn't this cool?" He looked much more pleasing to the eye. Fatty Lao Hu and I told him that it was rare that we finished the work smoothly this time, so we should have something good to celebrate. Fatty Lao Hu doesn’t have any objections, so let’s stick to the same place and go to Quanjude. At this time, the little brother's face was full of, I don't want to go out, I don't want to go out. I looked at the little brother and Old Fatty Hu and said, the little brother just came to Beijing and is not used to the environment with so many people. Is this like this? Let's just cook it at home and cook the mutton as usual. I'll go buy the meat. Fatty Lao Hu said, okay, let's go. You can stay at home. Last time, you went to buy it alone. This time, Fatty and I will go. I think about it, I won’t take the work and let them do it.

After Fatty Lao Hu left, the little brother said that he was sleepy and wanted to go back to sleep, and then went upstairs. I was sitting downstairs, making tea and asking Maoqiu whether there was any way to cure my brother's apathy. Mao Qiu said that it was because the bloodline of the Zhang family was not perfect, so the Zhang family all had this problem. The reason for the younger brother is that his mother is a Kangbalo and has an incomplete bloodline. As a result, when the younger brother is seriously injured, his body will activate a protective mechanism. This kind of protection will cause him to lose his memory. All he can do now is to restore his bloodline to its full state. Then no matter how injured he is, he won't lose his memory. How to complete it? Maoqiu said, Master, your bloodline is in full condition, and your Qinglong bloodline and my brother's Qilin bloodline are originally from the same ancestor, and you are both branches of the dragon bloodline. So what should I do, give blood to my brother? Maoqiu said, no, directly transfusing blood to him would cause a strong rejection reaction from his own blood and he would die. What should I do? I asked anxiously. Maoqiu said, you can give the little brother your blood in small amounts in batches, so that after a period of time, he can gently replenish his blood.

That's okay, I hope he won't be tortured by the apathy disorder again. I used a needle to poke a hole in my blood vessel, and then used my power to coagulate the blood that flowed out into a blood droplet the size of a quail egg, which melted at the entrance. It wouldn't be as unacceptable as drinking blood. I put the blood beads in a small box and went upstairs.

I knocked on the door of my brother's room, and he said,"Come in." I walked in and saw that my brother was not asleep yet, sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked at me, and I knew from that look that he meant something was wrong with you.

I walked over and said to my brother,"Brother, I have a method that can cure your apathy. Do you want to try it?" When he heard what I said, he sat up straight, nodded and said, I want to try. I handed the small box over. I have a medicine that can cure your apathy, but it will take a little longer, at least a month. After you are cured, your apathy will not recur, but I can't guarantee whether you can remember the past. The little brother nodded and said, I will figure out a solution for the past things by myself, as long as the apathy syndrome no longer attacks. I pointed to the box and said to him, there is a pill in the box. If you take it, you have to take this pill for a month.

The little brother picked up the blood beads without hesitation, put it into his mouth and swallowed it. After a while, the little brother raised his head and said to me that he felt nothing. I smiled and said,"It's not that fast. Let's eat for a while first. You can rest. I went downstairs." After saying that, I went downstairs. When I got downstairs, I thought about it and decided to make a month's worth of blood beads at once, and then put them in the space. This way they would not break and there would be no need to bleed every time. It hurts. Twenty-nine blood beads were made at one time, placed in a porcelain jar, and then placed in the space.

As soon as I put the blood beads into the space, the phone rang. I picked up the receiver, tilted it, and Miss Yang's voice sounded on the other side of the receiver. Miss Yang said, Mr. Zhao, you are back. I replied, yes, I just came back. Miss Yang said, I want to go to your place later, so I called first to ask if you are at home. I said, yes, you can come. It just so happens that our brothers are going to eat hotpot mutton at home tonight. You don’t have to leave for dinner. Let’s eat together. Miss Yang said,"Looks like this. Do you need me to bring something?" I said no need, I have everything at home, just come over here. After hanging up the phone, I leaned on the sofa with nothing to do. I am really tired these days. I will do nothing after picking up the car tomorrow and sleep at home....

When I was half asleep, Lao Hu and Fatty came back and saw that they were carrying a lot of things in big and small bags. I got busy and went to pick it up. I told Lao Hu that Miss Yang just called. He said he would come over in the afternoon and eat at our place in the evening. Have you bought enough? If not, go out and buy some cooked food. The fat man said,"Don't worry, Xiaobei. It's enough for two more people. If Miss Yang comes, I'll bring back another box of beer." After saying that, he went out to the canteen and came back soon with a box of beer. I told Lao Hu that just now, it will be cold to eat outside after a while.

The three of us were busy cleaning up together for a while, and then we saw the younger brother coming down from upstairs. He didn't see anyone in front, so he came to the backyard when he heard something moving in the backyard. Seeing us busy, he was stunned for a moment and asked, what can I do? I looked at the uncut meat in my hand and said to my brother, come and help me cut the meat. Then he handed the knife to him and went to help the fat man mix the sauce. When I had free time, I glanced at the little brother. I saw that this knife was really good. The meat he cut was no worse than mine. Lao Hu looked at it and said that my sword skills are probably faster than Xiao Bei's.

The little brother looked at me and asked,"You also use a knife." I answered yes, and I will show you my knife when you are done with your work. When you feel better, we will make gestures with each other, as a way of exercising. While the four of us were busy talking and laughing, someone came in front of us. I went over and saw Miss Yang coming. She was carrying a box and a paper bag in her hand. She handed the paper bag to me and said, I also I don’t know what to bring, but this is the red wine I bought in the hotel. I said thank you and invited her to the backyard. It was almost time to have dinner. I closed the store door and turned on the lights in the backyard. Pots and vegetables have been placed on the stone table in the yard. The water hasn't boiled yet, so it will take a while to eat.

Everyone sat around the table and chatted, and Ms. Yang handed the box into my hand. Here is the promised reward of 20,000 US dollars per person, and as an extra thank you, I will give you an extra 20,000 US dollars each as a thank you gift. If it weren't for you, the casualties this time would have been much less. Also, if I have any problems in the future, can I still come to you? I looked at Lao Hu and Fatty to see their opinions. Lao Hu said, yes, Miss Yang can come to us if she has any difficulties. Miss Yang was very happy, so it was settled.

Now the water is boiling, and everyone starts to cook the meat, chatting while eating, and also talks about how difficult this journey has been. Ms. Yang only drank two glasses of beer, and then she said to us,"You can continue eating. I have to go back. I don't worry about Professor Chen alone in the hospital." I will take Professor Chen back to the United States the day after tomorrow, hoping to cure him. We heard that she did have something to do, so we didn’t stay longer. I told Ms. Yang that if you have anything, you can call us. Then I sent Miss Yang out of the door. What I was thinking was, I’m afraid you’ll have a lot of trouble with us in the future.

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