After doing all this.

Group 46 member Zhou Tianyi, the illusory space-time channel next to him slowly closed.

Since the beginning until now.

Everything was very calm and uneventful.

Zhou Tianyi, a member of Group 46, did not notice any special reaction on his body. do not know either.

His identity has completely changed. same.

In other parallel earth worlds, every group member who joins the chat group. their identity.

It has also completely changed.

None of the chat group members know this, and most people are now fantasizing about a better life in the future. have no idea.

What awaits them in the future is not a good life.

It is the true era of involution.

Under Chu He's watchful eyes, all of them had to squeeze out their own cultivation time.

Let yourself be in a state of cultivation every moment.

Realize the charm of the avenue every moment.

Either I will involve you today, or you will involve me tomorrow. Either I will involve you to death today, or you will involve me to death.

Because it's too introverted.

Even though they have great strength, they don't even have time to enjoy it.

It can be said to be the worst of misfortunes!!!


【Time traveler chat group. 】

Chu He (???), the leader of the time traveler chat group:

"To all members, congratulations on joining the time traveler chat group. I am the group leader of this chat group."

"You have many questions now. For these questions, you can go to the group announcement, which will answer them for you."

Fu Tiansheng (Blue Star Traveler), a member of Chat Group No. 3:

"Group leader, I have just read this group announcement."

"It says that we will travel to a different world later and get a system cheat. Is this true?"

"I still feel like I'm dreaming."

Niu Tao (Earth Star Traveler), a member of chat group No. 12:

"Yes, yes, yes, is this true?"

Chu He (???), the leader of the time traveler chat group:

"It's indeed true"

"But pancakes don’t fall from the sky for free, you should know this."

"The chat group provides you with these things"

"Naturally, it has a certain purpose, but this purpose is good, so you don’t need to worry too much."

"After all, with your current conditions, you don’t need a chat group to plot against you? To put it bluntly, you are all just ordinary people and have no qualifications."

"You only need to know one thing, that is to become stronger, stronger and stronger in the next time."

"Use all the resources you have to become stronger"

"by that time"

"You will naturally know what you want to know."

Guo An (Blue Star Traveler), a member of chat group No. 99:


"Thank you to the group leader for answering our doubts."

Ma Yaohe (Earth Traveler), a member of chat group No. 64:

"Thank you to the group leader for answering our doubts."

Lai Hong (Blue Star Traveler), a member of chat group No. 71:

"+ 1"


Parallel Blue Star World No. 9786.

Lai Hong, a member of chat group No. 71, quit his chat panel.

Looking at the countdown for traveling to another world on the virtual panel in front of him.

There was a sense of urgency in his eyes.

However, he still endured the sense of urgency in his heart, and while searching in his rental house for things that would be useful for him to travel to another world.

While looking at the group announcements of the chat group with his peripheral vision.

Understand the general things about chat groups.

However, when he looked at Article 35 of the group announcement, he seemed to see something.

An inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

Announcement No. 35 of the time traveler chat group: (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Every year or so, the chat group will automatically test the strength of each group member"

"The ten people with the lowest group strength will automatically start time travel in their world."

"Everyone else in the chat group can reach the world where these ten people are through the time travel channel."


Seeing this announcement, Lai Hong, a member of chat group No. 71, didn’t think anything was wrong at first.

I just couldn’t help but think:

"The time traveler chat group also has this rule."

But when he thought about it carefully in his mind, he discovered a big problem.

After thinking about it, Lai Hong, a member of the chat group No. 71, began to quickly check the chat group announcement.

But when he checked the last announcement, he discovered.

Time travel There is no clear rule in the chat group that group members cannot kill each other.[]

In other words, if someone wants to come over and kill himself, then even if this person does kill himself, there will not be any punishment for this person in the chat group.

Because the rules are not written above.

Although the 47th rule in the time traveler chat group clearly states that members of the time traveler chat group cannot use the time travel function.

But Article 35 has already stated that the ten weakest people will have their worlds opened for time travel.

If you become one of these ten people.


Lai Hong, a member of chat group No. 71, could not help but feel a chill in his heart.

A stranger, although this person is nominally my fellow countryman, but I don't know the other person at all, and I don't even know the other person's personality.

Once the other party comes to the different world that he traveled through, what will the other party do.

I don't even know.

It can't be stopped.

After all, the other party is stronger than yourself, so naturally the other party can do whatever they want.

But if you change the role to yourself, then you will definitely monopolize the resources of the entire world.

And coupled with the chat group members and group members, there is no rule against killing each other.

When the time comes, I might kill that group member.

Because the other party also owns something that is very important to him.

System cheats for chat groups


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