If a cosmic civilization wants to develop, it must go through a large number of interstellar wars. It must destroy a large number of civilizations and use their deaths to establish the glory of its own civilization.

Today's purple-eyed civilization is just the beginning. In the future, there will be more and more alien civilizations, waiting for the destruction of Yonghui, the member of Group 328.

In order to make yourself stronger, you can protect yourself in the chat group.

Yonghui, a member of Group 328, had no choice.

He can only do it.

Now that he has occupied the territory of the Purple Eye Civilization, he can use the minerals and resources inside to create more technological weapons and instruments.

Part of it can be exchanged with members of the Chu He group, and part of it can enhance one's own strength.

Because Yong Hui, a member of Group 328, destroyed a life form and a city of more than ten million with one shot.

The people of the Purple-Eyed Civilization have long been frightened to death. No matter how angry they are, most of them are now scared out of their wits.

Looking at the disappeared city, it was already a bottomless black pit.

No one can remain calm under such circumstances. in the next time.

Facing the arrival of Yong Hui, a member of group 328, no one dared to 837 continue to take action.

At this moment.

The purple-eyed planet is officially in his possession


Time flies in a blink of an eye, and the next day flies by.

Chu He, who has been paying attention to the origin of the world, does not know what happened to Yong Hui, a member of Group 328, but even if he knew, he would not care.

After all, Chu He can now destroy even his universe with a single look.

No matter how powerful he is, he is just a piece of cake for Chu He.

As long as Yonghui, a member of Group 328, sends things from his own world to Chuhe, then his fate will be over, and there will never be any more surprises.

"The opportunity for billion-fold growth has been refreshed"

"Take a look at the wizard's training system. What level will it reach after the increase?"

"What effect will it have?"

After opening the virtual panel and seeing that the increase opportunity above changed from zero to one,

Chu He said with a little expectation.

"Billion times amplification system, a wizard training system that amplifies my practice"

【Ding! Master command detected】

【Currently executing】

【It is in the process of increasing by billions of times. This time the increase is billions of times.】

【Increase completed】

【Training system:————truth wizard system】

【Levels: No levels.

(The Wizards of Truth are a cultivation system that allows you to become stronger by exploring the truth. As long as there are truths in the world that have not yet been understood, they will continue to become stronger endlessly, but this will take a long, long, long time.)】

【Function: Study the truth. From the truth, you can get everything you want, and you can know anything you want to know. The truth can allow you to understand the real universe.】

"Truth wizard system? No level?"

"As expected, the wizard's training system does have great potential."

"As long as you have enough knowledge to study and understand, you can directly become stronger."

"Just ask how many people in the world can compare with him."

A smile appeared on his face.

Chu He thought in his heart that a cultivation system without any potential limit was enough to make him smile.

Click on the extraction function of the system.

Extract all the contents of the Truth Wizard's cultivation system into his own In his mind, soon, a large flow of information entered his mind again.

Truth? What is truth.

Everything in the world that exists is truth.

Existence is truth (adbc). (Watch Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is the truth that you are alive, it is also the truth that life is born, and it is also the truth that he exists in all the heavens and worlds.…………

It depends on how you understand it.

After discovering the truth, the truth wizard will conduct research, and after the research is successful.

Finally apply the truth.

Apply the truth to yourself.

This is the process of improving one's own power. Having knowledge is equivalent to having power.

The wizard system is actually no different from the truth wizard system. They both study the truth and become stronger.

But if you practice the truth wizard system, then the [Eye of Truth] will be born in this person's mind, and the discovery of the truth will reach a very magical and sensitive level.

In other worlds, only true geniuses will be valued, sought after by most people, and receive cultivation resources that surpass others.

Have the opportunity to achieve a higher level.

However, in the territory where the wizards in Chuhe's body are located, no one cares about the genius.

No matter how talented you are in cultivation, no one will care about you.

No matter how talented you are, will it be of any help to you in studying knowledge and truth?

No help whatsoever.

If you want to stand out in the wizarding system, you must have a heart that pursues the truth.[]

This is the most important.

Only by having the heart to pursue the truth can you go further on the path of being a wizard.

After carefully browsing the contents in his mind, Chu He was ready to finish the matter of the origin of the world before starting to practice.

If you want to practice the truth wizard system, you must study the so-called truth.

At present, there aren't many things around Chuhe that allow him to study the truth, and he doesn't have much time to study it now.

Let’s study it after we finish figuring out the origin of the world.

It just so happens that after the increase, we can also study the origin of the world at the six-star peak level.

And he can also study the systems he has in hand. Although Chuhe is not very interested in their levels and functions for these systems.

But there's something interesting about their core.

Even if it's just a two-star system, Chu He can understand all the appearance of the system, but he can't understand the core.

A five-star level expert cannot understand a two-star item. You can imagine the magic of these systems.


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