Swinburne was full of interest in six people

"I want to see what you are."

With a wave of the staff, piles of skeletons ran towards the distance.

They were extremely fast, even faster than some adults.

"We're in range, shoot!"

The three commandos were half kneeling on the ground, and the three rifles formed a crossfire.

Bullets hit the sea of ​​skeletons like raindrops.

The rushing skeleton soldiers passed through the fire net and turned into bones scattered on the ground in the blink of an eye.

They didn't know how to fight. What was coming, so he wouldn't find cover or disperse at all.

Swinburne squinted and looked at it. It was a magical weapon that he had never seen before. It was a bit like a magic weapon. It was more powerful at a distance. But even if it was a magic weapon, it was very powerful at a distance.

When used, there should be magic fluctuations in the surrounding air.

But these things have no magic fluctuations.

"What a good thing."

Although I don't know what it is, anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is a good thing.

Swinburne showed a greedy look. If he obtained these magic tools and distributed them to the skeletons, wouldn't his strength be greatly improved.

To At that time, no matter the church or the adventurers, they would all die at his feet.

Thinking of this, he waved his staff again. If he wanted to deal with the guys in front of him, it was obviously not possible to rely only on these skeletons.

He wanted to sacrifice He played his trump card.

A nearly five-meter-tall skeleton stood up from the ground.

This was a skeleton from the giant clan. The body was extremely hard and powerful.

He found it in meaninglessness.

With the help of With it, Swinburne was able to escape death several times.

Zhao Wuliang and others naturally saw the appearance of the giant skeleton. After taking a breath, they then transferred their firepower to the giant skeleton.

Bullets hit the skeleton like raindrops, making a ping-ping-pong sound. There was a banging sound.

But there was no way to stop the giant skeleton from advancing.

Swinburne was a little proud, his trump card was still very powerful.

These magical devices had lost their effect.

"Fireman, blow it up for me."Zhang Jianguo roared.

If the giant skeleton really comes over, he will definitely die.


Fireman No. 5 set up his RPG rocket launcher, and then aimed it at the giant skeleton not far away.

It was difficult to miss such a huge target.

The shell dragged a long tail of exhaust and then hit the right leg of the giant skeleton.


A huge roar sounded, and the giant skeleton that lost its right leg fell to the ground, and then crushed many small skeletons next to it.

At this time, Swinburne's expression changed to.

Subway, grandpa, look at the phone.

What is this? Toy? Magic? But there is no magic wave?

Martial skills? Damn, does a fire stick count as a weapon? And it is obviously the function of the flying metal block.

Fireman No. 5 was afraid that the giant skeleton would be fine, so he added another shell.

Boom. ~

The huge explosion blew the giant skeleton's head to pieces

"Report, the local leader was found 2 kilometers away at 3 o'clock."

Zhao Wuliang picked up the telescope and looked at it. In a patch of grass, an old man wearing a magic hat was squatting in it.

Did he think that no one could see him if he was hiding in it?

"Can it be killed?"

No. 4 looked at it and then shook his head. Although the target position was within the range, it had reached the limit and it was impossible to hit it.

"No, the distance is too far, and other issues such as wind and humidity must be considered."

"Give me the gun and I'll try it."

No. 4 was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't think Zhao Wuliang could hit him, he still handed over the gun in his hand.

After Zhao Wuliang took the gun, his whole palm began to heat up. Swinburne in the camera looked a little dull.

Dumb. Goose, fish for more.

At this time, he was considering whether to retreat.

Although he wanted the magic tools in the hands of several people, his family was almost wiped out.

Suddenly, he felt a cold sweat, as if he had been hit by something. Something was spotted.

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