"Follow them, but don't make a move"


The ten men of Rhine ran towards Green Village without noticing the people following behind them.

As long as these scouts did not reveal their murderous intentions, Rhine, as a soldier, would not feel it at all.

Soon, Rhine and others returned to the bridge..

If you want to know the information about the wandering businessman just now, the best way is to catch a wandering businessman. The second is to go to Green Village to understand the situation.

Judging from Zhao Wuliang's willingness to help Green Village pay the tax.

The relationship between the two should It's good.

Rhine decided to go to the village to ask first.

If that doesn't work, he'll catch a villager from Green Village.

Just do it.

Rhine and others crossed the bridge and soon arrived at Green Village.

But there was no one in the village..

The twenty or thirty old men and women who used to be there are now gone.

Not only that, but there are also a lot of things in the village.

All that is left are worthless things.

The whole village has been evacuated?

Is this possible? ?

It ’s only been half a day since I last came here.Moved this whole village?

He didn't know how quickly Zhao Wuliang could move with a small pickup truck.

Since there is no one in the village, we can only catch a wandering businessman and ask.

He followed the tracks of the previous jeep and looked for it.

Soon, they came to a wall.

The outpost's walls are made of reinforced concrete, providing absolute defense in this world.

When Rhine arrived outside the outpost, he was stunned.

The majestic wall in front of you cannot be built overnight.

This guy is a traveling merchant of wool.

These guys are going to build a military camp on an isolated island!

This must be a spy from the enemy country.

Rhine was shocked. Fortunately, he had discovered this secret, otherwise he wouldn't have known what the consequences would be.

What we have to do now is to go back quickly and tell Lord Raymond the information here.

Raymond backed away slowly.


His back seemed to be pressed against something.


I was so focused on the building in front of me that I didn't even notice the person coming behind me.

"Don't move, put your hands up."

Zhang Jianguo and others held assault rifles and pointed their guns at Rhine.

Rhine turned his head and looked at Zhang Jianguo and the others and smiled.

At first, he thought it was a long sword, dagger or something like that against his back. Unexpectedly, it was Nima. Burning fire sticks.

Can't these people have normal weapons?

Modern people will definitely not act rashly if they encounter guns, because they know the power of firearms.

But obviously this guy doesn't know.

At this time, Lai Yin saw Zhang Jianguo and others sneering. Clicked

"No way? Do you still want to deal with me, Rhine, just like this?"

"Let you see how powerful I am, Rhine."

Lai Yin took out the long sword from his waist in front of Zhang Jianguo and others.

"Captain Zhang, use the tranquilizer gun to bring these people back."

The voice of the command center rang in Zhang Jianguo's ears.


Da da da~

Zhang Jianguo and others pulled the trigger, and the syringe with anesthetic flew out of the barrel.

In the blink of an eye, Lai Yin and others had several syringes on their bodies.

"What is this?"

Rhine pulled out the needle from his body.

Although it didn't hurt very much, his head felt a little dizzy.

The people brought by Rhine fell asleep on the ground one by one.

They wanted to cheer up, but their eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Zhang Jianguo Just as a precaution, the others specially increased the dose.

Before long, Rhine and the other ten people were sleeping on the ground like dead pigs.


At night, the villagers of Green Village lived in temporary board houses.

This was temporarily built by Longguo for them.

In order to prevent what happened in the morning from happening again, Zhao Wuliang proposed that they live near the outpost.

Everyone in Green Village also happily accepted it.

At this time, the old village chief looked at the electric light above his head with some surprise.

I don't understand why this thing is so bright, like a little sun.

This is much brighter than any kerosene lamp or magic lamp

"Old village chief, are you looking for me?"

Zhao Wuliang walked in from the door wearing military uniform.

""Deputy Base Commander Zhao"

Although Zhao Wuliang is the base commander, he still regards himself as the deputy base commander in front of outsiders.

In order to reduce unnecessary trouble.

Deputy Base Commander Qiu will appear as the base commander.

In this case, even if someone wants to come over Assassination.

That would also take Deputy Base Chief Qiu as the first target, protecting Zhao Wuliang’s safety from the side.

"Thank you for your help to the villagers of Green Village. I don’t have anything good, I only have a piece of magic crystal for you."

As the old village chief said, he took out a piece of magic crystal from his pocket and handed it to Zhao Wuliang.

The magic crystal was crystal clear, a bit like a gem.

Zhao Wuliang held it in his hand. Just when he was about to refuse, a reminder came from his mind.

【If the E-class magic crystal is detected, will it be absorbed into the portal experience? 】

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