There are many things in the treasure chest.

A weapon shaped like a branch.

There are also several bottles of green potion.

Several ellipsoid-shaped grenades.

Plus a small pile of shiny silver coins.

These are all the items in the treasure chest

"Weapons, potions, projectiles,'s okay." Xiao Yi is still very satisfied with what was found in the treasure box. Anyway, he lacks everything now. Whatever he finds is a profit! And this"twig" is also one of the top weapons for land reclamation as expected! Although it looks like It doesn’t look like much. But in fact, it’s a"magic wand"



【spark wand】


【Damage: 14 (+5)】

【Knockback: None】

【Critical hit rate: 14%】

【Consumption: 2 mental power】

【Will bonus: 50%】


Different from weapons such as wooden arrows and wooden bows.

This"spark wand" can cast spells!

Each time you consume 2 mental energy, you can cast the"Spark" magic once!

Xiao Yi's total mental power is 100 points.

Can cast sparks 50 times in a row!

The damage of the spell is also considerable.

The basic damage alone is as high as 14 points!

There is also a 50% bonus effect on the will attribute.

One"spark" can cause nearly 20 points of damage!

If it's a critical hit, it's close to 40 points!

Not to mention that"sparks" have a very high chance of causing ignition.

If you encounter the slime group just now, you can easily deal with it with just a few"sparks"!

"Fortunately, his combat effectiveness is now guaranteed."

Xiao Yi happily swept away all the props in the treasure box.

Several other props are also very practical.

The grenade is a throwing-type killing prop.

The effect is similar to that of grenades in reality.

It is a one-time consumption of large-scale lethality. Taste



【Damage: 60】

【Knockback: very strong】

【Critical Hit: 4%】


Although the grenade has a base damage of up to 60 points.

However, this damage is a fixed value.

Not affected by player attribute bonuses.

It's okay to use it excessively in the early stage.

Be careful when using it.

Because the damage caused by grenades does not distinguish between friend and foe.

It's easy to blow yourself up.

There are 3 grenades in the treasure chest.

It's enough to deal with some emergencies.

The remaining bottle of green potion.

It is a prop called"Night Vision Potion".

After quoting, you can obtain the"night vision" state that lasts for 10 minutes.

Able to see in dim caves and darkness

"If combined with 'Light Potion', the night can be as bright as the day"

"When conditions permit, you can refine some potions."

Xiao Yi planned the future development route in his mind.

Refining potions is not a complicated matter.

As long as the corresponding workstation is prepared and the appropriate materials are added, it can be made directly.

It's a pity that he is now poor and can't even make the simplest There is no way to make potions.

The bonus effect of potions on players is very scary.

For example, a bottle of"Iron Potion" can provide a full 8 points of defense! It is already more than twice his current total defense power!

Even in In the later stage, such a bonus should not be underestimated!

After packing up the contents of the treasure box, the sky outside has also darkened.

After the sun sets, darkness falls quickly.

Without the light pollution of the city, the darkness of the Terraria world is purer. , terrifying.

Xiao Yi used the cave as a temporary base and blocked the entrance with wood. He inserted a torch on the inner wall of the cave to provide some light source.

He did not plan to return to the real world this night.

He planned to take advantage of the first"dimensional invasion" Before arrival.

Develop and improve your combat power in the world of Terraria!

"By the way, how much combat power do I have now?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi casually clicked on his personal page.

Before, his combat power was still a pitiful 5 points.

I don't know what kind of improvement he got after a busy day.

【Combat power rating: 15 (a rookie who is slightly more resistant to beatings)]

This is the combat power when wearing a set of wooden armor.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and took out the spark magic wand from the inventory.

Then he saw his fighting power soaring all the way

【Combat power rating: 45 (a rookie with certain destructive power)】

"……Why are you still a rookie?"

Xiao Yi curled his lips, a little dissatisfied with the evaluation of his combat power.

However, the nearly 10 times increase in combat power is still very eye-catching.

In just one day, his combat power has been transformed!

It seems that the equipment has an impact on the player's strength. It has a vital influence.

Xiao Yi changed a few more weapons and found that the combat power was the highest when holding the spark magic wand.

The weapons opened in the treasure box were indeed the best!


"crack, crack……"

In the cave, a bonfire was burning.

This is a furniture-like prop made of torches and wood.

A campfire provides a large source of light.

And provides the"Cozy Fire" buff to nearby players.

This buff can increase the player's life regeneration effect by 10%.

An additional 0.5 health points will be restored every second!

Of course, the main thing is.

With such a bonfire, there is a sense of security that we have not been abandoned by civilization.

In such a deserted and strange world, it can be considered a kind of comfort. clang! clang! clang!

Xiao Yi gasped and kept swinging the copper pickaxe.

He was digging rocks inside the cave.

Although there are not many minerals here.

But even just"rocks" are important.

Stones are also very versatile.

In addition to being used as building materials.

As mentioned before, it can also be used to craft arrows!

1 unit of wood plus 1 unit of stone.

Can directly make 25 wooden arrows!

Very good quality and low price, it can ensure a steady supply of ammunition!

Just put these wooden arrows in your inventory.

It can be loaded automatically, no need to manually nock the arrow.

All Xiao Yi needs to do is to draw the bow and aim.

"Huh... these should be almost done."

Looking at the cave where he had dug a big hole.

Xiao Yi wiped off the sweat on his forehead and put away the copper pickaxe.

From the entrance of the cave blocked by wood, there were dense roars.

These roars were deep and low. Hoarse, like the moans of a dying person

"Are these 'zombies'? There are quite a lot of them."

Xiao Yi glanced outside through the deliberately left observation opening.

He saw a dozen zombies with rotting skin hanging all over their bodies, blocking the outside.

Zombies, like slimes, are ordinary monsters generated at night.

Although it is one of the weakest enemies in Terraria, it has higher health, defense and damage than slimes.

Fortunately, they have poor mobility and no brains.

As long as they move a little With some brainpower, you can deal with them easily and without any damage.

Xiao Yi's eyes swept over the ugly faces of the zombies.

He shuddered and cursed in his heart.

Then he took out the spark wand and started cleaning up these combustible garbage.

Swish swish. ~Whoosh~

Groups of fist-sized sparks flew out from the magic wand.

Not only did they light up the dark night, but they also ignited the zombies.

Ordinary zombies have a basic defense of up to 6 points.

This is fully twice that of Xiao Yi..

Even if you use the spark magic wand to attack, it will take four or five"sparks" to kill one.

Fortunately, the night is still very long.

Anyway, idle time is idle.

Xiao Yi has enough patience to play with these zombies.


(Fathers, please throw some flowers and votes. If the data is too miserable, I won’t be able to write it down...)

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