After scanning the surrounding scenery.

Xiao Yi once again confirmed his previous guess

"Just as I remembered, it is indeed the world of Terraria!"

The woodland where he is located is the birth point of the Terraria world.

According to the rules Xiao Yi understands, the birth point is located in the center of the entire Terraria world.

It is very suitable for establishing a stronghold and then exploring around.

What you can see , are all tall trees.

The species of trees are somewhat single, basically oak.

After entering other environments, such as snowfields and jungles, you can see other types of trees.

In addition to oaks, there are also other types of trees growing on the grass. Several sunflowers

"Are there sunflowers? Yes, quite safe."

Xiao Yi thought in his mind.

Sunflowers are not just simple plants, they also have beneficial effects.

When you are near the sunflowers, you can get something called"Happiness!""The buff

"hapiness!"The Buff can +10% movement speed.

And reduce the generation speed of monsters.

Where there are sunflowers growing, the number of enemies will be greatly reduced.

After looking at the lush woods,

Xiao Yi made a decision - cut down the trees!

If you want to get rich, cut down trees first!

Although you may encounter caves with treasure chests while exploring along the woods, you will also encounter various risks. It is better to cut down trees to make a set of basic equipment and tools.

There is no one else in the world anyway. , the treasure chest will not run away on its own.

In the world of Terraria, wood is one of the most basic and important resources.

And the difficulty of collecting is zero, and any type of ax can collect wood.

"The starting there!"

Xiao Yi opened his inventory and his eyes lit up.

It was the same as when he created a character in the game.

There were several initial tools in his inventory.

They were a copper pickaxe, a copper axe, and a copper dagger.

The copper pickaxe can be used to mine some early minerals.

The copper ax is used to cut down trees and collect wood.

The copper dagger is Xiao Yi's only means of self-protection before he has no other weapons.


【copper pickaxe】

【Damage: 4】

【Knockback: very weak】

【Critical Hit: 4%】

【Pickaxe Power: 35%】

【Others: Range-1】


【copper ax】

【Damage: 3】

【Knockback: Normal】

【Critical Hit: 4%】

【Ax power: 35%】

【Others: Range-1】


【copper dagger】

【Damage: 5】

【Knockback: Weak】

【Critical Hit: 4%】


Focus on the tools.

Data information naturally appeared in front of Xiao Yi's eyes.

It seems that this is also the identification method in dimensional games.

I don’t know if other items are also observed in this way.

"It feels pretty good."

After swinging the dagger a few times, Xiao Yi gradually adapted to the feel of the sword.

The dagger has a straight blade and has low slashing power, making it more suitable for thrusting.

The killing range is also very small, and it can only hit if you are close to the body.

If you have the option , Xiao Yi must change to a weapon.

For example, a wooden sword with higher damage and better feel.

Making a wooden sword requires wood.

So Xiao Yi picked up an ax and started chopping down trees.

"Logically speaking, when you first came to Terraria, there should be a 'guide' NPC."

"Why is there no guide in my portable world?……"

Although there is no guide NPC, it will not have much impact on Xiao Yi.

But this is still a puzzling point

"I wonder if subsequent NPCs such as merchants and miners will be like this too."

While thinking, Xiao Yi heard a huge noise!

​​Unknowingly, he had cut down a tree, and a large amount of wood fell from the sky! There was a"crash" sound, and there were pieces scattered everywhere on the ground. Neatly cut wood.

After Xiao Yi walked over, the wood was easily sucked into the inventory.

【You get"Wood" x35】

【You get"Acorns" x2]

In addition to the wood, there are two acorns.

Acorns can be planted and grown into trees.

But the most important thing is wood.

Making the most basic"workbench" requires 10 units of wood.

Crafting a"wooden sword" requires 7 units of wood.

A total of 75 wood is required to make a set of"Wood Armor".

Crafting a"wooden bow" requires 10 units of wood.

Prepare some more wood as a resource reserve.

Xiao Yi calculated that he would have to collect 200 units of wood.

According to the wood output of just one tree.

I still have to cut down several trees.

"Yes, keep cutting down trees."

Shaking his head, Xiao Yi sighed and picked up the ax again.

He remembered that he was already lying down today...

Why do he still come here to work as a coolie?

Forget it, for the sake of a better life in the future.

This bit of hardship is not unbearable.


【You got"Wood" x22】

【You got"Acorn" x1】

【You got"Wood" x30】

【You got"Acorns" x2】

【You got"Peach" x1】

"Um? Fruit is out?"

Seeing a different prompt message appear.

Xiao Yi wiped his sweat and stopped chopping the tree.

He looked through the inventory and found a plump peach.



【Description: After eating, you will gain the"Eat Well" buff, and all attributes will be slightly improved, lasting for 5 minutes.】

【Effect: +2 defense, +2 critical chance, +5% melee and digging speed, +5% all damage, +20% movement speed】


Peaches are a food item that may appear when cutting down trees.

After consumption, it can provide certain buff status.

It is a rare auxiliary prop.

So Xiao Yi just swallowed and was reluctant to eat.

He changed hands and stuffed it into the inventory, keeping it for later use.

About half an hour passed.

Xiao Yi had cut down a small forest nearby.

More than 300 units of wood were collected.

There are also dozens of acorns, all planted in the ground.

After a while, these trees will grow back.

With these more than 300 units of wood.

Xiao Yi can do a lot of things

"Open the production interface."

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