In the laboratory at this time, everything around him was under the care of Ren's spiritual thoughts.

Different from the extreme pressure that Mrs. Viper felt on Ren's body, Shredder, the leader of the Bigfoot Gang on the other side, had more thoughts on his mind and moved cautiously towards the experimental table.

Regarding all this, Renn had a smile on his lips and just let it go.

Similarly, Mrs. Viper, who has eight hundred eyes, also noticed Schrader's little move.

At the same time, Mrs. Viper also noticed a smile on the corner of Ren's mouth.

He even ran away.

This idiot is afraid that his every move will be noticed by others.

At this moment, Mrs. Viper completely gave up on other small thoughts, and like a water snake, she hugged Ren's arm.

"Master, Ophelia is willing to surrender completely to a man as powerful as you."

"Everything that belongs to Ophelia will be the master's trophy"

"I don’t know, is the owner satisfied?"

A truly smart person must learn to make decisions in assessing the situation.

A woman like Ophelia is extremely frank the moment she decides to surrender, and even directly hypnotizes herself to ensure that she is frank enough. But

I have to say that this attitude of the other party made Renn feel very comfortable.

He put his arms around Ophelia's waist.

Renn gave Clarisse next to him a study look..Clarice


Just when Ren was enjoying the docile submission from Ophelia.

At this time, Schrader seemed to have enough confidence in his heart. He jumped out like a tiger and leopard and took the biological mutation and evolution fluid on the experimental table into his hands.

At the same time, the rhino and wild boar people also launched a brutal collision, directly smashing through the wall.

The three of them, working together in a tacit understanding, escaped without a trace amid the lightning and flint.

Clarisse was a little bit ready to express herself.

He is not a woman like Ophelia, who only serves men. Even if Ophelia was his eldest sister before, it does not prevent him from despising her.

But it's a pity.

Watching the three Schraders fleeing far away, Ren showed no intention of pursuing them.

Clarice widened her eyes and said,"Aren't you going to chase me?"

Renn glanced at Clarice angrily.

Even a stupid woman looks pretty.

I gave you a chance, but you didn’t use it.

Seeing that Ren had no intention of speaking, Ophelia explained:"Clarice, the master kept Schreider on purpose. Please be more careful."


He cast a blank look at his former subordinate.

Ophelia became more and more submissive and almost squeezed into Ren's arms, saying:"Master, leaving Schrader behind, is there any plan for him to complete?"

Ren's big hands moved and said:"That's right. I gave him a magical thought."



Ren was speechless and explained:"It means that I transplanted a subconscious idea into him. The other party will use a spray machine to spread the bottle of biological mutation and evolution fluid all over Japan."

"And the country of Japan will become a huge breeding farm for the Sullivan Group in the future."

"My little snake girl, hurry up and inform your subordinates to evacuate from Japan."

"After tonight, there will be no chance."

Ophelia and Clarisse both know the function of the biological mutation evolution fluid.

No matter whether it is people, animals or plants, once it is used, horrific mutations will occur.

And in the entire Japan, there are more than 300 million people. population, as well as countless kinds of animals and plants.

If the biological mutation and evolution liquid is really spread all over Japan.

The consequences are unimaginable.

After hearing the news, Ophelia stiffened for a moment, and then slightly Xian hurriedly took out a communication device and started giving instructions non-stop.

Even Clarice became much more well-behaved at this moment.

When Ren looked over,

Clarice showed a cute smile. , naturally put Ren's big hand on his waist

"Master, I admire you the most"


Forget it, it's good to have a cute creature at your disposal. After all, this is an enhanced version of Fan Bayi.

Well, they are similar in spirit, at most there are only a few million points of resemblance.

Zaifan 800 million, bah, it was Clarice's waist that was rubbed.

Ren was not idle either. He took advantage of the fireworks time before he picked and put all the materials, instruments, equipment, etc. in the laboratory into the Taiyin Jade Ring.

It's close to early morning.

On the other side, Ophelia's various orders have been issued one after another, and she was careful not to escape.

Renn waved to the other party with satisfaction.

Ophelia came to Ren's side very meekly and hugged Ren's right hand.

"Not bad, I behaved well, and as a reward I will take you to watch the fireworks together."

Ren hugged him from left to right, and a layer of misty bone-white jade light spontaneously flowed from his body, shrouding the two women. He took one step forward and arrived at the cornice of Yashida's old house.

Ophelia looked a little confused and said :"Owner……?"

"Shh! Ren shook his head and said,"Look carefully, the fireworks are coming.""

As Ren's words fell, I saw a swarm of meteors in the eastern night sky, heading towards Yashida's old house. Boom, boom, boom!

Short-range missiles, plus a large number of ultra-long-range naval gun attacks.

Terrifying. The fire and shock waves were like destroying the world, covering the entire Yashida hometown.

Round after round of meteor missiles, falling like raindrops.

Ophelia's whole body was trembling at this moment, and she could even see it with her own eyes He saw that the house under his feet was torn into pieces by the terrifying force.

No war beasts, genetic orcs, steel fortresses, or underground bases could withstand this baptism of fire.

Only the layer of white bones and jade light blooming from Ren's body , firmly protecting the three of them.

After half an hour of artillery fire,

Ophelia hadn't even taken a breath yet, when the roar of fighter planes (good Zhao's) swept across the sky. There are patches of incendiary bombs, concussion bombs, and ground-penetrating bombs covering everything.

No wonder the other party gave me such a loose opportunity to escape just now.

If I ran away, the other party probably wouldn't stop me.

So now... …(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Master, this……"

"Ophelia, do you remember Brigadier General Miles at the American Garrison Base?"


Ophelia smiled awkwardly but politely.

Renn also smiled and said:"The other party has been sent to a military court overnight. His replacement is Commodore David of the Pacific Seventh Fleet. My good brother is here."

"You don’t think that I will play some kind of house game with you in Japan, do you? I'm very busy!"

"Guess where else there will be fireworks tonight? Big news……"


Do you want me to guess?

This man is so mean...

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