After listening to the first half of Zheng Shuang's words, a trace of panic appeared clearly on Funi's face.

It’s over, I met a bad guy!

My sister said that if you encounter bad people, you should run away!

Just when she subconsciously wanted to follow her sister's teachings and run away, the second half of Zheng Shuang's words reached her ears.

It turns out he’s not a bad guy.


Funi breathed a sigh of relief immediately.

She carefully observed Zheng Shuang's appearance again to make sure that his smile was not fake, and then walked out from behind the tree.

Zheng Shuang was stunned when she appeared.

Listening to the voice, he originally thought Funi was an eleven or twelve-year-old child, but he didn't expect that she was actually a girl who looked sixteen or seventeen years old and was very well developed.

She was barefoot and wearing a tattered white skirt, but her body and face were very clean, like a hidden beauty.

It's just the timidity and fear on that face that makes people feel sad just looking at it

"My sister is sick and there is nothing I can do. Can you help me?"

A trace of eagerness and sadness appeared on Funi's face again, which made people feel more compassionate and caring.

Fortunately, Zheng Shuang was not a human, but a goblin.

He touched his chin and thought for a moment, then said lightly:"Take me to see it first. Your sister, if I can help, I might choose to take action."

Funi was a little hesitant.

Do you want to take him to see her sister?

He really doesn't look like a bad person, but her sister said that there are many kinds of bad people, and some bad people are good at disguising themselves.

As long as he doesn't know where his sister is, Even if he is really a bad guy, the most he can do is take me away and not hurt my sister.

However, my sister is so seriously ill, what should she do if I am taken away by a bad guy?!

Funni was thinking about it, and suddenly I was so anxious that I started crying.

Zheng Shuang couldn't handle this.

"Good luck, why are you crying? If others see it, they will think I am bullying you."

Zheng Shuang frowned slightly.

From his perspective, Funi was just stunned for a few seconds and then started to shed tears.

How could he, a steel goblin, understand this?

"Sorry to bother you."

Funi wiped her tears and hurriedly bowed and apologized.

"There's no need to apologize. If you're not worried about your sister, you can continue crying. I don't mind."

Zheng Shuang spread his hands, looking indifferent.

When she thought of her sister, Funi immediately didn't dare to cry anymore, and hurried to the dry crown of the dead tree that fell on the ground.

She saw her little hands moving dexterously, and it looked like The messy branches quickly ran to both sides obediently, and a hole like an entrance gradually emerged.

"You and your sister have been living in this tree?"

Seeing this scene, Zheng Shuang became interested.

"Yes, big brother, if you can cure my sister, don't drive us out of the house, okay?

Without a home, we would have no place to sleep at night, and we would only get wet when it rains.

I can give you everything except home!"

Funi opened the"door" to go home, showing a look of grievance.

"……I can promise not to give up your home, but in exchange, you must first tell me your and sister's names."

Zheng Shuang was silent for a moment and smiled slightly.

"Very good! Big brother, you are such a good person! My name is Funi and my sister is Jenny.

My sister is amazing. She knows a lot about things I don’t know and she also prepares delicious food for me.……"

Funi cheered and began to praise her sister involuntarily.

But this time she didn't forget the business. As she spoke, she led Zheng Shuang into the dead tree.

It has to be said that this dead tree is really big. Even Zheng Shuang, who is now a standard adult man, only needs to bend down to walk freely inside.

And Funi is petite, so as long as she lowers her head a little, she doesn't have to worry about hitting the"ceiling".

The environment inside the tree trunk was much better than Zheng Shuang imagined. The bottom was covered with a layer of unusually soft leaves, and the air was not turbid, and even had a wonderful aroma.

It is somewhat similar to the fragrance of the trees themselves, but seems to be a little different.

Looking at Funi who was still whispering good words for her sister in front of her, Zheng Shuang took a deep breath and suddenly had some guesses in her heart.

I'm afraid this fragrance has something to do with the sisters.

Soon, the two came to a young girl lying down.

She looked slightly older than Funi, but still limited, probably about seventeen years old.

Through the sunlight coming from the"door", you can see that her face is very ugly, with a hint of gray and black.

She was lying on the leaves, holding her stomach and twitching slightly, her expression was very painful.

Her silky blond hair was now in disarray. It was obviously because of the unbearable pain that she rolled on the ground like this.

"elder sister! How are you doing? It's all Funi's fault, Funi is so useless, woo woo woo……"

Funi threw herself in front of the girl, held her hand and cried.

Obviously, this girl is her sister Jenny.

Hearing Funni's words, Jenny struggled to open her right eye just a slit, squeezed out a twisted smile, and comforted:"Don't be afraid Funni, sister is fine, she will be fine soon."……"

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly saw Zheng Shuang behind Funi.

Almost instantly, deep vigilance and doubt appeared on Jenny’s face full of pain.

"Who are you and why are you in our home?!"

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