Yao Wufang's old face flashed with a frightened look.

It was as if I had heard something terrible.

And the other worshippers of Mingfeng Pavilion looked at him with some puzzlement.

"Great offering, do you know who this black-robed man is?"

Yao Wufang nodded and took a deep breath.

It took a long time to calm down, and the shock and fear in my heart were calmed down.

"Originally, I didn't know who he was, but after this friend mentioned Kangsheng Demon Saint, I remembered who he was!"

"Five thousand years ago, there was a talented alchemist named Kangsheng in Zhongzhou. "

"His attainment of alchemy has reached the peak of that time. "

"Everyone was respectful to him, and at that time Mingfeng Pavilion had not even been established. "

"The alchemists at that time were all respectful to him and excited to get some guidance from him. "

"However, this genius alchemist also has his own troubles, that is, his cultivation. "

"Contrary to his alchemy, this genius alchemist's cultivation has been stagnant. "

"Even the Law Phase Realm is difficult to break through, let alone the Unification Realm behind. "

Time had left a mark on him, and he wanted to buy more time to understand the ultimate mystery of alchemy. "

Yao Wufang said as he spoke, and a flash of panic suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"But even if he is the most genius alchemist, he still can't let himself break through the shackles of the realm. "

As his lifespan slowly came to an end, this genius alchemist became more and more insane. "

"He chose retreat, and it was a retreat. "

"When he came out, he really broke through, and his friends came forward to celebrate. "

It's just that what makes these people a little puzzled is that the blood relatives of this alchemist's family suddenly disappeared mysteriously. "

Yao Wufang was just about to continue, when he heard a wild laugh.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that someone would remember Lao Tzu for so long!"

"That's right, those disciples of mine are all dead!"

"It died in my hands, and I refined it into a human pill and devoured it. "

"I have to say that these people's cultivation talent is indeed stronger than mine, and after I devoured them, the realm quickly broke through. "

Kang Sheng Demon Saint licked his lips, as if he was reminiscing about something.

"I really should be thankful to them, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to continue researching the elixir until now. "

Kangsheng Demon Saint took the initiative to tell his own affairs170, which made everyone present shudder.


Refining his family blood relatives into an elixir, and devouring it......


It's a demon!

Such a shocking thing, Kangsheng Demon Saint said it so lightly.

This made everyone present feel cold again.

They subconsciously left Kangsheng Demon Saint for a distance, for fear that this guy would suddenly start to go crazy again.

Kang Sheng Demon Saint looked at the people around him with some dissatisfaction.

"Cut, a bunch of uninformed guys. "

"Taking people as a pill can make up for one's own shortcomings, this is the true meaning of an alchemist!"

That's right, this Kangsheng Demon Saint really did this in the later period.

Not only did he refine his own family members into pills.

Even later, the other monks were refined into human pills and swallowed them.

After this incident was exposed, countless monks began to hunt him down.

But at that time, the Kangsheng Demon Saint had already reached the peak of the Nine Tribulations Realm and the Three Tribulations.

even entangled the power of the entire Zhongzhou before he was killed!

It was also that big war that caused Zhongzhou's vitality to be greatly damaged.

But now it seems that the truth is more than that.

At this moment, a somewhat lazy voice sounded.

"The frog at the bottom of the well is just an opinion, and I really think that I have obtained three flavors. "

"Alchemy is a technique that combines the medicinal properties of medicinal materials to match those of monks. "

"If you use people as materials to alchemy, it is a crooked path. "

Ling Tian yawned and looked at the Kang Sheng Demon Saint in front of him with some boredom.

"They didn't get rid of you back then, they just sealed you in the endless sea, trying to make you die there. "

"It's just that these people didn't expect that you would be distracted and escaped. "

"I even hooked up with someone from the Fu family!"

"If you are given another period of time, I am afraid that the monks of Fengming City will all be devoured by you refining into human pills. "

Kangsheng Demon Saint laughed, his eyes full of arrogance.

"What monks, it's just my medicinal herbs!"

"Those Fu family members are also waste, and the qualifications of the medicinal materials they are looking for are too poor!"

"Originally, I planned to wait until they took control of Fengming Pavilion and then come out to find medicinal herbs myself. "

"It's just that now, I've found the best herb!"

Kang Sheng Demon Saint looked at Ling Tian excitedly, as if he was looking at a diluted treasure.

Ling Tian felt a chill in his back when he looked at him, not because of fear, but because of disgust.

This guy, a big man, looked at himself like this, Ling Tian almost didn't feel sick to his stomach.

He snorted coldly and looked at the Kangsheng Demon Saint opposite.

"If you are honest as a rat in Zhongzhou and slowly devour other people, I don't bother to blame you. "

"It's okay if you don't mess with me, but you're planning to do something to my wife. "

"Since you dare to stretch out your claws, then I'll cut it off for you!"

"Your wife?"

Ling Tian's words made Kang Sheng Demon Saint a little confused, and when he saw these Ran family members beside Ling Tian, he suddenly realized.

"You're talking about that little girl? It's a pity that she let her run away!"

"Her divine soul is the best medicinal herb, can it be said that ......?"

"You found her soul, give her to me, and I can ...... I can let you be refined into a human pill by me without pain. "

"Otherwise, I will let you experience the most cruel punishment before you die. "

Ling Tian's expression became even colder when he heard this.

Isn't this guy a little confused?

Do you still think that he is the one in the Nine Tribulations Realm back then?

Now he is just a distraction.

"Why, I can't do it myself? I already feel it, that little girl is hidden in the ring on your hand!"

was broken by the Kangsheng Demon Saint Dao, and Ran Qingsi was no longer hiding at this time.

The moment Ran Fengchen saw Ran Qingsi's soul body, tears instantly burst the embankment.

"Daughter, how did you become the way you are now?"

Ran Qingsi was also a little excited, but she understood that now was not the time to catch up.

Her own man was still confronting the black-robed man in front of her, and she also had to help Ling Tian!

After Ling Tian noticed Ran Qingsi's movements, he couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in his heart.

This person is slowly starting to recognize himself.

It was not in vain that he had been posing hundreds of poses for Ran Qingsi for so many years.

"Qingsi, you can watch from the back first. "

"Tell Qin Keqing that girl and let her make me good tea, master, I'm a little thirsty. "

"After watching the play for so long, it's time to make a move. "

For Ling Tian before, it wasn't even a warm-up.

But this Kangsheng Demon Saint in front of him, he has to be a little more serious.

Seeing Ling Tian's reaction, Kang Sheng Demon Saint knew his choice.

The madness in his eyes intensified, and his long, fiery red hair fluttered in the air.

"Okay, good, boy, you have a kind!"

"I will concoct your divine soul well and slowly refine all your flesh!"

"And the spirit of the little girl beside you, I'm going to tear her apart little by little. "

Suddenly, the temperature between heaven and earth seemed to drop a few points.

In the sky, there is even a convergence of thunder.

Thunder, rain and dew are all laws.

Ling Tian's anger converged into thunder in the sky.

Kangsheng Demon Saint really angered him.

No one has ever dared to treat his own woman like this.

Ling Tian knew how much suffering Ran Qingsi had endured and endured when she had fled.

Now, he wants to add these hundredfold, no, ten thousandfold to the Kangsheng Demon Saint!

"Mending the sky...... Bath Day ......" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The majestic voice (abbi) came from Ling Tian's mouth.

Above the sky, an eerie scene appeared.

On one side, there is thunder.

On the other side, the sun is dazzling.


These rays of light gradually converged on the city's large hands, tearing the sky apart.

Fire, countless flames swayed down from the sky and pounced on the Kangsheng Demon Saint.

Miracle powers!

Ling Tian used his divine powers again, not giving Kang Sheng Demon Saint any chance to turn the tables.

This kind of old monster that has lived for thousands of years, giving them any chance, is to put themselves in danger.

Ling Tian was familiar with the original books and knew their danger.

At the beginning, it is the king bomb!

Kang Sheng Demon Saint's face changed, and he tried hard to escape from the flames, but he found that he couldn't do it at all.

Where in the world can anyone escape the sun's rays?

These flames are not simple, they are all sun god fires. []

For a distraction like Kangsheng Demon Saint, it is the most terrifying killing weapon.

Just like hot oil touching new snow, Kangsheng Demon Saint's body was instantly burned out of big holes.

From his mouth, there were also screams.

"Boy, you don't talk about martial arts and sneak attack on me!"

Ling Tian only sneered.

"Sneak attack, did you ever wonder if they would resist when you killed someone in your family?"

"And your son, I remember when you refined him into a human pill, he seemed to be calling your father just now, right?"

Murder and heart.

Ling Tian's words contained a strange power.

Let Kangsheng Demon Saint unconsciously recall the scene at that time.

Lotus Blossom Tongue!

Another supernatural power!

After these days of precipitation, Ling Tian was already able to use two divine powers at the same time.

Of course, this was also because Ling Tian's foundation was extremely solid.

Other Nine Tribulation Realm cultivators, even some Nine Tribulation Realm and Second Tribulation Realm people, may not be able to use two divine powers at the same time.

Most of their battles are still battles of the power of the law.

The tongue blooms with a lotus, which can make the other party fall into the emotions guided by themselves.

Just let the Kangsheng Demon Saint experience the pain of the flesh, how could Ling Tian be satisfied?

Not only did he want to kill this guy, but he also wanted him to understand the pain of the children of the family he had killed at that time.

Ling Tian's words, like thorns, pierced into the heart of the Kangsheng Demon Saint.

The double pain of body and soul made him can't help but close his eyes and wail in pain.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, what came to his mind was the appearance of his wife and children when they saw him do it.

And his old father, when he found out that it was him, gave up any resistance.

At that time, he had fallen into madness and had long forgotten what family affection was.

But this time, under the influence of Ling Tian's divine power, he remembered the scene more clearly.

It's better to live than to die!

"Kill me!

"Don't let me keep watching!"

The spirit of the Kangsheng Demon Saint was about to collapse, and he only wanted to die now.

But Ling Tian didn't have any sympathy for him.

This kind of person who can use his own relatives to refine the pill is no longer worthy of being a human being!

This is also the reason why the Zhongzhou monks of that year called him the Demon Saint.


Kangsheng Demon Saint screamed and wailed.

This miserable appearance fell into the eyes of many monks present, and they couldn't help but shudder.

In his heart, he also put Ling Tian among the characters that must not be provoked.

They had never seen such a painful monk, such a strange supernatural power.

For Ling Tian, this was nothing more than a casual one.

Soon, Kangsheng Demon Saint's voice became even more crazy.

He kept repenting and begging for mercy.

What repents is his own madness back then, and what begs for mercy is the despair now.

Ling Tian watched all this coldly, and he didn't have much fluctuation in his heart.

It's just that suddenly, Ran Qingsi's voice sounded in my ears.

"Sir, the tea is ready. "

Ling Tian turned his head to see that Qin Keqing was holding a tray behind him.

The tea set on the plate was steaming.

Ling Tian nodded, and then stopped speaking.

Seeing this, Ran Qingsi hesitated for a moment, and then spoke again.

"Master, give him a good time. "

Ling Tian frowned slightly.

"Qingsi, are you interceding for him?"

Ran Qingsi shook her head.

"Master, I'm interceding for you. "

"For me?"

Ling Tian was stunned for a moment.

Ran Qingsi nodded.

"Master, haven't you noticed that after you have cultivated to a high level now, you are becoming less and less like a person?"

"He's got the price he deserves now, and I don't think it's appropriate to continue like this. "

"I still remember hearing you say a word from you, sir. "

"Monk, what you cultivate is to be free, if you don't have any human touch, then what else is there to cultivate?"

Ling Tian was startled, and then reflected.

It is true that his cultivation is becoming more and more profound, but his mentality is gradually changing.

began to move in the direction of ruthlessness, although there was no such behavior for these concubines now.

But there is no guarantee that I will be able to persevere in the later stage.

As soon as he thought of this, Ling Tian nodded suddenly.

"Thank you Qingsi for waking me up!"

Ling Tian's heart moved, and then the Sun God Fire erupted, burning the Kangsheng Demon Saint cleanly.

In Ling Tian's ears, a voice of relief suddenly sounded.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist, for freeing me. Watch out for the Endless Sea!"

Leaving this sentence, Kangsheng Demon Saint no longer has any trace of its existence in the world.

Ling Tian's brows tightened.

Watch out for the Endless Sea? What does that mean?

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