Above the sky, there are no clouds.

It was as if the monstrous clouds had never existed.

And these disciples of the Putuo Immortal Sect stopped cheering abruptly.

Their expressions were as if they had seen a ghost.

The power of the Ancestor's law turned out to be ......

All dissipated?!

Between the joy and anger of the strong in the realm of unity, there is a heavenly phase.

But now in this scene, it is clear that the ancestor has been completely suppressed!

And there is not even a chance to resist at all!

The other party is at least two small realms higher than the ancestor to be able to have such a crushing effect.

Even, this is very likely to be a sixfold powerhouse in the One Realm.

When did they provoke such a powerful existence?

Cui Jiannian, the inner gate elder of the Zixiao Sect, was already at a loss at this time.

He originally planned to leave the Putuo Immortal Sect, but at this time he had a different idea.

This person seems to have an enmity with the Putuo Immortal Sect.

Doesn't that mean that their Zixiao Sect can take the opportunity to suppress the Putuo Immortal Sect?

Thinking so, Cui Jianian slowly settled down on his actions.

He was going to observe how things unfolded again.

In the end, this person was able to cross the river with a strong dragon, or was he suppressed.

Ling Tian, sure enough, this person's Ling Aotian's name is just a pseudonym.

After Cui Jianian heard the words in Ling Tian's mouth, he secretly said sure enough.

It's just that he searched for the powerhouses of various sects in Zhongzhou, and he didn't seem to have heard of the character Ling Tian.

Ling ...... Zhongzhou doesn't seem to have a Ling family, and judging by his appearance, I'm afraid he is also a Tianjiao of the younger generation. "

"But the older generation, I have an impression. "

Just when Cui Jianian was constantly guessing Ling Tian's identity, Ling Tian himself had already poked out a pair of big hands.


Turning the Clouds...... It's raining!


Another supernatural power.

Ling Tian's supernatural power was able to clear all the laws of the body.

This is the strength of the supernatural powers, let you master the law, I will break it with my strength!

Of course, the essence of supernatural powers is also the power of another law.

The power of this law was much higher than that of a cultivator in the Returning Realm, which was also the reason why Ling Tian was able to crack it so easily.

Cui Jianian was not the only one who was shocked.

also fell into a sluggish state, as well as Qin Keqing!

Life is really unpredictable.

Qin Keqing, who had already given up in despair, rose from the bottom of the valley to the top of the mountain at this time.

Senior Ling, it is really an unborn master!

The shackles that he thought were in front of Senior Ling, they were nothing like 533 at all.

Qin Keqing could no longer hide the excitement and grievances in her heart at this time.

In order to be able to protect herself, only she knows how much she has suffered in the Putuo Immortal Sect.

In the course of a hundred years, she did not think about escaping.


And there was no chance.

Chai Jianghai will be this Putuo Immortal Sect, and the operation will not leak.

She couldn't find a way to escape.

Among the Putuo Immortal Sect, the old sect master's combat power is only secondary.

They are most famous for their combined attack formations!

A trace of worry flashed in Qin Keqing's eyes, Senior Ling's strength was certainly strong.

But when facing the Putuo Immortal Sect's famous Zhongzhou combined attack formation, could he still hold on?

Whatever you're afraid of, you'll come.

Just when Qin Keqing was worried, Chai Jianghai had slowly retreated into the crowd.

It was just a simple confrontation, and he knew that he was definitely not Ling Tian's opponent.

There was also some doubt in his eyes, he didn't seem to have offended such a master, right?

As for Qin Keqing's woman......

He turned his gaze to Qin Keqing's direction, and saw that Qin Keqing was looking at Ling Tian in a trance.

This appearance made Chai Jianghai angry instantly.

I wanted to kiss Fang Ze with her, but I was always shirked by Qin Keqing, a woman, for various reasons.

finally waited for his son to die, and he didn't even care about his face, but in the end, this woman actually had a soft spot for other men.

How could Chai Jianghai accept this?!

Especially now that it is still the time of their Putuo Immortal Sect Sect Ceremony.

If Ling Tian can't be solved, the face of the Putuo Immortal Sect in Zhongzhou will be lost!

As soon as he thought of this, Chai Jianghai waved his hand violently.

"Give me a misty array of smoke and rain, and kill this fang here!"

"What about the middle stage of the Guiyi Realm, when you come to my Putuo Immortal Sect, you will also have to hate this!"

In the sect, countless disciples and elders poured into the nest.

"The sect master has an order, set up the formation!"

As soon as the Elder of the Putuo Immortal Sect gave an order, the surrounding disciples immediately received the order.

Countless times of training, making their formation as natural as breathing.

"The Great Sect Protector Array is open, fellow Daoists, please don't panic!"

"Activate the Sect Protector Formation, it's just for this person!

Chai Jianghai shouted angrily again, and a roar sounded.

The Putuo Immortal Sect Protector Array, combined with the misty rain array, all entered the heyday.

The pressure this brought to them made it a little difficult for everyone to breathe.

This...... It is worthy of Putuo Immortal Sect!

It is worthy of being one of the seven immortal sects in Zhongzhou!

Even if it's just the existence of the bottom, the background is still not to be underestimated!

This Sect Protector Formation alone could easily kill a cultivator who had returned to the One Realm and One Heaven.

Even if it is a cultivator of the Returning Realm to the Two Heavens, or even the Triple Heavens, they will not be able to get any benefit.

The combined attack formation laid down by the power of the whole sect, the misty and rainy array, is a formation handed down from ancient times.

The more people there are, the more powerful they are.

The elders of the Putuo Immortal Sect served as the connection point of the combined attack formation, controlling the cultivation in the body of the disciples in front of them.

For a while, the power of the combined attack formation was close to the Five Heavens of the One Realm!

And that's not all!

Chai Jianghai himself also laughed.

Noticing the shock and jealousy of the people around him, he was extremely proud.

The Putuo Immortal Sect entered one of the Seven Great Immortal Sects in his hands, and this misty rain array made great contributions.

The Misty Rain Array not only attacks Wushuang, but also confuses people's divine thoughts.

So that they have no chance to escape from it, but face the attacks of the members of the formation all the time.

After Chai Jianghai himself joined the formation, the power of this formation had reached its peak.

"Ling Tian, even if you are the Fifth Heaven of the One Realm, what if you dare to offend my Putuo Immortal Sect, it is your worst decision!"

As soon as the words fell, Chai Jianghai immediately controlled the formation and attacked Ling Tian's location.

The terrifying power drove the aura between heaven and earth, and even produced a storm of spiritual power.

Some monks who are not highly cultivated, even if they are escorted by elders, are still oppressed by the strong pressure The corners of their mouths are bleeding, and their faces are red.

They withdrew to the far position of the formation one after another, which was considered to be a little better.

Even if it was just the aftermath of the formation, Ling Tian, who was in the center of the formation, could imagine the pressure he was facing!

Qin Keqing, who saw everything in his eyes, only felt that his breathing was about to stop.

This...... Will Senior Ling really be able to hold on?

A look of remorse flashed in her eyes.

Why...... Why didn't he remind Senior Ling that there were still sect protector formations and combined attack formations in the sect!

It's just that Qin Keqing himself didn't expect that this combined attack formation would be able to increase Chai Jianghai's combat power to such an extent.

This also can't be blamed on Qin Keqing.

A hundred years have passed, and no one dares to provoke the Seven Great Immortal Sects at all.

Even some monks who don't know the height of the sky and the height of the earth want to come to the Immortal Sect to challenge.

As a result, even the mountain guards at the foot of the mountain couldn't pass the pass.

The Protector Formation has been activated twice in a hundred years, and both times it was a strong enemy attack.

As for this misty rain, there is only one time.

It was not long after the establishment of the Putuo Immortal Sect, and the sect that was almost the same as their strength came to sneak attack.

But they slaughtered them cleanly.

Naturally, no one knows the details.

Qin Keqing clenched his hands, and suddenly felt a trace of foreign object between his fingers.

She was slightly distracted.

This is her storage ring.

Inside, more than a dozen sets of fine tea sets are prepared.

There are even some fairy teas that she spent a lot of effort to come to.

The quality of these teas is very high, and Qin Keqing is not very willing to drink them on weekdays.

This time, however, (CFCG) she brought them all.

It's just because of Senior Ling's sentence......

"Prepare a good tea set for me!"

Tea set, she's ready.

Tea, she has also prepared. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But what about Senior Ling...... Will he be able to escape from it?

Qin Keqing bit her lip and made a decision in her heart.

If Senior Ling fails, then let him go.

Instead of staying here as a trapped puppet, it is better to be a wisp of free revenant.

She really couldn't imagine what it would be like for her to fall into the hands of Chai Jianghai.

On the other side, Chai Jianghai was already a picture of victory at this time.

The misty rain misty array coupled with the Sect Protector Formation, what if it was a person who returned to the Five Heavens of the One Realm?

A woman who dares to covet him should be damned!

"Wipe your eyes clean in the future, it's not anyone, you can offend!"

Chai Jianghai left this sentence and shook hands violently.

In the void, a pair of terrifying hands slapped towards Ling Tian's Heavenly Spirit Gai.

But Ling Tian didn't even blink his eyes.

Not only him, but Sikong Yanran and Qin Miao'er beside him also had the same complexion.

Even the two of them were talking and laughing and peeling lychees on the side and feeding each other.

"It's pitiful that I'm dying and I don't know how to run for my life. "[]

Many people couldn't help but sigh when they saw Qin Miaoer's appearance.

Although the appearance is not top-notch, the figure is still very annoying.

It's a pity that I chose the wrong master.

"Senior Ling Tian, run away!"

Suddenly, a soft voice sounded in everyone's ears.

It is like the graceful voice of the yellow warbler, mixed with eagerness.

Obviously, this is Qin Keqing who spoke!

She didn't care about angering Chai Jianghai, now she just wanted Senior Ling to live.

No...... No one will sacrifice for her anymore.

After Ling Tian heard this, a strange look flashed on his face.

He heard him right, right?

Qin Keqing actually said just now......

Let him escape?

It's just a person who has returned to the Three Heavens of the One Realm, does he need to escape?

What if there is even this combo formation?

Native chicken tile dog.

"Keqing, don't be impatient, help me prepare a pot of hot tea. "

"A moment later I broke the game. "

When the words fell, everyone was shocked.

Is this Ling Tian crazy?

Scared silly by Chai Jianghai?

What else do you say to prepare hot tea?

I think you're about to pee your pants yourself, so why don't you take a teapot and follow it underneath?

What can break the game in a moment.

If it was so simple to be able to break through the combined attack formation of the Putuo Immortal Sect, they would have already taken its place.

Qin Keqing saw Ling Tianfeng's indifferent appearance, and the words in his mouth suddenly stopped.

She opened her mouth, trying to say more.

Thinking of Senior Ling's attitude, she had to nod.

Finally, slowly spit out a word from your mouth.

"Good. "

Subsequently, Qin Keqing really started to make tea in front of many disciples of the Putuo Immortal Sect.

Her movements are graceful, and her every move looks graceful and calm.

The panicked attitude just now disappeared without a trace.

Ling Tian nodded with satisfaction.

He admired the woman, so he ......

Chai Jianghai must die.

Chai Jianghai saw that his daughter-in-law was so obedient to the words of an outsider, and his face suddenly turned green.

Especially Ling Tian's contemptuous attitude made him so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

The large transparent hand above his head also sped up the speed of landing.

When there was no room for it, Ling Tian raised his head slightly.

Then, he blew into the air.

"Hoo ......"

The originally imposing big hand turned out to be like a flying floc in the wind.

was directly blown away by Ling Tian's breath.


In the mouth of the Chai River, a mouthful of blood was spit out in an instant.

The power of the law was cracked one after another, and even if he was a cultivator of the Three Heavens of the One Realm, he was a little unable to withstand it.

And those ordinary disciples and elders of the Putuo Immortal Sect were also counterattacked, and their faces were extremely pale.

They looked at Ling Tian in front of them in shock.

The figure is not tall, but in their eyes, it is like a moat, insurmountable.

"This ...... It can't be!"

"Who the hell are you?"

Ling Tian glanced at Chai Jianghai, who exclaimed in surprise.

"Qin Keqing's master. "

"Tea, is it ready?"

Ling Tian glanced at Qin Keqing, who was stunned.

Qin Keqing recovered from the shock, and then nodded hurriedly.

From the time she started making tea, there were even a dozen breaths before and after.

And Ling Tian had already solved the dilemma in front of him.

Even the disciples of the entire Putuo Immortal Sect, including the elders, were all severely damaged.

"Nice, good tea. "

Ling Tian waved his hand, and hot tea instantly appeared in front of him.

Ling Tian poured it into his mouth and smiled heartily.

"Hot tea goes well with hot blood. "

"Chai Jianghai, are you ready?"

Ling Tian's voice fell, and Chai Jianghai's face changed.

He didn't hesitate to burn his cultivation, trying his best to escape from here.

However, in front of Ling Tian, did he have a chance?



An undetectable voice came, followed by ......

Chai Jianghai was directly pinched into a blood mist by Ling Tian, and there were not even bones left.

With this kind of shame in the world of color criticism, Ling Tian had no interest in giving him a decent death.

When Qin Keqing saw this scene, he immediately stayed in place.

She still didn't react.

The sect master of the Putuo Immortal Sect, the power of the three heavens in the One Realm.

That's it, dead?

Died at the hands of Senior Ling, whom he knew from fishing?

That's too, it's unreal, isn't it?!。

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