In fact, there is a better place, that is the Peace Hotel.

But now, Zhou Sichen no longer needs to use some scenes to set off himself.

There is no need to carry an external business card, Zhou Sichen already has it.

If you are truly powerful, you don’t need to deliberately create scenes to package yourself.

In particular, Zhou Sichen is not asking for help from others, but from an upstream existence.

When he comes back this time, Zhou Sichen is going to do something big.

Last time I was just testing the waters.

This time, Zhou Sichen wants to do something big

"Twenty-nine?"Li Li's eyes flickered.

It's almost the Chinese New Year now.

Twenty-nine, that is, around the New Year's Eve, this period is the busiest time for business.

The four floors of Zhizhen Garden can accommodate more than 80 tables.

And it’s still the New Year.

But Li Li didn’t hesitate at all:"I know Mr. Zhou, I will reject all the guests on the 29th."

"good."Zhou Sichen hung up the phone

"I never imagined that you, Li Li, would become like this one day. Why, are you so confident in Mr. Zhou that you are not afraid of not giving him money? Qiang Mujie asked

"If you don't give me money, just make friends."Li Li said with a smile.

In fact, she thought that the other party could not afford the money.

In other words, never give money.

Because if you don't give money, the debt of gratitude will be paid off.

This also proves that the so-called Mr. Zhou is just a good appearance.

But , she knew that these were her wishful thinking.

Zhou Sichen and Abao went out twice. What they did, Li Li didn’t know, but she knew that the other party definitely went out to sell those five million goods. How much money did he make? Yes, but she knows that if she comes here directly to book a venue, she will definitely make a lot of money.

"Twenty-nine, the day after tomorrow?"Qiang Mujie said.

Yes, the Chinese New Year is almost here.

It will be 1993 soon.

The wind is getting bigger and bigger.

In this era, countless people are riding the wind.

There are also countless people who have gone bankrupt and closed down overnight. There was nothing in the world.

There were countless people who got rich overnight and accumulated their first pot of gold. They flew higher and higher in this trend.

Similarly, it was a trend for Zhou Sichen.

It was just the red empire that had just collapsed, that powerful empire. , Countless wealth is waiting for people to pick it up for nothing in this era.

Zhou Sichen wants to take advantage of the trend, but also wants to pick up the legacy of the red empire for nothing.

Da Mao has countless weapons and equipment, and even aircraft carriers can be sold to you by the pound.

What Zhou Sichen wants to do is to be the biggest.

Deploy nuclear bombs in twelve military bases.

He has a strong backing. He deploys these things not to do something, but to have an equal opportunity to engage in arms trade.

Because that is his backstage.

When the arms trade is fully developed, it will be able to gather the wealth of the world.

The year 1992 is coming to an end.

Countless people also made a fortune by relying on finance in this year, accumulated the first pot of gold, and rode the wind.

Strong. Mu Jie felt that this was the greatest era full of opportunities, rare in a century.

He wanted to be a trendsetter of this era.

"So, the so-called Mr. Zhou is already on his way? Qiang Mujie asked

"should be."Li Li said calmly.

"If I say, on the 29th, I want to have a dinner with my employees at your place, what would you do? Qiang Mujie asked

"If you are not afraid of death."Li Lidao

"What did you say?"Qiang Mujie frowned and sat up in shock.

Commercial means can only be solved commercially.

Especially businesses have their own set of rules, otherwise it will be chaos.

In financial matters, then Financial solution.

No other means will be used

"Do you think he is A Bao, or do you think he is doing something in finance? He must abide by your rules and stop being funny. He is a businessman, but he does not play your financial tricks and has a background behind him. If you No matter what you dare to do to him, maybe he won't need to do anything in the next step. It's impossible to go in because of breaking the law."Li Li sneered.

Qiang Mujie wasn't angry or anything, just curious:"With your character, you should want to see it better for both of us to lose. Why are you telling me this?"

"Do you think Mr. Zhou doesn't know all this?"Li Li left meaningful words.

She is a smart person.

A very smart person.

Qiang Mujie was silent for a moment, then made a mysterious phone call and said:"Help me investigate, Mr. Zhou from Huanghe Road has gone abroad. Which country, where have you been, what is your background."

Nan Guotou, in this era, is an authentic state-owned enterprise.

Qiang Mujie is the chairman of the branch.

He has some status and status.

Soon, his investigation quickly returned the call

"At first, the goods were shipped to Damao. Later, they bought tickets to Xiangjiang and went to Africa from Xiangjiang."Answer on the phone

"Is it so complicated?"Qiang Mujie was silent for a moment.

In fact, he didn't know that Zhou Sichen's daily necessities were actually the real business, which was the arms trade. This was the arms trade in which the country was involved.

None of the objects of the transaction were simple..

But just that, Qiang Mujie was shocked.

Da Mao?


Is foreign trade business so wild?

How can the road be so wild?

Good guy, go to Africa to do business. In this era, go to Africa to do business?

Over there in Africa, recently A massacre just broke out.

Hundreds of thousands of people were massacred.

This is a terrifying number, and the Allied Powers even intervened.

Most of Africa is in chaos. At this time, you still dare to go to Africa.

Especially Over in Mao, the empire has just collapsed.

The replacement of canned aircraft with airplanes is also endorsed by the state, because the country lacks fighter jets. It would cost several hundred million to buy them, but if you buy them second-hand, you can do it with tens of millions.

Then hundreds of carriages are mobilized domestically. The goods were exchanged for many shipping planes.

This was endorsed by the country.

Without the endorsement of the country, especially when the Red Empire collapsed, anyone who dared to go to Damao would be eating people without spitting out bones.

Qiang Mujie suddenly felt a little scared.

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