"Does your cleaning company have a branch here?"A Bao looked at the mud puddles on the road, and there were poor black people everywhere who couldn't afford to wear clothes.

"Yes, our cleaning company's business scope is nationwide. There are branches all over the country. The monkey you saw before is the person in charge of the branch here. But as you have also seen, it is quite messy here, so Cleaning employees basically carry equipment."Zhou Sichen took a vaccination in advance.

Zhou Sichen showed off his driving skills crazily.

On the muddy road, Abao's face was almost green and his head was dizzy.

"Slow down. Slow down."Abao is thrilling.

Good guy, roller coasters don't even have this kind of fun."

"This is unbearable. Let me tell you, in this place, except for military vehicles, other vehicles are not easy to use here."Zhou Sichen turned the steering wheel with one hand.

At this moment, the vehicle rushed out of the muddy pit. With the sudden weightlessness, Abao quickly unscrewed the window:"Wow!!!"

A Bao vomited directly.

He couldn't stand it anymore.

He couldn't stand it at all. The co-pilot's A Bao couldn't stand it, and Miss Wang was sweating profusely in the back. Her face didn't look good, and her stomach was obviously too. Overturning mountains and seas

"What a bad luck, I shouldn't have eaten so much just now, wow!!!"As soon as Abao finished speaking, he lay outside and vomited crazily.

Behind them, there were two military armored vehicles following.

It was Monkey and the others.

They were waiting far behind.

"When you are in Africa, do you need two people in a vehicle to protect you when you go out?"A Bao's face is still ugly after vomiting for a long time.

"Rather messy."Zhou Sichen said

"I can tell."A Bao shuddered, thinking of the rebel leader.

At this moment.


A gunshot suddenly came from the jungle.

In fact, A Bao and the others didn't know that they were almost at the border of Congo. After all, Zhou Sichen's military bases are all arranged in places where there are few human beings.

"I'm rough."A Bao subconsciously pulled his head in and covered his head.

"what sound?"Ms. Wang asked with a thump in her heart.

"Let me see."Zhou Sichen got off the car

"Don't go, it's dangerous."Ms. Wang is worried

"It's okay. I've been here all year round and have experience. You guys wait in the car."Zhou Sichen said.

The corner of Miss Wang's mouth twitched, because at this time, Zhou Sichen pulled out a golden pistol from his waist.

No, it's not a golden pistol.

This was a gift from Cliff when he was in Damao.

A gold-plated Desert Eagle..Crack!!!

The crisp sound of hanging up the hall sounded.

Abao looked at Zhou Sichen's skillful movements, and his eyebrows jumped.

Tell me on horseback, this is a cleaner?

Is this a cleaner?

Abao doubts life

"alert."Zhou Sichen said.

The two cars behind stopped, and Monkey and the others got out of the car instantly. They were already relying on the terrain to hide and stared at the direction of the gunshots.

Go, go, go!!!!

Congo belongs to Africa between Central Africa and South Africa. Here, there was a lot of rain and the ground was almost muddy.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps.

Then two hurried figures ran out.

"Help us, please, help us."

Two people were calling.

Zhou Sichen squinted his eyes. They were speaking the local African language.

Zhou Sichen was quite familiar with it.

"Sir, please save us, we are being hunted by rebels."The mature woman ran to Zhou Sichen and begged.

"What are your names?"Zhou Sichen asked.

Zhou Sichen didn't pay much attention to this middle-aged woman. The key was the girl behind this woman.

Zhou Sichen looked vaguely familiar.

"My name is Theron. When we were transferring to Europe, the airport was occupied by rebels. We could only take the land route, but we met the rebels halfway. This is my mother."The girl stood up and said

"Theron, Charlize Theron?"Zhou Sichen was slightly surprised.

The future movie star of Yingjiang!

Then, Zhou Sichen thought that Theron seemed to be born in South Africa. He suffered domestic violence from his father at home. In the end, his mother killed his father, and then went abroad. Finally, he drifted to Hollywood.

But now, he looks very young, probably around seventeen or eighteen years old.

"There is a chance!"Zhou Sichen is thinking in his mind.

He can only do it if there are benefits for him to do it. It looks good and his abilities can be cultivated. Zhou Sichen can definitely make plans in Hollywood.

Of course, don't get me wrong, it's not about making movies.

It's about doing things in Hollywood.

Everything. It's always right to leave a backup plan

"Why should I save you?" Zhou Sichen said confidently

"this?"Theron was anxious.

"Sir, those rebels are extremely vicious and will not let you go."Theron's mother said

"You got me into trouble for no reason, and I need you to do something for me."Zhou Sichen said.

Theron's mother was desperate.

There was a wolf in front and a tiger in the back.

Those rebels saw Theron's beauty and kidnapped Theron, but they escaped halfway.

In the end, another one came

"Okay, as long as you can save us, I will give you my life."Theron said

"Theron."Theron's mother was a little worried.

"We have not chosen our mother."Theron said

"good."Zhou Sichen nodded with satisfaction.

"What are they chattering about?"In the car, Abao leaned against the window and asked

"how could I know."Ms. Wang rolled her eyes.

"Africa is such a mess, I never want to come here again in my life."A Bao was still frightened.

It was too scary.

Damn it, Zhou Sichen must not say that he has stayed here for more than ten years?

In fact, Abao didn't know that the place where Zhou Sichen stayed was countless times more dangerous than this.

"Look at his proficiency with guns. He definitely plays with guns a lot. Are you sure this is cleaning?"Ms. Wang is confused.

"I don't know either."When Abao was talking, he suddenly paused.

At this moment, three people suddenly rushed out from the jungle.

"them?" Zhou Sichen asked

"Yes, that's them."Theron nodded.


A long gunshot sounded.

In Abao's eyes, Zhou Sichen fired a shot.

But this gunshot was long, very long.

It was longer than the ordinary sound. A lot.

Abao didn't even see clearly what those three people looked like, but they just showed their heads.

Zhou Sichen's gun had already spurted flames, and the three people's heads were shot on the spot, and the yellow and white things burst out


One shot kills three

"The boss’s methods are still so good"


Zhou Sichen looked at Abao and Miss Wang with a smile:"Welcome to Africa.""

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