【Secret Dungeon: Crane View - Purgatory Mode】

【Introduction: A secret realm created based on Inazuma Tsurukanjima. The map is expanded twenty times, the strength of monsters increases, the number increases, and the environment changes in various ways, and becomes more severe!】

【Background: The furious thunderbirds dropped bloody thunder in ancient times, destroying Heguan civilization and causing the ground here to fall into abnormal chaos. The past deeds are repeated all the time. The island is shrouded in thick fog all year round, robbing the living of their sense of direction.】

【Changes in the secret realm: Thunderbird has resurrected, its strength has been greatly enhanced, and the strength of the Golden King Beast has been greatly enhanced. The number of Crane Observation Perches has increased. By offering perches, you can obtain certain gifts and enhance the resistance to all negative effects caused by Thunderbirds (including Thunderbird attacks, blood thunder resistance, etc.)】

【Dungeon Rule 1: Every time a member of the team is eliminated, the remaining members will suffer a certain amount of punishment (the method of punishment is determined based on the situation of each member))】

【Dungeon Rule 2: When all teams are eliminated to one team, or the revived Thunderbird and Golden King Beast are eliminated, the level can be cleared.】

【Notice! Destroy the Thunderbird and the Golden King Beast to get super rewards!】

【The first secret realm survival instance has officially begun!】...

The information about the secret realm copy not only appeared in front of all participants.

At the same time, it also quietly appeared on the light screen above the Teyvat continent.

【Kuki Shinobu: I didn’t expect it to be Tsuruguan, but the copy of the secret realm they were in was actually created based on Tsuruguan. It’s incredible!】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, the changes in the map and the harsh and diverse environment will cause some suffering for all participants. But the most important thing is the enhancement of monsters, as well as the Thunderbird and Golden King Beast.】

【Wendy: The golden king beast is such an unforgettable past. I hope they can get rewards and improve their strength before facing the golden king beast.】

【Xiao Gong: I don’t know what the Golden King Beast is, but I know the Thunderbird! According to legend, it was a powerful monster that became furious for unknown reasons and caused trouble on Qinglai Island.】

【Xiaogong: If the general hadn’t shot an arrow to kill him, Qinglai Island would have become even more chaotic.】

【Arataki Yidou: Shot to death by an arrow from the General? It seems that this Thunderbird is nothing more than that!】

【Kuki Shinobu: Boss, you'd better not say anything. For the general, shooting the Thunderbird is naturally very easy, but for other people, it's different. Moreover, the Thunderbird in the secret realm dungeon is also very easy to kill. The amplitude has increased!】

【General Thunder: Are there any remaining Beast Realm Hounds and Golden King Beasts on Heguan Island? It seems that I have to make a trip.】......

In the secret copy

"It really is Heguan. I wonder if Mr. Yingxing knows more about Heguan."

After Mona read the information about the secret realm dungeon, she couldn't help but feel a numb scalp, and quickly asked the corresponding star.

She didn't know much about the Thunderbird.

But the Golden King Beast, she had heard about it from the old woman.

That was the old woman. A creation created by another member of the witch guild in which he lives.

The Golden King Beast is a terrifying giant beast that can dissolve space, travel through various places, and has extremely lethality and desire to attack.

So after hearing this When there was the Golden King Beast here, Mona couldn't help but want to get more information from Ying Xing.

After all, the other party seemed to have a certain understanding of Heguan.

Of course, with astrology, Mona could also Obtained some information.

Not to mention that the information obtained is very limited, and every time astrology is used, there is a certain amount of consumption.

On this unknown foggy island where we are now, we naturally have to preserve as much strength as possible, just in case.

"Not sure, but you can try to use astrology to predict the location of the Thunderbird and the Golden King Beast."

"This may help you avoid getting into certain dangers."

Ying Xing said in a calm tone.

But a strange color flashed in his eyes.

I thought that after entering the secret realm copy, it would be difficult to find a target that could kill him.

But when he heard that the Thunderbird and the Golden King Beast were both It was greatly enhanced, which aroused his strong interest.

Although Thunderbird is not a demon, it is comparable to a demon. Now that it has been greatly enhanced, its strength must not be weaker than some powerful demons.

As for the Golden King Beast, it may not be as good as Thunder The bird is powerful.

But what the other party controls is the power from outside the world - the power of darkness, which has extremely strong destructive capabilities.

Therefore, Ying Xing is very much looking forward to Mona being able to divine the locations of the Thunderbird and the Golden King Beast.

So. As soon as he comes, he will be able to find the two and engage in a bloody battle

"This is a good suggestion!"

Mona couldn't help but nodded when she heard the words.

But when she was about to use water astrology, several human-shaped black shadows slowly approached from the thick fog not far away.

Among them, there was also an extremely large human-shaped black shadow. , its height even exceeds seven meters!

【A special team triggers a random mission! 】

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