【Arataki Yidou: An immortal creature? What's the meaning? Is he an immortal?】

【Arataki Yidou: Hahaha, how is this possible? There can't be immortal people in this world, right?】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, there are almost no immortals in the Teyvat continent. Even the demon gods are only advanced life forms with relatively long lifespans.】

【Zhongli: Demon gods will also fall. There is no such thing as immortality in the world.】

【Zhongli: Of course, a very small number of special cases, although seemingly immortal, only use special means that are difficult to replicate to extend their lifespan, and reincarnation continues in endless forgetfulness.】

【Seventy-seven: Seventy-seven......Can't understand】

【Lei Movie: Ying Xing is not an ordinary person, he has an immortal body......If this is caused by the Curse of Abundance, then I can understand why he asked me to use Wu Xiang to kill him before.】

【Maplehara Manyo:? ? ?】

【Maplehara Manyo: Mr. Ying Xing won the imperial duel just to make the general......Sir General, use Wuxiang's sword on himself?】

【Lei Movie: Yes, he once said that he is a person seeking death. Perhaps it is because his immortality has brought him too much pain that he seeks relief.】

【Lei Movie: The scenery of the floating world remains unchanged for hundreds of thousands of years, but the existence of human beings is like white dew and bubbles, nothingness. A long life will eventually bear the pain caused by wear and tear】

【Lei Movie: From this point of view, I can understand his wish. It’s just that the Curse of Abundance has no way of knowing what kind of immortality it is.】

【Navilet: There are many special long-lived species on the continent of Teyvat, but longevity is not the same as immortality.】

【Navelle: The concept of immortality, in addition to longevity, also means immortality. If Mr. Ying Xing is the former, it is understandable, but if he is the latter, it is a bit unbelievable.】

【Dyne: The immortal curse imposed by the gods on mortals only turns them into ugly and incompetent long-lived monsters.】

【Dyne: If fertility can represent immortality, then how terrifying is the source of this power? I'm afraid not even the gods on Sky Island can reach it.】

【Dyne: This power from outside the world......How terrible! 】

In the secret copy.

Ying Xing slowly walked towards the giant pit where the Golden King Beast was.

Behind him, there was a huge blood river covered with countless red Bana flowers.

Although I have known for a long time that this kind of scene is the manifestation of the power that Ying Xing possesses.

But I saw the flower-blood river on the other side again.

Whether it is the three girls of Funina or the crowd watching, they can all feel the strange beauty.

However, what the enchanting and beautiful Bana Flower represents is an extremely terrifying horror!

The golden king beast hovering in the mid-390 air has not made any movements.

But when Ying Xing dragged the Zhili Sword and slowly approached.

The terrifying pressure instantly enveloped Ying Xing!

This coercion seemed to have materialized, making the terrain around Yingxing seem to be oppressed by gravity, and large spider web-like cracks suddenly appeared.

However, in the face of this pressure, even the followers of the demon god could not resist.

Not only was Ying Xing not affected in any way, but he became even more excited.

The flame-like blood energy emerging from his body also boiled completely at this moment!

"bring it on!"

Ying Xing raised the Zhili Sword and pointed it at the Golden King Beast. At the same time, the blood river flowing behind him also shrank at an extremely fast speed, turning into countless blood-red streams of light, quickly wrapping the Zhili Sword, causing it to Wrapped in a sheath of blood.

On the other side, the Golden King Beast seemed to sense danger from Ying Xing, and immediately let out a roar. The huge roar was like a sonic attack, making the three girls behind Funina feel a wave of pain. Uncomfortable.

But the next second, they couldn't help but widen their eyes, with shock on their faces.

They saw the Golden King Beast dragging its huge body of 300 meters long and slowly flying towards the star in mid-air.

Its flight process was relatively unusual. Slowly.

But around its body, yellow-brown dog-headed elemental projectiles appeared unexpectedly!

These projectiles are based on the heads of beast-land hounds and constructed with the power of demon-level rock elements.

Not only does each one contain extremely powerful elemental power, but the number of projectiles that appear around the Golden King Beast is very large, reaching thousands!

"Swish, swish, swish!!!"

In an instant, the dog-headed projectiles were like missiles, blasting towards Yingxing at an extremely fast speed!

Facing these thousands of dog-headed projectiles,

Yingxing suddenly swung out a powerful slash!

The moment the Zhili Sword was swung moment.

The blood scabbard wrapped around his body instantly turned into a terrifying bloody sword energy with a wide range!


A huge roar suddenly came.

Thousands of super-powerful dog-headed projectiles were seen. When they touched the bloody sword energy, bursts of strong rock element bursts occurred instantly!

Each rock element burst contained a A very terrifying power.

If the enhanced version of the phaseless thunder and the mutated deep-sea dragon lizard that Ying Xing and others encountered before were hit by one of the dog-headed projectiles, then their fate would be to perish!

As for the mutated and enhanced version of the Demon Sword Demon, although it will not be killed by a dog-headed projectile in one move, it will still fall as long as it faces dozens of dog-headed (ceeg) projectiles.

If faced with If there are hundreds of dog-headed projectiles, it will be killed instantly!

But facing such a terrifying dog-headed projectile, the bloody sword energy exerted by Ying Xing can quickly chop it into pieces with overwhelming force!

Less than five seconds passed.

The powerful bloody sword energy not only destroyed all the dog-headed missiles, but also continued to sprint along the flight path, and soon hit the Golden King Beast!

With a swish, the Golden King The beast's huge left ear was cut off instantly like a machine part!


A roar suddenly came from the Golden King Beast.

As a creation of gold, even if it is strengthened to the level of a high-level demon god, the Golden King Beast still does not have any emotions or pain.

Therefore, a part of its body was cut off. After that, it didn't feel anything.

But it still responded to the behavior caused by Ying Xing, roaring as if angry.

The next moment, the Golden King Beast quickly approached Ying Xing.

And at extremely fast speeds , with such speed that there was no reaction time, it slammed its huge tail towards Yingxing!

More importantly, its tail unknowingly clung to the extremely terrifying power of the rock element!

This also made the tail After being smashed, it not only caused a super powerful impact, but also caused the power of the rock element to cause even more terrifying injuries to the corresponding star at the moment it exploded!


Under the bombardment of the terrifying power, the entire area where Ying Xing was located, and the surface within tens of kilometers, experienced a strong collapse!

Like the movement of the planet's plates, the ground instantly collapsed over a large area.

And all Everything is buried in the bottomless abyss of the earth!

【Ray Movie:!!!】

【Thunder Movie: The golden king beast has been strengthened to such an extent!】

【Lei Movie: Ordinary demons cannot exert this kind of power!】

【Amber: It’s broken. Is something going to happen to Yingxing?】

【Amber: Anyway, the special team he led also provided great help to us in Mondstadt. I don’t want anything to happen to him!】

【Kaiya: Yes, my strength has almost doubled now. Among them, Mr. Ying Xing takes more than 90% of the credit!】

【Kaiya: So I also hope that Mr. Ying Xing can be safe and sound, but we have to face the scene before us.】

【Kaia: The destructive power of the golden king beast......It’s so scary!】

"Ying, Ying Xing!!!"

Seeing where Ying Xing was, he was flicked by the Golden King Beast, creating a large bottomless abyss.

And he himself also fell into the abyss and disappeared.

This made Mona and Xiang Ling burst into hysterics. Shouting.

Although Funina didn't shout, her expression was a little out of control at the moment. Tears, unknowingly, emerged from her eyes.

"By the way, with Lady Funina here, she can definitely save Yingxing!"

It seemed like they had thought of something.

Mona and Xiang Ling turned around suddenly, looking at Fu Nina with hopeful eyes.

Sensing the meaning in their eyes, Fu Nina felt a sense of sadness. (Reading Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although she also wanted to save Ying Xing and use the power of the demon god to tear apart the golden king beast in front of her.

But she was always just an ordinary person and had not mastered the power of the water god, so how could she save it? Ying Xing, and defeated the Golden King Beast?

But at this moment,

Mona and Xiang Ling could detect another huge sound coming from behind them.

When they turned around, they found that the Golden King Beast had re-emerged. suspended in mid air[]

However, the other party seemed to sense some huge danger, and immediately used the power of the terrifying rock element in his body to cover his whole body.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a straight long snake and suddenly rushed towards the abyss it smashed out.


The earth shook with greater intensity.

The impact of the Golden King Beast not only caused violent earthquakes in the entire interior of the island.

Even the distant sea surface was affected by the ripples caused by this vibration..

Set off huge waves, surging on the sea like a tsunami!

Immediately afterwards, a brand-new vibration suddenly emerged.

Only the surface of the earth slowly cracked with huge cracks.

The next moment, the Golden King Beast suddenly It emerged from the earth, and the power of the rock element on its body exploded instantly, turning into sharp and hardened rock gun blades!

As it flew into the sky again, a human figure also appeared on the Golden King Beast's body. In this return, he flew out of the abyss and was suspended in mid-air.

But his chest was pierced by a huge rock gun!

Seeing this scene, whether it was the three girls of Funina or the crowd watching , all felt their hearts tightening.

Because that huge rock gun actually penetrated most of Ying Xing's chest!

Not only the heart, but also other important organs of the body disappeared, and were replaced by the rock gun. For such an absolutely fatal injury, even the devil can only appeal with one life!

"this time......Can it succeed?"

The high pain immunity prevents Ying Xing from feeling too much pain.

But at this moment, he can detect it.

The pain caused by the immortal body disappears at this moment, so that he does not have to spend all the time At this moment, he allocated part of his energy to suppress it.

His spirit was completely relaxed and relieved at this moment.

But not long after Ying Xing closed his eyes, the pain of the immortal body emerged in his mind again.

It was terrifying enough to give birth to an entire life. The vitality of life on this planet burst out from his limbs and bones!

A wonderful feeling poured into Ying Xing's heart, and the blood color in his pupils became more and more dazzling, and gradually became tainted with a hint of madness.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Ying Xing suddenly laughed wildly.

After a moment, his right hand held the rock gun that penetrated his body.

In an extremely cruel and unhesitating manner, he continued to insert it further until the rock gun Being squeezed out.

At this moment, everyone can clearly see.

There is a big hole in Ying Xing's chest!

This hole originally represented many important organs.

They were all penetrated by the rock gun before. body, blasted out of the body


He saw Ying Xing suspended in mid-air with a hollow in his chest.

Mona and Xiang Ling's legs suddenly went weak, and they collapsed on the ground in despair.

As for Funina, tears began to drip from her eyes to the ground.

But she was completely unaware of this.

Seeing the scene of Ying Xing's death, she raised her right hand tremblingly.

The eye of the water elemental god on his body burst out with extremely dazzling brilliance at this moment.

Although he knew that this was an absolutely fatal injury, no one would be able to recover from his injuries.

Although he knew that this attack might expose his identity.

Although he knew that even if he took action, he would not be able to heal Ying Xing's injuries.

But Funina had an extremely strong thought at this moment.

That is to try to cure Ying Xing's injuries at all costs!

But at this moment, Fu Nina's movements suddenly stopped, and her expression suddenly became dull.

Even Mona, Xiang Ling, and the crowd watching were stunned at this moment.

Because in their eyes.

Ying Xing's chest, which had turned into a large hollow, suddenly had countless bloodshot eyes.

The blood threads intertwined rapidly at an astonishing speed, and continuously constructed the skeleton, flesh and blood, and organs.

Clearly visible to all.

Under the intertwined structure of blood threads, a brand new heart regenerated from Ying Xing's chest and started beating again.

When everything inside is completed with bloodshot structures.

The skin layer on the surface also regenerated at an extremely fast speed, quickly allowing Ying Xing to return to its original state.

And this whole process only took less than five seconds!

【Doctor (Slice 1): Impossible!!!】

【Doctor (Slice 2): How is this possible? It’s ridiculous!】

【Doctor: (Slice 3): Even the heart and other organs can be rewoven. What kind of terrifying life ability is this?】

【Doctor: No, I really can't stand it anymore. I really can't wait to study your body now!】

【Servant: Calm down, he is not a strong person that you can handle at all. Don’t involve his anger on the entire fool.】

【BENNETT: No, isn't it?】

【Bennett: He was injured like that, but he was able to heal on his own, and at such a fast rate?!】

【Zhongli: This is really true......Shocking!】

【Villette: Is this the real immortal body? It's unbelievable!】

【Thunder Movie: Recover quickly from such an attack......】

【Lei Movie: This ability is too terrifying! Even if I use Wu Xiang's sword, I can't destroy this body!】

【Wendy: Is it the immortality brought about by the fertility curse?】

【Wendy: What a terrifying curse this is. It can’t even be eradicated by a power second only to the top demon god!】

【Charlotte: Although I couldn’t help but feel relieved to see that Mr. Ying Xing was safe, but in comparison, the immortal body is still more concerning!】

【Zhongli: Don’t ignore one thing. Mr. Ying Xing’s return to his original state is certainly worthy of celebration, but his state is very wrong. This may be the demonic body he mentioned before!】

"Ying Xing, are you okay?"

"It scared me to death, and I was worried to death for him."

Seeing the injuries on Ying Xing's body, she miraculously recovered.

Mona, who was slumped on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief and stood up again.

But the next second, she suddenly felt bad.

Because Ying Xing seemed to be back to normal again. Once again, he fell into the same state as before.

And unlike being suppressed again and again before, now he seemed to be completely immersed in that state!

At the same time, an aura of destruction that was far more terrifying than the Golden King Beast, Erupted from Ying Xing

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