"I didn’t expect Ying Xing to solve it so quickly!"

Mona was also a little stunned.

She originally had a certain understanding of Ying Xing's strength.

But now it seems that she still misjudged Ying Xing's strength!

‘It's so easy to defeat these two powerful monsters. It's hard to imagine how strong you really are when you explode with all your strength!’

‘But this makes me feel relieved. Maybe you have enough strength and confidence that you dare to challenge the Thunderbird and the Golden King Beast, right? Mona took a deep look at Ying Xing and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

We first saw Ying Xing's fighting style and his crazy moves to find the Thunderbird and the Golden King Beast.

She then thought that Ying Xing was someone seeking death.

But now it seems that she was wrong at first.

Perhaps Ying Xing dares to challenge the two most powerful monsters in the secret realm.

It relies on that unfathomable terrifying strength!

As the mission rewards are distributed.

Mona, Xiangling and Funina can all feel that their physiques have been enhanced in all aspects!

Compared to the previous random missions, this"highly difficult" mission to eliminate the deep sea dragon lizards provided the most all-attribute bonuses.

This also allows them to clearly notice changes in their bodies.

As for Ying Xing, he is still the same and doesn't feel anything.

Then he, Funina and Mona opened the precious treasure chest together.

Similar to before, the reward Ying Xing received was still an increase in the strength and affinity of the wind element.

This made him very disappointed.

There is a saying that goes well, elemental power is powerless and Honkai power is powerless.

This still seems very appropriate when it comes to Ying Xing.

No matter how powerful the power of the wind element is, it cannot be compared with the power of abundance.

The gap between the two is like the difference between the Trisolaran civilization and the Zero Returner civilization. The watershed between them is so great that it is unimaginable.

Of course, this is mainly because the power of the element alone appears to be relatively weak.

If you can master the power of the seven elements and merge them into the power of the light world, you may be able to provide some help to the corresponding star.

After digesting the treasure chest reward, Ying Xing quickly saw Xiang Ling, picked up the precious treasure chest with both hands, and walked slowly over.

Obviously, the other party was still prepared to hand over the precious treasure box to him.

It's just that treasure chest rewards of this level are like digging for treasures in a garbage dump for Ying Xing. It's difficult to find anything interesting.

However, he could see the stubbornness hidden in Xiang Ling's eyes, so he didn't refuse and opened it directly.

It's a pity that the reward this time is an increase in the strength and affinity of the wind element.

As for Mona and Funina, after opening the precious treasure chest, the rewards they received were increased elemental strength and elemental affinity.

The reason for this situation is most likely because most of the abilities they currently have are difficult to improve through the rewards obtained from precious treasure chests.

That's why you get elemental strength and elemental affinity, this kind of steady stream of ability improvement.

"By the way, what's going on with this tree? This is the first time I have seen such a strange tree."

After digesting the treasure chest reward, Mona came to the body of the deep sea dragon lizard, Tun Lei, with curiosity on her face.

The body of the deep sea dragon lizard, Tun Lei, still became dim and colorless.

You can rely on the powerful vitality contained in its flesh and blood. , the tree of fertility that grows rapidly is very eye-catching.

The tree of fertility not only looks weird, but also has a strong vitality and odor.

The odor is very special, although it will not affect the human body.

But After smelling it for a long time, people will subconsciously approach and come into contact with the tree of fertility.

"Don't go near it unless you want to become a fertile beast."

Just when Mona was about to get close to the Tree of Fertility, a cold voice came from behind, making her shiver.

When she turned around, she found that Ying Xing had appeared beside her at some point, with red eyes. In the middle, there was flashing an evil light of blood.

It was as if, as long as she dared to touch the Tree of Fertility, the other party might kill her at any time!

"Ahem, if you don't want to get close, don't get close. I'm just a little curious about this kind of tree."

Mona decisively fled around the Tree of Fertility.

Although she didn't know why Yingxing's attitude became so big.

But she didn't want to have a dispute with Yingxing or even worsen the relationship because of a broken tree.

See After Mona left, Ying Xing gradually returned to normal.

The Tree of Fertility contains a trace of fertility power. Once it comes into contact with other living beings, it will either absorb all of the other's life force and turn it into its own nutrients.

Or it will assimilate the other's body, Turn it into a fertile and evil creature.

This is essentially different from the immortality seed.

When the immortality seed reaches a certain lifespan and the spirit cannot compete with the immortality cells, it will be deeply trapped in the five turbidities and fall into the demonic body, and from then on it will become Fertile creatures.

The Fertile Tree skips this stage and directly causes other creatures to turn into fertile creatures.

This is why the Fertile People are the existence that almost everyone shouts about.

Of course, most Fertile People do not have this Means.

But the Envoys of Abundance are different.

They receive the power personally given by the Apothecary, the God of Abundance. This power can turn countless creatures into evil creatures at any time. The immortal body of Yingxing is derived from the flesh and blood curse of the Envoys of Abundance..So the power of fertility that comes out of his body also has this ability.

However, neither he nor the blade has a good impression of the evil creature of fertility.

Especially Blade, who hates the evil creature of fertility. It is also extremely strong.

Therefore, Yingxing will prevent the immortal body from revealing its power and allowing other creatures to transform into fertile evil creatures.

Once this happens, they must be killed.

After all, degenerating into fertile evil creatures is quite... There is no hope, no matter who the other person was, he will become a mindless beast.

Immediately afterwards, Ying Xing chopped the tree of fertility with a sword and took back all the power of fertility contained in it.

"If you rashly come into contact with the power of abundance, you will encounter many misfortunes and even become a mindless creature."

"So next time you see something like this, it's best not to get close."

Seemingly sensing that Mona's mood had become a little low, Ying Xing finally explained.

This would also prevent them from risking their own lives because of curiosity next time.

"Will the power of abundance make people so terrifying?"

Mona, who originally felt a little aggrieved because of Ying Xing's attitude, now understands why the other party's attitude has changed so much. At the same time, she is also a little lucky in her heart. If Ying Xing hadn't stopped her, maybe she would have touched her. to the tree of fertility, and thus encounter misfortune.

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