Facing the three deep-sea dragon lizards that are about to attack.

Xiangling held a spear, and the eyes of the fire elemental god gradually emitted a fiery red light.

Although her most powerful ability lies in her cooking skills.

You can pass various treasure chest rewards before.

Xiang Ling has also undergone a great transformation in terms of spear skills.

Even the power of the fire element has become more powerful than before.

Of course, she now dares to challenge the Deep Sea Dragon Lizard.

Mainly because after eating the food at noon, I got a lot of super buffs!

Through the power of the Demon God of the Stove, each delicacy cooked can bring a strong benefit to the eater.

Especially when Xiangling does more and tastes more, she feels that her current strength is several times stronger than her usual self!

This can also be seen from the demonic power of the Stove Demonic God.

How terrifying are the beneficial effects that can be obtained by diners through delicious food!

"Then I'll join the fight too"

"Ying Xing, please don’t take action this time."

Mona also took out her astrolabe instrument at this time.

In fact, she, like Fu Nina, found something abnormal about Ying Xing near the perch.

So Mona took action this time, I also don’t want to put pressure on the other party and want to let the other party rest for a while.

"Uh, ahem, then please start your performance!"

"The monsters you encountered this time may be a little dangerous to you, but to me, they are a piece of cake!"

"If you can't handle it, I will naturally help!"

When Funina heard that Mona and Xiangling were preparing to take action, she also had some ideas.

Although she may not be able to kill three deep-sea dragon lizards at once.

But if Mona and Xiangling attract one each, then she The three water-shaped phantoms created will definitely be able to suppress one of the deep-sea dragon lizards!

After all, Fu Nina's current water element strength has reached the level of the devil's familiar!

Even if she is not very experienced in combat, she wants to Defeating one of the deep sea dragon lizards alone is certainly not particularly difficult.

‘Hehe, that's it!’

‘As long as Mona and Xiang Ling can hold down one of the deep sea dragon lizards respectively, I can show off my skills!’

‘In this way, the people's trust in me, the water god, will be deepened, and the truth will be harder to discover!’

‘Hahaha, I am really a little genius! Funina seemed calm on the surface, as if she was waiting for Mona and Xiangling to be unable to hold on any longer before deciding to take action.

But inside, she was very happy.

When facing the enhanced version of the phaseless thunder, such terrifying monsters.

Even if Funina had the elemental strength of the Demon God's Familiar level, it would be difficult to defeat her opponent.

After all, monsters of that level are not as good as the real Demon God's Familiar.

But it was not an opponent like her who could defeat an existence whose elemental strength reached the level of the Demon God's Familiar.

But the deep sea dragon lizard is different.

In groups of three, it can be difficult to handle.

But if you defeat one alone, the pressure is much less.

And if this can defeat the Deep Sea Dragon Lizard, it will make one thing clear to the watching crowd.

She, Funina, the demon god Fukalos, is not just a mascot!

But a mascot that truly possesses great strength!

In addition, in this way, the people of Fontaine and all the residents of Teyvat Continent will understand one thing.

She is a true god!

In this way, it would be difficult for Funina to reveal her true identity.

The truth will also become more confusing.

The plan to crack the prophecy crisis and save countless Fontaine people can proceed more smoothly! the other side.

It seems that the three women all want to express themselves and practice everything they have gained during this period.

Ying Xing just held the Zhili Sword and stood aside to watch.

However, his patience has its limits.

If the three women cannot deal with these three deep-sea dragon lizards in a short period of time.

Then he will naturally take action and kill these monsters directly to avoid wasting too much time.


The three deep-sea dragon lizards all let out a deafening roar like a sonic attack.

The next moment, they drove their extremely huge bodies and rushed over quickly, preparing to kill Mona and Xiang Ling who were blocking them. Tear it apart!

"Make a wish in the water!"

Mona summoned a two-meter-tall phantom.

A taunting magic power emerged from the phantom.

This caused the three deep-sea dragon lizards to immediately change their attack targets, and their pupils emitted a faint red color. Light, angrily rushed towards the shadow.

Immediately afterwards, Mona performed many complex and diverse spells, applying multiple layers of buffs to herself and Xiangling.

The next moment, her hands condensed a large amount of water elemental power.

In conjunction with the astrolabe The instrument suddenly launched a powerful move against the three deep-sea dragon lizards!

"Destiny is determined!"

As Mona released the move, the powerful power of the water element turned into a huge water wave, flowing below the three deep-sea dragon lizards.

This water wave vaguely reflected an illusory starry sky, which was dazzling.

But below In one second, the water wave exploded instantly!

With a bang, the water wave immediately caused powerful water element damage to the three deep-sea dragon lizards.

It also exerted a large number of negative effects on them!

Among them, strength weakening, speed weakening, Defense weakening and other debuff effects. The above debuff effects are all multi-layer debuff techniques developed after Mona's skill level has been greatly improved.

But the core of this move is the water wave explosion. The bubbles formed later.

These bubbles wrapped around the bodies of the deep-sea dragon lizards, subjecting them to a state called star alienation, which caused the damage they suffered in the future to be greatly increased! At the same time

, Xiangling was also At this time, he suddenly sprinted in front of the group of deep sea dragon lizards.

Accompanied by the fire elementPower quickly burst out from the Eyes of God.

Xiangling quickly summoned two powerful Hot Fire Wheels!

Originally, with her elemental power, she could only summon a hot wheel.

But after many times of strength improvement, not only can he summon an additional Hot Wheel, but he can also make these two Hot Wheels far more powerful than before!

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