Because the feathers of the three ptarmigans are centered on the perch, they fly in three other different directions.

So after the special team recovered the feathers of the first thunderbird, they were ready to return to the perch again.

This return was not necessarily about returning to the perch in search of the remaining ptarmigan feathers.

It was because time was passing by unknowingly, and it had already reached noon.

At this moment, Fu Nina, Mona and Xiang Ling all felt their stomachs were flat.

So after everyone discussed for a while on the way, they decided to return to their perch and light a fire.

The improvement of strength will not prevent the three girls of Funina from suffering from hunger, unless they can truly be upgraded to demon gods.

Almost every demon god is a very high-level elemental life form.

What flows in their bodies is pure elemental power.

So for them, there is no concept of hunger at all.

Just replenish enough elemental power to maintain vitality for a long time.

However, the demon god status is too far away for the three women, so they inevitably need food.

This is true even if Xiang Ling obtained part of the Demon God's power from the Demon God of the Stove.

As for Ying Xing, he naturally feels hungry.

His immortality will make it difficult for him to die.

Even if he doesn't eat or drink, his immortal body will not let him die for such a ridiculous reason.

But if you don’t eat, the feeling of hunger will still persist, which will turn into another kind of pain and torture yourself.

Therefore, Ying Xing does not refuse to eat.

Moreover, the cooking machine made by Xiang Ling is extremely delicious. Even a living being who is not suffering from hunger would probably be able to enjoy the delicious food.

Not to mention, now that he has obtained part of the demonic power of the Stove Demonic God, the food cooked by Xiangling is even more tempting.

After walking for a while, the four of them returned to the perch.

A perch is like a natural shelter.

Not only can it reduce the density of surrounding fog.

And there were no monsters around at all.

"It’s time to eat! It’s time to eat!"

After another period of time, Xiang Ling quickly cooked many delicacies.

And this time she tried to add the power of the Demon God of the Stove to the cooking process.

This made the cooked delicacies not only more attractive, but also And after eating it, it will provide certain buffs to the team members.

"This is really magical, Xiangling, can you make more for backup?"

"Maybe it might come in handy when encountering other powerful monsters in the future!"

Mona touched her full belly and said with a satisfied look on her face.

"This is okay, but you can only make food that lasts longer."

"Otherwise, if you put it in the Eye of God, it will go rancid."

Xiang Ling nodded immediately after hearing this.

Then she lit the fire again and prepared to make some portable food.

On the other side, Funina saw Ying Xing leaning on the back of a tree, as if in a daze.

This made She was a little curious as to what Ying Xing was thinking.

But when Funina got closer to Ying Xing for a moment, the other person's eyes suddenly flashed with blood, and an evil aura suddenly emerged.

This made Funina subconsciously take a step back..When

Ying Xing saw that the person who came was Funina, the blood in his eyes and the evil aura all over his body gradually converged, and he closed his eyes to rest.

"What are you......What's wrong?"

Funina could feel that something was wrong with Ying Xing's state just now.

After hesitating for a moment, she couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing to do with you."

Ying Xing didn't even open his eyes, and his tone seemed a bit cold.

Although he entered the secret realm dungeon and completed various tasks, he received a pain immunity bonus.

However, the pain immunity only made it easier for him to suppress the demon body. Some.

But once you relax your vigilance, you will fall into the demonic body at any time.

However, although the demonic body will come back at any time, Yingxing can suppress it as long as he does not relax his vigilance.

However, during the key process of suppression, he cannot be suppressed by anything. Because this process is the closest state to the demonic body.

Therefore, during the suppression process just now, Yingxing's state will reveal some of the characteristics of the demonic body.

On the other side,

Funina can see that Yingxing Xing's condition was not very good.

So she didn't say much and left silently.

‘There seems to be something wrong with Ying Xing's condition. Could this be related to the curse he carries? '

Fu Nina didn't care about Ying Xing's tone just now.

Instead, think about the other person's state and what is going on.

In fact, no matter it is her, or Mona and Xiang Ling.

When receiving the mission prompt, it can be found that among the punishments related to the national destiny, Yingxing's punishment has always been the Curse of Abundance.

Although Funina didn't know what the Curse of Abundance actually was.

But she can conclude that the fertility curse will definitely bring a lot of pain to Yingxing.

In addition, the other party's state just now was very wrong.

So she believed that that should be the negative effect brought about by the Curse of Abundance.

Thinking of this, Funina couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

Although the opponent always has a cold attitude, once the team encounters any problems, he is the strongest shoulder!

And during this period of time, Ying Xing did pay a lot for the team.

Therefore, the three girls of Funina all have a favorable impression of Yingxing and have considerable status in their hearts.

‘If this fertility curse could be lifted, maybe Ying Xing wouldn't have to suffer all the time, right?’

‘But with my current strength, there is simply no way I can do it!’

‘But Mona is well-informed and might know how to solve it?’

‘However, if I asked him face to face, wouldn’t I expose myself?’

‘After all, gods are omnipotent! '

Funina was entangled in her heart for a long time.

In the end, it was decided to use conversation skills to listen in and see if I could get relevant information from Mona.

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