It didn’t take long after we entered the cave.

Under the light of a well-preserved bonfire.

Mona discovered that inside the cave, there was a stone flashing with purple thunder and lightning.

"Electric crystal? There is such a thing, do you want me to blow it up?"

Xiang Ling saw this and couldn't help but ask Ying Xing.

The use of electrical crystal is not very big. It can generally be used as a forging material for some weapons.

But this thing is an ore that Rei Slime likes very much.

So in the wild , once the electric crystal appears, it means that there is a high probability that there will be Ray Slime around.

Of course, there is no Ray Slime in this cave.

But whether it is to prevent attracting Ray Slime, or you are worried about being late at night. Be careful if you get an electric shock or get electrocuted, you need to get rid of it.

"Blow it up, this thing may be of some use later."

Ying Xing nodded.

On Heguan Island, in addition to the feathers of the thunderbird and the special big stone gate, there is also an existence called the thunder stone.

But compared to the first two, the thunder stone is fixed in place. After lighting up, it can only provide a certain resistance to the dense fog when people are near the Thunder Stone.

If you want to light up the Thunder Stone, you must have the power of the thunder element.

Currently, the four members of the team have not mastered the power of the thunder element. Power.

Therefore, electric crystals that contain the power of the thunder element may come in handy.

Of course, it is also a good choice to use them as forging materials. At the very least, electric crystals can be used as substitutes for some of the materials used to make Jinren Siyan. Taste

"Okay, you all stand back."

Xiang Ling heard the words and immediately enchanted the head of the gun with the power of the fire element.

As she stabbed hard, the thunder and fire overload reaction caused the electrical crystal to be blown out instantly.

"Then I'll prepare the tent."

Mona took out several small folding tents from the Eye of God.

She has a long experience of surviving in the wild.

Therefore, in the storage space of the Eye of God, in addition to various astrological instruments and books, some It is wilderness survival equipment.

Of course, in addition to these things, there are some other supplies in Mona's Eye of God storage space.

Only Mora and food are not available at all.

After a while, Mona put the four The tents were all set up.

On the other side, Xiang Ling blew out the electrical crystal and handed it to Ying Xing.

He also took out the cooking boiler and started cooking.

As a famous chef in the Teyvat continent,

Xiang Ling had some She often researches some weird dishes.

But the dishes she makes are absolutely top-notch!

After anyone eats them once, they will never want to eat ordinary meals again.

As for Funina, she also prepared some dishes It seemed that he wanted to make some desserts with the ingredients.

After a while, an irresistible fragrance began to waft out.

Mona, who had been hungry for a long time, couldn't help but swallowed when she smelled the fragrance.

"Humph, luckily I took a lot of ingredients from the kitchen before coming here, otherwise I wouldn’t know where to find them."

Not long after, Xiang Ling brought a pot of boiled black back bass. It looked hot, but full of fragrance.

Putting the boiled black back bass on the wooden table that had been prepared, Xiang Ling went to prepare other meals.

After a while, several kinds of delicacies were placed on the wooden table.

"It’s time to eat! It’s time to eat!"

After preparing the rice bowls, Xiang Ling invited everyone to eat.

Soon, everyone was sitting on the rocks to eat. When the food entered the mouth, even Ying Xing had to sigh, the food made by Xiang Ling was really delicious!

Mona It was like a starving ghost reincarnated, frantically flashing food into her mouth.

As for Funina, it was hard to resist such rare delicacies. But she always maintained the manners of a lady and enjoyed it elegantly.

It's just that her eating speed was no slower than Mona's.

She looked very elegant, but the food just entered her stomach unknowingly.

"Not bad, a rare delicacy."

After eating, Ying Xing couldn't help but comment.

"Hehe, I can't provide much help in fighting, but when it comes to eating, I have full confidence!"

After receiving Ying Xing's affirmation, Xiang Ling said happily

"Ahem, although you are very full, you wouldn’t mind having some dessert after the meal, right?"

At this moment, Funina said to everyone with a proud look on her face.

"ah? Lady Funina, you actually made dessert?"

"I never expected that I would be lucky enough to experience delicious food cooked by the gods themselves!"

After eating, Mona, who still felt unsatisfied, looked very surprised.

"I am very satisfied with your performance today, so I am going to make some desserts as my recognition of you!"

"Congratulate me on my mercy! Not everyone can taste this dessert made by the gods!"

Funina enjoyed Mona's reaction and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

Then she took out four desserts.

Three of them were chocolate-colored triangular cakes. This is Fontaine's most famous dessert, called To the Water God..

As for the other one, it is a blue cake that looks like a small castle.

This is a special dish made by Funina after optimizing the water god and adding her own hobbies, called Prustis. It means justice.

After taking out the desserts, Funina placed the water gods in front of her, Xiangling and Mona's tables respectively.

As for the prustis she carefully made, she placed them in front of Ying Xing.Obviously

, this is a dessert specially prepared by Funina for Yingxing.

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