【Arataki Yidou: This is a real man! If you encounter danger, just go up and fight!】

【Charlotte: But that Qiuqiu Frost Armor King looks so scary. Can Su Ren solve it?】

【Clolind: With Lady Funina here, even if there is danger, we can avert the danger.】

【General Thunder: Although I don’t know the limits of his martial arts, he should be able to easily deal with King Qiuqiu Frost Armor.】

【Wendy: I ​​didn’t expect the general to speak so highly of Su Ren. It seems that Su Ren’s strength should not be underestimated!】

【Bennett: Wait, what is he doing?!】...

The people watching through the light screen were all surprised at this moment.

Because the scene in the picture made them all feel incredible!

In the secret copy.

I saw Su Ren slowly walking towards King Qiuqiu Frost Armor, and raising his left hand, swiping the Zhili sword, and blood spilled out instantly.

The dark fragmented sword emitted a burst of blood after bathing in blood, and revealed an ominous aura that contained a strong sense of oppression.

This made everyone watching feel numb.

In addition to the crowd watching, the three girls Funina who were closest to Su Ren could even feel the strong evil energy coming from Su Ren.

"Su Ren, you...Are you OK?"

Mona's tone was trembling.

As an astrologer, she has seen many incredible things whether from books or in the process of divination.

But this is the first time she has seen this kind of self-inflicted attack.

Not only her, but even Xiang Ling and Funina have never seen this kind of fighting style.

‘It’s this way of fighting, it’s really hurting yourself!’

‘No, no, no matter what, we must ensure his safety, otherwise we will be doomed!’

‘I remember I brought some medical supplies......’

Funina took out her small package and started looking for it.

On the other side, King Qiuqiu Frost Armor could also sense that the human being approaching in front of him was like an evil ghost, full of evil aura.

This instantly stimulated the wildness in his heart, and soon turned into a furious beast.


Qiuqiu Frost Armor King suddenly roared, and the power of the ice element instantly exploded in its body, covering its body with a thick layer of ice armor. The next moment, it jumped up like a giant ape, and its huge palms condensed A sphere of pure ice element suddenly hit Su Ren!

"Fantasy wish in water!"

Mona subconsciously summoned a phantom and prepared to transfer Su Ren through a spell to avoid being hit by Qiuqiu Frost Armor King.

However, she was shocked to find that there was a sense of resistance from the spell, as if there was some force stopping her.


Su Ren spoke calmly.

Then he looked at the Qiuqiu Frost Armor King who quickly fell from the air, with a little expectation in his eyes.


In an instant, Qiuqiu Frost Armor King's fierce attack hit Su Ren hard.

In an instant, the ground shook suddenly, and the biting cold air spread quickly.

With Su Ren as the center, the ground within a radius of more than ten meters was frozen. layer of frost.

As for himself, he was frozen into a huge ice block!

"Su Yan!"

More than twenty meters away, through the thick fog, she could vaguely see Su Ren being frozen into a big ice cube. Funina couldn't help but exclaim, with a hint of anxiety in her tone. The attack range of King Qiuqiu Frost Armor is not small. If Not at the critical moment, if Mona transfers them, they will all be hurt.

But the most important thing now is that teammate Su Yan must not be eliminated!

Not to mention that the elimination of teammates will lead to the rest of the members being punished.

So Judging from the current situation, if Su Yan is missing, they will definitely not be able to sustain it for long, and then they will be eliminated.


At this moment, Xiang Ling held a white tassel gun and quickly rushed to Su Ren's position.

And she used the power of the fire element to cast Hot Wheels, which gradually melted the frost that frozen the earth.

But she couldn't wait. Xiangling arrived, and four Qiuqiu people, who were over two meters tall and looked like Qiuqiu thugs, stood in front of her.

"It seems that I can only let you take action. Lady Funina, go and get rid of Qiuqiu Frost Armor King and the others!"

Seeing that the situation was unclear, Mona immediately looked at Funina


Funina pointed at herself, her face suddenly stiffened.

Although she also wanted to rescue Su Ren, she was simply an ordinary person without any fighting power!

If she goes up now, wouldn't it be for free?

【Arataki Yidou: Damn it, can't that guy defeat the Nine Tengu? Shouldn't he be defeated by Qiu Qiu Frost Armor King with one punch?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It seems that something unexpected happened to the special team】

【Charlotte: Although it looks dangerous, I believe Lady Fonina will take action to solve it.】

【Desia: Yes, although the gods will not easily deal with other teams, in this case, you have to save people, right?】

【Navilette: No, the situation has changed!】......


The big ice block suddenly cracked with many cracks, and the next moment it completely collapsed.

Only Su Ren's figure appeared intact in front of everyone's eyes.

"So disappointing."

Su Ren's eyes showed undisguised disappointment.

The blow just struck by Qiu Qiu Frost Armor King looked very fierce.

But when it hit Su Ren, he felt as if he was lightly patted by a kitten, without feeling anything.

As for Qiu Qiu , The injuries caused to him by King Qiu Qiu Shuang Armor were completely healed by the terrifying healing ability of the immortal body in less than 0.1 seconds.

Su Ren originally thought that the strengthened King Qiu Qiu Shuang Armor would bring him some surprises.

But now he sees Come, the opponent is still very weak.

Perhaps in this secret realm copy, only the Thunderbird and the Golden King Beast can bring him some surprises

"I only use this sword to bury you."

A strong bloody light suddenly emerged from the Zhili Sword.

The next moment, Su Ren swung the Zhili Sword and instantly slashed out a terrifying bloody sword energy.

"Buried on the other side!"

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