"It's a pity! All non-attribute points and lord points can only be obtained after leaving the tower!"

Su Wen shook his head.

He looked at the tower door that led to the upper floors.

"Go on!"

Su Wen whispered softly.

He looked at his panel.

You want to succeed.

Just with the strength of the present.

Even with the blessing of enchanted attributes.

It's still a bit far-fetched.

After all.

His skills are too monolithic.

There is only one special move, Meteor.

In the later battles.

When facing a large number of enemies.

The special move Meteor has almost no effect.

"Let's try again after kicking up!"


Su Wen amplified the special move Meteor.


After a flash of light.

Special Move: Meteor Becomes Yellow Tier Special Move: Meteor (MAX)

Su Wen's eyes lit up, and he began to break the limit amplification.


It didn't take a while.

He upgraded his special move to a god-level special move: Meteor.

[Meteor, a god-level special move: An arrow that bursts and kills, shoots a flower arrow constructed of flower petals, causing 10,000 times critical damage to the target, with explosive damage, covering an area of 300 meters, and dealing 5,000 times critical damage to enemies within the range!]


Su Wen's eyes lit up when he saw this. 29. Without hesitation, he did not hesitate to upgrade again.


Under continuous cracking.

When Su Wen's free attribute points were still 100485 left.

The skill has been upgraded to a seventh-rank god-level special skill.

The stats reach 70,000 times the critical damage, covering 2,100 meters, and dealing 35,000 times the critical damage to enemies in the area.

Look at the data in front of you.

Su Wen stopped.

This blow down.

Plus set bonuses and base stat bonuses.

The damage he inflicts on the enemy is at least hundreds of millions.

That's tens of thousands of times what it used to be.

And it's a nirvana that you don't need to build.

Followed by.

He looked at the special move Heart Piercing Sword again.

"Stats Amplified!"

As his mental power is focused on special moves.

The special move, the Heartpiercing Sword, lit up with a ball of light.

[Yellow Rank Special Skill Piercing Sword (MAX): Within 10 steps, ignore the enemy's defense, and pierce the heart with the sword!Explosive Power +500%, Piercing Damage +500%, Sharpness +500%!]

"So-so! This skill kills the enemy by ignoring defense! It can break armor in an instant!"

Su Wen said lightly.

He looked at the other skills: "All of them are amplified to the top!"


The light flashed.

He felt like he was in a warm ocean.

There's a lot of knowledge in my head.

This knowledge made his mind more and more active.

Especially about magic and the language of flowers.

It made him feel a lot.

"Next, let's add all the remaining attribute points!"


Su Wen evenly added 10W attribute points to the four-dimensional attributes.


This wave of plus points.

Su Wen turned into a balloon that seemed to be full of gas.

It seems that the whole body has inexhaustible strength.

He could even hear the sound of his own blood flowing.

You can feel your own heat.

The heat was like scorching lava.

The fire seems to be burning all the time.

At the same time.

His senses have become more and more acute.

Mental clarity.

The mind is active.

The powerful effect of greatly increasing attributes.

Su Wen had an abnormal illusion that he seemed to be omnipotent.

He tentatively threw two punches into the ground of the tower.


A heart-piercing pain erupted from the surface of his fist.

Only then did Su Wen wake up from that hot, boundless, tall, and invincible state.

He looked at the broken fists.

couldn't help laughing: "With more than 20,000 attributes, in the face of the creation of the Heavenly Dao, it is still as fragile as an egg!"

In the end, it's still too weak.

After thinking about it.

Only then did he look back at his stats panel.

[Name: Su Wen]

[Class Lord: Flower Whisper Lord (White Rank)]

[Rating: 30 (99.9%)]

[Lord Points: 4,06390W]

[Flower Elf Reputation: 320]

[Dragon Kingdom Prestige: 11w.]

[Blue Star Prestige: 100] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Flower gas: 0】

[Lifespan: 7000 years old]

[Title: Flower Language Overlord (Only)]

[Third Sequence: Eternal Flame (Yellow Rank (MAX), Ability: Domination +10, Intrigue +10)]

[Holy Body: Level 10 Flower Emperor Holy Body MAX (1100% Ranged Critical Hit, 200x Range, 200x Ultra-Distance Vision, Void Breaking, Imperial Blood Deterrence, Sacred Body Perfect Control, Advanced Poison Element Immunity, Advanced Nature Affinity, Advanced Flower and Herb Control)]

[Attributes: Strength 30100+1200;Agility 30100+1200;Spirit 30100+1200;Constitution 30100+1200] (Set Amplification)

[Equipment: Flower Elf Overlord Armament, Love Saint's Infatuation Ring]

[Territory: Qingqing Plain Area 2]

[General Knowledge: Basic Magic (Proficient MAX), Book of Flower Language (Proficient MAX)]

[Normal Passive Skills: Level 5 King Kong is not bad (MAX), Level 12 Heavenly Language (MAX)]

[Normal Action Skills: Yellow Tier Special Skill Heart Piercing Sword (MAX), First Rank God Level Instant Shadow (MAX)]

[Professional Skills: Yellow Rank Archery Mastery (MAX), Yellow Rank Hundred Shots and Hundred Hits (MAX), Flower Language Inscription, Seven-Rank God Rank Special Skill Meteor (MAX)]

[Military Array Skills: God-Rank General Battle (MAX), God-Rank Breaking Army Formation (MAX)]

[Talent: Gain 1 attribute point per day]

[Hidden Talents: Attribute Amplification, Gain Attribute Points by Killing Monsters][]

[Attribute: 495]

"I didn't expect to have another 2,000 years of life!

Su Wen looked at the data on the panel and couldn't help laughing.

With the improvement of the overall skill.

He has also become more comfortable with his grasp of power.

Come to think of it.

He looked again at the door to the twenty-first floor.

"Let's go!"


Su Wen got up and strode towards the twenty-first floor.


"Why hasn't Su Wen come out yet?"

"What is he doing?"

"I guess he's recovering! I was seriously injured when I crossed the 20th floor before, and I almost died, and it took half an hour before I was rescued by Heavenly Dao!"



At this time, a large number of students and instructors gathered in front of the personal tower.

More than 100,000 students and instructors from all ethnic groups in the 793 days are waiting here.

Everyone wanted to meet this Terran student who had set a cadet record.

Who knows.

Just as they argued.

The announcement screen of the tower.

The screen that belonged to Su Wen moved.


[Twenty-first floor!]


The students and instructors who were in front of the personal tower buzzed in their heads.


Don't be so rampant!

What you know is that the freshmen pass the level.

I don't know, I thought it was a well-known person who had been in retreat for a long time and wanted to break into a hundred-story tower!


The flower elf goddess Akuya was startled and screamed with a pale face.

She hurriedly looked at Europa: "My lord, if he ......"

"No! The Personal Life and Death Training Tower is the majesty of the Heavenly Dao! It is also a tool for the Heavenly Dao to screen and cultivate emperor-level lords! Fairness and justice must be guaranteed!"

Europa interrupted Akua.

He knew what Akua was trying to say.

But this is not possible.

"Whoever dares to break the rules of the Heavenly Dao must be undoubted!"

Europa said indifferently.


The flower elf goddess Akuya swallowed in fright, and she said cautiously, "But he...... But he broke the academy's historical record! Can't he break the rules for him?"

"That's not going to work either!"

Io shook his head: "Pray good luck to your crazy batch of students! The 21st to 30th floors are not the previous petty fights, but the lords of the same level with strong individual combat power!"

"This level is a test of invincibility at the same level!"


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