Ice Dragon Slayer Quest's global quest channel in the preparation space.

"Damn, boss, this is a level 69 limit-breaking death copy?"

Shura Lord Liu Wen was startled, he looked at the ice and snow gate in front of him, and he even had the heart to die at this moment.


The basic information of Su Wen's bounty on the Ice Slayer Dragon Quest was received by him.

This time, I received an invitation from Su Wen for dungeon support.

He didn't even look at it, he just came in.

This one look.

Scared him half to death.

"I'm only level 40!"

Liu Wen said with a sad face.

He turned his head to look at the people on either side of Su Wen.

Suddenly even the heart of death was gone.

Wang Dahai and He Yufei, who are also level 40, are checking the information of the dungeon.

Su Wen said to Liu Wen: "It's okay! A level 69 dungeon boss!

"Boom! That being said, this is the tomb of the "Three Ninety Zero" that has continuously buried hundreds of millions of Blue Star Lords! I really don't understand, how could Director Zhong agree to let you in!"

Liu Wen looked at Su Wen suspiciously and asked.

Su Wen laughed: "I ran in by myself!"

"I knew it!"

Liu Wen looked like he had eaten a fly and whispered.

Wang Dahai looked over at this time: "I said brother, don't be afraid! With Lao Su here, everything is not a problem!"

He Yufei calmly walked up to Su Wen: "Do you have any orders?"


Liu Wen was startled when he saw the appearance of the two.

Followed by.

He seemed to have something in mind.

couldn't help but look at Wang Dahai carefully, and then looked at He Yufei.

in the copy space.

Each of them has their own name and rank above their heads, as well as their current status.

I saw that Wang Dahai and He Yufei were both level 40.

It made him a little incredulous.

"The two of you are freshmen in the same class as Su Wen?"

Liu Wen had seen the photos of the two, and he really didn't dare to recognize each other in front of him.

It's only been a long time.

These two rookies who are only in the single digit level are actually at the same level as him.

That's too fast, isn't it?

"Haha! Thanks to Lao Su's cultivation, the brother was pulled in, he should have become Lao Su's vassal lord, right?"

Wang Dahai nodded heartily and said: "I'll tell you! You really made the right decision! You have to thank your ancestors for eighteen generations and good deeds for eighteen lifetimes to give you this opportunity!"

"Okay, fat man! Lord Liu Wen is a friend I invited, not a vassal lord yet!"

Su Wen glared at Wang Dahai.

This guy is going too far the more he talks.

How can it involve the eighteen generations of people's ancestors?

Liu Wen's face jumped when he was said.

Su Wen said to Liu Wen: "The minimum team requirement for this copy is 3 people! I pulled you over because I have read the information you sent me and want to meet in advance, this time it is an interview!"

"If you want to team up with me to enter the dungeon, come along! If you don't want to, you can leave now! This is not a real dungeon!"

In a few seconds, he figured out everything here.

After Liu Wen heard this, he immediately turned around and left.


He's got a crazy business in his heart, you tell him.

Don't go!

Don't go!

Don't go!

"I'll go into the dungeon with you!"

Liu Wen responded to Su Wen with a divine envoy.

As soon as this sentence came out.

Liu Wen almost collapsed to the ground.

Su Wen smiled.

took the lead and walked into the teleportation circle that entered the dungeon.


Wang Dahai jumped in, and there was a look of excitement and joy on his face.

It seems that this time it is not to attack the difficult death dungeon. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's about playing.

Even He Yufei looked relaxed and didn't see the slightest nervousness.

Liu Wen stepped on the dungeon in disbelief, and prayed in his heart: "God bless! God bless Su Wen is reliable! We can survive the dungeon......


A flash of light flashed.

Four people entered the dungeon.

Whew, whew!

After the light of the formation disappeared.

A bitter cold wind howled.

Su Wen looked up.

I saw Grelai in front of me.

The ice has frozen the entire plain.

On the clear blue ice.

A skeleton lay on its side with a staggered side.

There are also human lords who have been frozen into ice sculptures. []

The lords in the ice sculptures come to life.

An area about 5 km in front of the ice sheet.

There is a dragon's nest with a diameter of 3 km.

The dragon's nest is woven from unknown ice-blue branches.

A snow-white dragon was sleeping above.

The dragon has a pair of wings covered in white scales.

Its long, slender head resembling a snake's head rested on its front legs.

The breath of the ice dragon.

It is the source of the cold winds of the plains.

[Name: Oklas]

[Profession: Ice Archmage]

[Level: Level 70]

【Race: Ice Dragon】

[Bloodline: Ice White Dragon Bloodline (Advanced Ice Elemental Affinity, Weak Fire, 10x Speed, 10x Ice Spell Damage Amplification, 10x Spell Critical Hit, 10x Perception)]

[Attributes: Strength 50W, Agility 50W, Spirit 100W, Constitution: 50W]

[Class Skills: Ice Roar, Ice, Ice Storm, Super Frost Breath]

[Talents: Yellow Ice Elemental Buff, Yellow Rank Infinite Mana, Yellow Rank Skill Cooldown Shortened]

[Ice Sky Roar: The wings of the giant dragon fan the wings, instantly creating a cold current of minus 100 degrees Celsius, creating an area within a range of 5 kilometers into an ice and snow world, and dealing 5,000 points of ice elemental damage to all hostile targets in the target area.......]

[Ice: Freezes the target for 30 seconds.] If the target dies, the freeze will remain intact. Cooldown: 10 seconds. 】

[Ice Storm: Creates an Ice Storm within a 10 km radius, causing targets in the area to be lost, sluggish, and interrupted cast.] Lost lasts 60 seconds, and Sluggish lasts 60 seconds.

Deals 500 Cryo damage per second to targets in the target area for 5 minutes. Interrupting cast spells will continue to spawn during Ice Storms. Ability cooldown is 10 minutes. The skill lasts for 30 minutes. 】

[Super Frost Breath: Attack targets in a fan area of about 1 km at a 45-degree angle.] Area targets will take 1W of Cryo damage, the target will have a 70% chance to be Frozen for 15 seconds, and the Frozen target will take 1000 Cryo damage per second. Cooldown time 30 minutes. 】

[Yellow Tier Ice Elemental Buff: Ice Elemental Attack, Spell, or Forbidden Spell will receive 10 times the attack bonus, 10 times the crit bonus, 10 times the range plus 4.2 percent, 10 times the crit bonus, and 10 times the cast speed bonus.] 】

[Yellow Rank Infinite Mana: You will gain unlimited mana, which is limited to the skills of the Yellow Tier and below. 】

[Yellow Skill Cooldown Reduction: Your skill cooldown time will be reduced by 40%.] 】

[Description: The Ice Dragon Oklath is from the Land of the White Dragon and is a wandering dragon archmage.] The dragon archmage was angered by the unruly words of the humans of Grelai, who slaughtered 50,000 humans living in Greihara.

It is the darling of ice, with the flaws of weak fire!

Fire attacks deal at least 5 times the damage blessed by Fire Elemental!]

"This giant dragon is really not ordinarily strong!Level 69 has a four-dimensional attribute that is even more powerful than a demigod, and sure enough, the limit-breaking copy is not so easy to beat!"

Su Wen muttered softly, he looked at the ring under his feet, and couldn't help but whisper: "As long as you step out of this circle, you will be immediately sensed by the dragon......! Then ......".

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