Turn on the computer, use the original owner's bank card, and plan to invest in online banking.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and it was a call from Team Liu. I pressed the answer button, hello Team Liu, Team Liu said on the other side of the phone, Xiaobei, I have something to discuss with you. I smiled and said, you can pay for it separately, and what else can you discuss. Team Liu also laughed when he heard me say this, and he said, Zhang Qi has already been investigated, and the bureau has decided to let him work in our anti-drug team, and he will be our colleague in the future. Originally, the director wanted him to stay in the dormitory, but I saw that his injuries were not yet healed, and he also needed to recuperate for a while. I just thought that you are not alone, it is better to let him live with you, and we can rest assured that the two of you are together. I don't know if you agree or not, I thought to myself, isn't this just right, I'm thinking about how to let my little brother live in my house. I said to Team Liu, of course you can, you also know that I am alone now, and it is quite boring to live alone at home, and I am too late to be happy to have a colleague who can live together, how can I not agree.

Team Liu was also very happy to hear my simple agreement, and he said, Okay, I'll send him to your house now. I said okay, I'll wait for you at home, and Team Liu hung up the phone after speaking. I'm happily waiting for my brother at home, I don't have to prepare a room for my brother alone, he wants to live with me anyway. It didn't take long for the little brother to be sent back by Team Liu, and Team Liu also came in, and we couldn't act very familiar in front of Team Liu. Greeted each other, Team Liu and I said, the bureau has granted you two ten days of leave, you can rest at home with peace of mind, and when you go to work, we will send him the little brother's police uniform, and we will rearrange your work at that time. I agreed when I heard Team Liu say this, and Team Liu left after speaking. After sending him out of the door and locking the courtyard door, I went back to my room.

Seeing that the little brother was still standing in the living room and looking around, I hugged him from behind and said to the little brother, just now I was thinking about how to get you to live with me, but I didn't expect this Liu team to be so good and send you back directly. The little brother turned around and hugged me back, saying that I had been under investigation all morning, and at that time I was still thinking, how to get to you.


only have one hand to move now, so I used the hand that can move to pull the little brother into my room and introduce him to him, this is our home in this world, my bedroom is very large, and the room has a bathroom.

I sat the little brother

on the bed, and then said to him, you take off your clothes, let me see how you hurt, the little brother smiled very brightly, I have rarely seen him smile like this before. I'm a little embarrassed, it seems to be a bit of a robbery of the people.

The little brother obediently took off all the clothes up, but in fact, the clothes on his body were only hospital gowns. I saw that he was bruised and purple, and there was no good flesh on him. My eyes are red when I look at it, how can I beat you like this. The little brother looked at me sadly, held my hand and said, It's all skin trauma, fortunately you came in time, they didn't rush to inject me with drugs, otherwise it would be troublesome.

I also nodded in fear, but fortunately you're fine. I took out the autonomy injury medicine from the space, and applied medicine to the injuries on the little brother's body, this kind of injury looks scary, but in fact, it heals quickly.

I found a set of sportswear I

wore before from the cloakroom and handed it to the little brother, you wear mine first, wait a little while we go out and buy you a few fitted ones, now the little brother is a little taller than me, I have one meter eighty-five, he has one meter eighty-eight, fortunately the sportswear does not look ill-fitting on him. Seeing that I was done, he said, I let you see it, until you let me see your injuries.

I said, so that you see, I took

off the strap that hung my arm, and then took off my coat, revealing my shoulder, my injury was a penetrating injury, so it was wrapped tightly with gauze, and the little brother carefully helped me untie the gauze, and saw the wound that had been stitched up, fortunately, it was not serious, I handed over the wound medicine to the little brother, and asked him to help me apply it thickly. My medicine is much more useful than the hospital's, and it looks like I can go to the hospital in less than two days to get my stitches removed.

The little brother wanted to help me wrap it back again, I said no, this little injury of our physique is not covered but gets better faster, and then I found a large band-aid, and the reverse wound was pasted, as long as you don't do it in a big action, there is no problem.

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