It was only ten o'clock in the evening when we came back today, and we went to bed early. The next morning, I got up early, and today I had to harvest all the crops in the field and clear the land. It seems that the original plan to leave here today will not be carried out, so I will rest here for a day and leave tomorrow. Take the ecological tank out of the space bag, pick all the ripe vegetables inside, and then find that there are still many buds on the crop, and it seems that it can continue to bear fruit. Pull out all the plants that no longer have buds, and then plant the seeds of the fruit.

My brother and I were busy with these tanks all morning, and at noon, my brother used my fire element and the pot in the space to fry a meat foam eggplant. The two of us lost four large bowls of rice in this one dish, and it was really physically demanding to do farm work.

In the afternoon, we followed the signs on the map and found several wholesale agricultural material stores, and went in for a long time to find a warehouse with seeds. All the seeds that could be eaten as food had been eaten, and only those that could not be eaten were left. We collected some and planned to plant them in the ground later to see if they could germinate.

Back at the resting place, we had dinner, went to bed early, and tomorrow we will go to the next place. The map indicates that this is the only shelter in the vicinity where there are still human beings, and there are many zombies surrounding the city. We went this time to clean up the zombies around the city, and then tell the people in the city that we have cleaned up the place, so that they can live in the place we have cleaned up.

This city is more than two

days away from the next city, and there are two smaller county towns and more than a dozen villages on this road. We're going to clean them up one by one, and it looks like we'll be in a few days when we get to the next city.

Early the next morning, I talked to my brother about getting up, and after breakfast, we set off, and my brother drove to the nearest village to us, and there were a few zombies left in this village.

When we arrived, it was only nine o'clock in the morning, and the zombies were hiding in a mud building that could not see the light, and we went down the wooden stairs and sent out the zombies hiding inside, after killing them. We found out that this was originally a cellar used by the people of the village to store seeds in the past, and there are still dozens of large bags of rice seeds on it, because all the rice is well preserved when it is dried, and it is not moldy, but it has been too long, and it is impossible to germinate again in this way, but it should be okay to keep it for food.

I used the ability to figurative rice to turn rice into rice, and because of the raw materials, this figuration does not consume much of my energy. Putting the rice into the space, I looked at some of the rice, and I thought it was completely edible, but it didn't taste as good as the new rice. We still have the Northeast rice that we put in before, and these rice should not be needed for a while, but if you meet someone who has survived before, you can give it to them, and with these you can at least hold on for a while.


was nothing left in this village that we needed, so we left here and went to the next village. Don't look at the county seat before, there were many villages, but there were not many zombies in the village, and it was very likely that when the end of the world came, many villagers had already evacuated.

My brother and I ate lunch in the car, and the food in the space between us was exhausted, and we had to prepare some more food in the next village in the afternoon.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived at the next village, and there were only twelve zombies left in this village, and there were no mutated zombies among them, so it was relatively quick to clean up. After cleaning up, we found the best yard in the village, cleaned it up, and then I took out food, water, vegetables, and various spices from the space, and took out the big pot I used before.

I lit the stove with the fire element first, and the little brother began to prepare for food. I helped clean up the vegetables, and went to work on myself, the crops in the ecological tank are ripe again, and now as long as we have time, we will pick the ripe fruits inside, put them in the space for preservation, and then clean up the eliminated plants. When I was done, my tired waist couldn't straighten up, so I bent down and went back to the house, and fell on the pit to straighten my waist. The little brother laughed while pouring the vegetables into the pot, and when he poured the vegetables into the pot and stewed, he walked into the house and reached out to help me press my waist.

Let it go, I'll help you when I'm done here, I gave him a big roll of the eyes, and you said when I'm done. My back didn't hurt anymore, so I stood up and helped my brother to put the steamed rice into a small box. Then divide the finished dishes into packs, and the little brother made almost ten dishes today. Nearly 200 boxes were used up in the packaging alone, which was enough for us to eat for a while.

When we were done, we still mixed the rice with the soup and ate it in a basin. I went out and walked around the village, then went back to the house, boiled some water in a cauldron, took a bath, and then went to sleep on the kang. It's been a long time since we had a chance to sleep in our arms, but tonight we can sleep in the big pit, just without a sleeping bag, and we can sleep together.

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