nibbled on my tomatoes as I locked the door from the inside and added another layer of protection before sitting comfortably on the couch. Then I took out the dishes from the space, my brother and I ate the meal, and I put all the dishes into the space. I put all the ecological tanks into the space bag, and by this time tomorrow, I should be able to collect the next batch of dishes. After this batch of vegetables is planted, we plan not to plant vegetables for now, and now the vegetables in our space are enough for me and my brother to eat for a while.

When I ate the fruits in the space, I collected some seeds and planned to plant them, and I

only had apples and pears, oranges, and dragon fruits in the space before, so I wanted to try to plant some in the ground, and leave some space to grow vegetables. This time, because of planting this little land, my brother and I feel tired.

When we gather other seeds, we plant them in the ground. After dinner, my brother and I rested for a while, and when it was completely dark, we stood upstairs and saw zombies begin to appear outside. We locked the door, I sealed the door with the earth element, and then we came downstairs, because we had already come down to clean up the zombies hiding in the dark, and now there are not many zombies in our community, these are relatively tightly hidden.

Now that they're coming out on their own, it's just right for us to clean them up without having to find them one by one. There are some zombies that are very good at hiding, and it is not easy to find them quickly.

After cleaning up the dozen or so zombies left in this community, I wrapped their corpses in water elemental balls, and then took them to the outside of the community, at an intersection, and piled these corpses there. After a while, the black blood flowing from the corpse stained the land black, and the rancid smell of the blood attracted the hungry zombies around to gather a group, and my little brother and I threw a crystal over. Then we hide again and wait for the next batch of zombies to be attracted to it. It wasn't until the second half of the night that there were no more zombies in the vicinity that we set fire to the large pile of zombies. When it was almost burned, I withdrew the fire elemental and threw the silver ball out to allow it to absorb the crystals. When the silver ball flew back into my hand again, I took it back into the space and walked with my little brother to my place.

Walking all the way back, I always felt that someone was following us, and my brother also felt it, but when we looked back, we didn't notice that there were people following us around us.

After a few times I turned around, I found that there was a problem, and I used my mental ability to hook up and the little brother said, when you just turned around, you didn't see a stone pier. It seems to have been following us since just now, and the little brother said, don't you say that I don't think there's anything wrong with it. When you say that, I also remember, there is a stone pier that has always appeared in front of my eyes.

As we got forward, a whip of fire appeared on my right hand in front of me, and as I turned, the whip was thrown out and wrapped tightly around a stone mound. At first, the stone pier pretended to be the original stone pier, and it didn't move in place, but if it didn't think it was moving, we thought we were wrong, and we would let it go.

I don't know if it's smart or stupid, until in the end, the energy on its body is constantly absorbed by me, and it really can't pretend anymore. It cracked in front of us, and it was actually a mutated zombie. A layer of stone husks mutated from its limbs, and when it rolled itself up, it looked like a stone pier from the outside. I really don't understand what use it can be if it looks like it's a little stronger.

When I had absorbed its energy, it lay flat on the ground, unable to roll it back. My fire whip ignited its body, and by the time I reclaimed the fire elemental, there was only a pile of stone shells and black charcoal left on the ground. I threw out the silver ball and collected the crystal from it, which was a pure black crystal. It looks pretty and puts it into the space. My brother and I were relieved to return to the resting place, there used to be a lot of supernatural people in this city, and if they were injured by zombies, it was very likely that they would become mutated zombies. So I went in and sealed the door with earth, and then I sealed all the clothes with water.

Safety first, if my brother and I fall asleep, we still have to do some safety measures. Saying that there may not be any kind of mutant zombies in this city, I took out a bucket of water from the space, and then briefly washed my body with my little brother. Then we slept in our sleeping bags, and we were all tired for the day, and in a short time we were asleep.

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