It didn't take me more than two minutes to solve the three, and I looked back at the little brother, who had already cut off the other one's head. As soon as we settled here, a dozen werewolves ran out of the wooden house in the back. It should have been led out by the roar of the three just now.,There's no way but to solve them all.,I'm afraid that the little brother will be injured.,And give us a thick layer of protection.。 Don't get a monster that won't kill you and put yourself in it again.

Because there were so many people rushing over, and their bodies were too big, they could really rush to the ones who came close to us. The rest were surrounded by the perimeter, ready to rush in and kill us. My fire whip turned into more strips, quickly absorbing the life energy on them, and the furious energy on the fire whip also increased.

I kind of feel like this battle is a bit endless now, and the little brother has been standing behind me, helping me deal with the attacks coming from behind. With him standing behind me, I really wasn't afraid of anything. The wolf-headed people who were absorbed by me after absorbing the life energy fell to the ground more and more, there was no way for us to attack and push forward, and if they were still in place, they would be buried by corpses, their bodies were really too big, and one fell down in front of them like a hill.

This fight lasted for more than an hour, but fortunately, my brother and I have special bloodlines, and if we are ordinary people, even if we have modern weapons, it is difficult to get out of here. In fact, these wolf-headed people also have hot weapons in their hands, but their bullets can't penetrate our protective layer, but fortunately they don't have heavy weapons on the surface of rockets, otherwise we can't stop them.

Until the whole wolf-headed man was solved, my little brother and I were also tired and sweaty. took out the elixir that replenished his physical strength from the space, swallowed one and gave it to the little brother. We stood still and didn't move, we still need a little time to recover. Let's see if there are any werewolves rushing out, they seem to be a group that can be easily provoked. Once attacked, it shouldn't stop on its own, isn't it, will it be killed in a moment?

But there's really no way to tell how many werewolves have died here, and we waited a little longer, but we didn't see anyone rushing out of the hut again. I thought to myself that they wouldn't be open-minded, knowing that they were hiding in the room waiting to plot against us.

My brother and I cautiously walked through the pile of corpses and walked towards the wooden house, and we decided to search from left to right, one by one, and we had to ensure the safety of this place so that the follow-up personnel could enter.

We went in and out of every cabin, and only a small part of them found female wolfheads, and there were no baby wolfheads. They don't seem to be as crazy as the male wolf-headed people just hiding in the room, how to solve these people is up to Team Leader Zhou, and the steel bar is embodied with gold elements from his hands, and they are firmly tied. No matter how strong they are, there is no way to deal with the binding of steel bars. Twelve female wolf-headed people were found in the wooden house, as well as eight wolf-headed children. They were gathered in the open space and locked up in an iron cage that had come out of the image.

Seeing that there was no other danger here, I called Team Leader Zhou and told him that this place had been solved. The follow-up personnel were able to enter, and told him how to get there.

Thinking that it would take a certain amount of time for them to come here, my brother and I took a look at what else was in the cabin. In the back row of wooden houses, which are higher than the front, we found the place where they made drugs, and the equipment here was very rudimentary, and it was basically operated by hand.


were also finished pills on the cabinet against the wall, and he didn't understand these and the little brother, so he didn't touch them.

Back in the open space in front of us, we heard the low roar of the wolf-headed people in the cage again, they were comforting their children, and I had also tried to see if I could read their memories when I was absorbing their life energy, and it turned out to be okay. Their memories are very confusing, and there are many things that I can't understand as human beings, and they seem to be using these drugs as food. Only a small portion is sold, and they survive by eating it.

We found a piece of wood and sat down, and I took bread and water out of the space and handed some to the little brother. We ate here, and the captured wolf-headed men watched us eat with curiosity on their faces.


thought we were going to wait for a long time, but before half an hour came, we got a call from Team Leader Zhou, and he said that they had arrived, and they were now on the top of the valley, and I looked up at the top of the valley. I only saw a lot of people standing above, and I told Team Leader Zhou that the fragrance of the flower field below had a psychedelic effect, and Team Leader Zhou said that he knew. Ten minutes later, I saw a group of people wearing gas masks walking down. Team Leader Zhou walked up to us, he was not wearing a gas mask, but he didn't seem to be affected by the scent.

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