I told my brother that it was hiding, and that it should be one with the tree. I said yes, I looked around, and there was no one else around, and I couldn't hear any people other than us.

I figured out a water balloon in my hand, and the water ball gradually grew bigger, big enough to wrap around the whole tree, and threw the water balloon out and let it wrap around the whole tree, and the water balloon not only covered the part of the ground, but the water element also seeped into the ground, and the part that was enveloped for a while, and now the whole tree is stopped. I began to absorb the life energy of this tree, although it was said that it had lived for a long time, and it was a pity to kill it, but now there was no other way, and the unknown abnormal energy fluctuations were obviously integrated with the tree. If you want to destroy it, you can only use this method. Although this tree has been growing for many years, its vitality is still very tenacious, and it took me half an hour to absorb the energy on its body, because it is a tree, so even if it dies, it will not be able to see it extinguished for a while.

Just as all the life energy on this tree had been absorbed, I felt a powerful ball of abnormal energy rushing up to the ground from the root of the tree, but because it was trapped in the water balloon, it could not be controlled by the water ball. Don't care what's down there, listen to the energy on it. A few minutes later, a voice came from the water balloon, a nice woman's voice, please let me go, you can do whatever you want me to do, please go around my life.

I talked to the contents of the water

balloon, you leave this tree, you go into the water ball, and as the energy gets out of the dead tree, into the water ball, I shrink the water ball, and then I take it back into my hand. The water balloon was in my hand, and I saw that there was a woman in a red dress inside, and she was now also shrunk and locked in the water balloon, and the little one fell into the water balloon, and it looked quite pitiful.

When I saw that the matter was settled, I left with my little brother so that no one could know that we had killed the tree. The old people in the village are stubborn, and we can't solve it.

I left the village with the water balloon, got into the

car at the entrance of the village, and put the water balloon into the space, and I plan to go back and talk about it. It took five or six hours to drive back to the city from the village, and it was almost noon when my brother and I arrived in the county seat, and we found a shop in the county town to have a bite to eat, and I found a deli across the street, and the roast pork in it looked delicious. After discussing it with my brother for a long time, he agreed to let me buy some, but I couldn't eat more. I ran out happily, bought some pig's head meat and bought two pig's trotters, and the little brother saw what I bought back and said to me, "Didn't you let you buy less?" Why did you sell so much, I smiled and said not much, you taste it, it's delicious, I just tasted it. I put a chopstick roast meat into the little brother's mouth, and looked at him with a look full of deliciousness. He also smiled and said to me, "It's delicious, but you don't eat much, just taste a few pieces."

Having said that, I still ate a whole pig's trotter, and the little brother looked really impatient when he watched me eat, but when he left, he still went to the store opposite to buy a little more pork head meat and other cooked food. I was going to go back and eat slowly, and when I arrived in the city, it was already more than half past four in the afternoon, and I called Team Leader Zhou to say that we were back, and I also caught a resentful spirit. Team Leader Zhou said that you can come directly to me, I am at the headquarters. We drove to the headquarters, and Team Leader Zhou was waiting for us in the office. I took out the water balloon from the space before, and handed it to Team Leader Zhou after entering the room, and the three of us looked at the resentful spirits in the water balloon with big faces. It's going to be slapping against the wall of the water balloon, and it's trying to figure it out, but it seems to be in vain.

Team Leader Zhou said, it was she who sucked the three people dry, and I said, it's her, I have read her memory.

Team Leader Zhou put the water balloon on the table and asked us to sit down, what the hell is going on.

According to the memory of this resentful spirit, I said to Team Leader Zhou that she was from the late Tang Dynasty, when there was a lot of war, and because her family really couldn't survive, she sold her to a wealthy family who lived in this village a long time ago, and made a concubine for the sixty-year-old old Yuanwai, but less than a month after she got married, the old Yuanwai died. Mrs. Ofang hanged her on top of the old locust tree, and buried her body under the roots. Originally, if she was dead, she would die, and the eldest lady of that family had to say that she couldn't think of hanging herself because she missed the old man, and when she was hanged, she also specially dressed her in the clothes she wore when she got married.

Originally, she died unjustly, and she was dressed in red, and she was buried under the locust tree after her death, and the locust tree was yin. It was also a coincidence that this woman became a resentful spirit. Because his body was still under the tree, she had been trapped near the tree for thousands of years.

The three dead people were really looking for their own death, where to play it was not good to go to play under the locust tree, they tried to attract the spirit with blood, but they didn't expect to attract the woman trapped in the tree. These three people looked at the beautiful female ghosts, and they didn't know why they were so bold, they had crooked hearts, and they wanted to try to get close to the female ghosts. The end result was that they were all sucked dry and died under the tree within a few days. Actually, I also suspect that they were confused by this female ghost, but the female ghost's memory is not, as a resentful spirit, her memory is not very complete, and some memories are lost.

Team leader Zhou said, it's okay to know that she did it, and I will collude with the police in the future. I also understand that this kind of thing is that Team Leader Zhou went to collude, there is no evidence, and ordinary people can't see the resentful spirit.

I asked if I needed to deal with this resentful spirit, and Team Leader Zhou nodded and said, Okay, you can deal with it. I absorbed the last bit of energy from the wraith in the water balloon, and the wraith disappeared along with the water ball.

Team Leader Zhou saw that the time was not early, so he said to us, let's do this today. My brother and I left, and when we went home, it was already past six o'clock, and we were too lazy to go home to make any more food, so we found a noodle restaurant on the side of the road and ate a bowl of noodles and went home.

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