Xia Chuan didn't answer anything, but the smile in Ming Ming's eyes naturally continued.

Although the values ​​​​of magicians are different from those of real society, in the final analysis they are similar.

It's nothing more than bloodline, technique, and strength versus family and status in reality.

They are a perfect match, both in reality and in the world of magic~.

Especially in the magic world, which is more inclined to the law of the jungle and the strong in nature, more emphasis is placed on the strength and blood of powerful magic.

Even the Zen masters of the three major families have formed the concept that"those who are not Zen masters are not magicians, and those who are not magicians are not human beings".

Although Ming Ming's concept is not to such a paranoid level, she has also been influenced by Mu Qiang to a certain extent as she grew up in a family.

It's just that after becoming the only first-level conjurer, you can count the number of people who can beat her, not to mention satisfying her hobby of making money.

Maybe Gojo Satoru counts as one, but it has never been considered.

As an ancient family of the three families, the most patriarchal family is patriarchal. Women who join the three families are basically not allowed to appear in public, let alone continue to make money as a magician.

But Xia Chuan, who appeared before his eyes, was special.

Not only is he the strongest today, he is also a free spellcaster without any restrictions.

This suits Ming Ming's taste very well.

Of course, it's just in line with the taste at the moment. To make her heart move, you must at least have"value" that she likes.

"So that’s it for today, it was an unexpected and happy meeting."

Mingming took out the money to pay for the bill from his bag and pressed it on the table with the broken glass.

"Hope to have a more pleasant conversation next time."

Mingming stood up with a smile, and in Xia Chuan's eyes, he passed through the customers lying on the ground in the store, turned around and left Qingba


After seeing the other party leave, Xia Chuan raised his hand and looked at the business card.

She is really a woman who really likes money.

But I have to say that she is indeed the queen in the world of magic.

Putting the business card into the divine space, Xia Chuan took it He took out his cell phone and looked at it.

No need to think about it, he was already late.

But he didn't care whether he was late or not.

At the same time, with the intimidation of his right eye, Xia Chuan also left here.

With the spell mark early on, it spanned several times. Outside, Xia Chuan appeared on the rooftop where there was no one around Gao Zongwu.

After landing firmly, the classroom was filled with the sound of reading.

Although he could return to the classroom without caring.

But Xia Chuan thought about it and decided to go there. Club, let’s lie down.

But this time, after hearing the faint sound of teaching, it was time to go straight to the lunch break.

While sleeping, I seemed to feel the warm energy approaching around me.

Xia Chuan, who has the sense of magic power, naturally knows Who is it, so he raised his hand and pulled it, and Xia Chuan immediately felt a fullness that he had never felt before in his chest.

"Xia, Xia Chuan, you are awake!"

Suddenly being held in Xia Chuan's arms, Lily Chuanhua couldn't help but exclaimed, and quickly looked up shyly

"Because I suddenly felt the warm energy on Hua's body."

Xia Chuan looked at the shy girl in his arms. It felt like a dessert at the moment. He picked up Lily Chuanhua and tasted it unscrupulously.

Lily Chuanhua did not expect Xia Chuan's sudden attack.

He was extremely shy for a moment, but subconsciously did not resist. , instead, he endured it silently and began to respond to the teachings.

"It seems that we have arrived at the wrong time. Why don't we leave for a while so as not to disturb Xia Jun and Xiaohua's two-person time."

Yurigawa Hana seemed to be brought into intoxication. After hearing Kasumigaoka Shiu's voice, her closed eyes suddenly widened and she quickly looked back behind her.

Only then did she realize that at some point, the other three people in the club had Looking at myself

"Wow, I'm too embarrassed to see anyone. Lily

Chuanhua felt her head was dizzy, and she quickly buried her face in Xia Chuan's chest, not daring to see anyone.

At the same time, in response to Shi Yu's words, Xia Chuan smiled and said:

"No, you came at the right time."

While saying this, he gently patted Lily Chuanhua's head:"And Hua has a shy character. Shiyu, please stop teasing her."

"There's nothing to joke about."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu walked over and sat directly next to Xia Chuan.

She glanced at Lily Chuanhua, and when she saw the stalwart body pressing against Xia Chuan, she couldn't help but lift her index finger and pinch Xia Chuan's cheek:"And I see that you are not very happy. Among them? Seeing this, Xia Chuan replied:"

If Shiyu wants to, I can't help.""


She knew what Natsukawa meant as soon as she heard it. Kasumigaoka Shiyu spat softly. She asked Natsukawa to give her a massage for the sake of helping. It was just a small game before the main scene started.

She didn't care about that so much.

Miura Yumi Zi sat on the sofa opposite and said with a sigh:"Xia Chuan, you didn't come to class all morning, so you just stayed in the club and did bad things, right? Really......I have asked for leave from Teacher Jing for you this morning."

"I went out to do some errands in the morning. Xia Chuan said, then looked at Lily Chuanhua in his arms:"As for Hua, he just arrived.""

0request flowers

"Yes, Xia Chuan was still sleeping when I came in!"

After Lily Chuanhua raised her head to explain, she seemed to want to get up. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, she felt that Xia Chuan had no intention of letting go of her arms, so she just lay down in Xia Chuan's arms.

Different from others.

Not only the great blessing, but Lily Chuanhua who is full of positive energy, hugging her is like a warm pillow, surprisingly comfortable.

Seeing this situation, Kasumigaoka Shiyu said funny Said:"It seems that giving you two more harems has loosened some of Xia Jun's constraints?"

"After all, we are already our own people, so of course it is better to be more relaxed like a family. Xia

Chuan spoke confidently, and even opened his hands:"There is still a place here.""

"I have to rush to finish a manuscript recently, so just let others take it easy for you.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu rolled her eyes at Xia Chuan, stood up, walked to the table and spread out the notebook she carried with her. Seeing this, Xia Chuan looked at Miko again.

Although he didn't say anything, how could Miko Yotsuya not know what it meant.

Just thinking that Xiaohua suddenly became so proactive, she said she couldn't lag behind, so she lay down with a blushing face.

In this way, the effect of specially choosing a big sofa in the club was achieved.

Miura Yuko Seeing the inexplicably harmonious scene between the three of them, I couldn't help but feel jealous:"I won't ask for leave for you next time. Xia Chuan smiled:"

Then we'll replace him later.""

Although I wanted to write down the words carefully, I always felt a little dazzling because of the other side. It's true that the more harem there are, the less things you get.

You know, Xia Chuan enjoyed it alone in the past.

But now here, in addition to the four people, there are also There is a Sakurajima Mai!

I thought of Sakurajima Mai. Kasumigaoka Shiu stopped typing on the keyboard and asked:"How is the progress of Mai you brought back?"

"Already learning to master the power of mantra."

Hearing Xia Chuan's answer, Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed.

"She doesn't know how long it will take to resolve her current predicament."

On the one hand, it is indeed sympathy, and on the other hand, it is because of the special nature of the other party.

Especially now that the other party lives in Xia Chuan's home, it is difficult for her to launch an attack at any time, and she even has to consider it on Saturdays and Sundays. After all, she does not want it to happen again. Events on Christmas Eve

"rest assured. Xia Chuan said:"With my help, it won't take long for Wan"

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