It was already afternoon when he came.

Under the careful hospitality of Nagi Senzaemon, time also came to the evening unconsciously.

It can be said that tonight's dinner is the key to welcoming Xia Chuan's arrival.

Sitting at the dining table, Xia Chuan and the others were already waiting in comfortable seats.

Although it is a manor, it seems to be because of the love of food.

There is a large living room with a semi-open kitchen next to it.

Therefore, while waiting, you can also see the pretty figure busy in the kitchen.

As mentioned before, all the hospitality to Natsukawa is borne by Erina Nagikiri.

At this moment, Nagi Senzaemon is sitting at the dining table and waiting for Erina's work after she starts cooking.

Although it was cooked by the Ogre King himself, it would make Xia Chuan feel it even more.

But he still knows that his love for food still needs to be gradual, and he also wants his granddaughter to take this opportunity to show more in front of Xia Chuan.

After further training on his own, Nagi Senzaemon is still very confident in Erina's cooking skills.

Erina, who has been firmly on the throne of the top ten masters since the first grade, is no longer weaker than the chef of a famous restaurant, let alone after special training.

It's not just talking, she can get her hands on the famous dishes of various countries at the moment.

However, considering that this meal was a taste satisfaction for Xia Chuan, she still chose to come up with her best Japanese food.

The so-called top requirements of Japanese cuisine.

It includes natural ingredients, bright colors, and a variety of utensils, so as to achieve the highest integration of vision and taste.

As the residence of the Ogre King, the items related to cooking are top-notch.

In terms of culinary skills, there is also the tongue of the god of Erina Nagikiri.


It didn't take long for the dishes made by Erina to be placed on the table by the maids.

The careful plating under the reflection of the lights actually makes the ingredients seem to emit fluorescence, giving people a sense of visual amazement!

Not to mention the fragrance emitted at this moment, it is easy to arouse everyone's appetite at the moment.


"It's Erina, I'm already looking forward to it!"

Chika Fujiwara was already cheering excitedly.

"Please taste it, it will surely satisfy you. "

When it comes to her cooking skills, Erina Nagikiri is not modest at all.

Everyone moved their chopsticks, and Erina's eyes also looked directly at Xia Chuan's location.

Seeing Xia Chuan, he first looked at his carefully prepared pasta.

In order to perfect the cooking, she spoke:

"In case the noodles become sticky over time, I separated them from the soup. "

"When you taste this pasta, you only need to dip it in half to two-thirds of the portion. "

Following Erina's instructions, Natsukawa dipped the noodles in the soup and tasted them, and began to savor the flavor.

Soon, Xia Chuan felt the elastic strength.

This is followed by a variety of seafood that is fresh and full after being blended.

Aroma of fruits.

The umami of seafood.

Sweetness blended with other plant-based ingredients.

The umami of each ingredient is perfectly stimulated, bringing out layer after layer of taste experience.

It wasn't until I finally returned to the fragrant taste of the noodles that the multiple taste experiences stopped.

It brings multiple sensations in just one bite, and it is indeed a dish that makes Xia Chuan's eyes shine.

Everyone who also tasted it with Xia Chuan couldn't help but look at Erina Nagikiri.

Indeed as she said.

Just this dish made the three of them feel satisfied.

Rao is Kaguya's daily meals are specially made by the chef of a high-end restaurant, and he rarely tastes such a taste.

"It can mix a variety of seafood ingredients without changing the taste, and even can make the taste level higher, and it is worthy of being called the "tongue of the gods". "

The tongue of the gods can concretize the taste in the mind.

With her extraordinary sense of taste, Erina Nagikiri is naturally able to better grasp the taste changes in her cuisine.

Chika Fujiwara commented.

Food is one of her hobbies, and Chika Fujiwara has even reached the level of a professional taster.

I've been to Yuanyue Academy before, and basically every time I will take the initiative to be the evaluator of the halberd, so as to eat and drink.

Unsatisfied, Chika Fujiwara stared at the seafood sashimi on the table again.

It looked like he was so hungry that his saliva almost flowed out.

Then, under Erina's gaze.

She picks up the teriyaki saury, which is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.


As soon as you enter it, it is already a particularly amazing taste experience!

In particular, the sound of a bite is as crisp as bamboo, and the taste is very refreshing!


(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


These words are no longer enough to describe the food in the mouth.

Hidden in the thin puff pastry is sweet and elastic fish and seasonal vegetables with various flavors!

This taste.

It's a feeling that Chika Fujiwara has almost never felt.

She couldn't help but look at the half-bitten fish, and was surprised to find that in the snow-white fish inside, it was actually a translucent soup!

This is done by adding the inner core, steaming and roasting to incorporate the mixed vegetable juice.

Its light taste and no greasy taste made the unfinished Fujiwara Chika lie on the seat as if melting, and praised again and again:

"Erina's food is really amazing!"

This seemingly simple, but in fact unfathomable cooking technique, integrates steaming and roasting skills. "

"It's like having a good quality both inside and out!"

"When you bite into it, the crispy and crispy outer coat, combined with the tender and juicy inside, is simply fragrant but not greasy!"


I was amazed that Chika Fujiwara really looked like a compliment from a famous food expert.

Xia Chuan also tasted it. []

He didn't say the same accurate evaluation as Qianhua, but he nodded with satisfaction:

"It's really delicious, just like Chika said. "

Erina, who was still plain, smiled when she heard this.

She was naturally expected of this result.

For Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika, she didn't really care much, after all, she knew that her grandfather's purpose was to win over Xia Chuan.

Therefore, she can satisfy the main Natsukawa, and she has already done her credit as a member of the Nagi family.

Erina couldn't help but look at Senzaemon, as if she wanted to get her grandfather's evaluation of her cooking while completing her goal, so she didn't say anything about it, and couldn't help asking:

"Grandpa, aren't you going to eat it?"

"Ahem... I'm not going to eat it for now. "

Nagi Senzaemon coughed lightly and waved his hand.

It's not that he's not hungry, the food is in front of him, and he, the demon king of food, naturally can't help it.

But Erina's cooking skills are bound to make him uncontrollable "tears in his clothes".

After the dinner, he still wanted to talk to Xia Chuan about things, so naturally it was not good to show that posture.

Nagi Sen Saemon's scruples, Xia Chuan naturally didn't know.

He is enjoying the pleasure of Erina's cooking.

It can be said that this should be regarded as the best taste he has tasted since he came to this world.

As for the original food-based anime plot, Erina, as the heroine, has a level of cooking that is even much higher than that of the top restaurants outside.

Enjoying good food is one of life's great pleasures.

Even Su Nu specially took in the other party as a hostage because of Rimei's good methods.

And after tasting Erina's craftsmanship.

Xia Chuan once again had the idea of recruiting these top chefs in the far moon.

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