didn't know that his approach had successfully angered Mai Sakurajima's pride as an actor.

was carried by Xia Chuan to the bathroom, and after washing up and tidying up at the same time.

The hands were already pointing to twelve o'clock in the night.

Already drying his long wet hair, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was wearing pajamas, and was lying comfortably next to Xia Chuan~.

Immediately afterwards, because of the cold of winter, the whole person almost stuck to the ground in pursuit of warmth.

It may be that the pajamas are already loose, or it may be deliberately cunning.

Under the half-slipped shoulders of the pajamas, this large area of snow white and vague fullness is revealed.

Even in the dark of winter, it is especially conspicuous.

It's just that the white-skinned and beautiful scenery in front of him is nothing more than clouds of smoke to Xia Chuan at the moment.

It's not that he's the one who has entered the sage mode.

The words of a Kasumigaoka Shiyu can't make him have a drop left.

The reason why he really put away his reproductive instinct was because Kasumigaoka Shiyu was already unbearable.

In addition to this, the most common thing that couples do is often this kind of small intimacy that is not too hot, which is commonly known as hugging and hugging.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa likes this atmosphere very much.

Just like her work Love Metronome.

There is a feeling that no matter what the Shura field and competition are, she is the last winner to stay by Xia Chuan's side.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu put away her usual flattery, and approached Xia Chuan very gently.

While feeling his warmth, the outstanding pride also squeezed on Xia Chuan's arm with the most real touch.

Then the little head rubbed in his arms, and muttered:

"It's all because of you, I'm used to sleeping with you. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu does not have the habit of recognizing the bed.

But since having an overnight relationship with Xia Chuan, she has become more like a recognizant.

Especially when I sleep alone, I always feel a little unaccustomed.

"Well, sleep. "

Xia Chuan rubbed her hair and said slowly.

It's just that although the night is deep, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who is a night owl, still has spirit.

Even if you were already exhausted, you can take a shower to relieve your tiredness.

"I still can't sleep. "

After half a salary, as if remembering something, Kasumigaoka Shiyu then asked:

"I'm a little curious, so is there a difference between me and Xiaohua and Mai?"

Xia Chuanxiang glanced at Shi Yu and asked, "What difference do you want to ask?"

Shi Yu blinked, looking like he was pursuing the unknown: "The difference between a sorcerer and an ordinary person in bed." "

Xia Chuan was a little speechless.

"You really like to ask these weird questions. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu snorted: "Who do you think I'm because of?" "

"I'm different from them, I don't want them to feed you up by then, and Yukiko and I won't be able to satisfy you. "

That's true.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu still remembers the first time he met Natsukawa and hit a home run.

Even if it was her first time, she was in charge of almost half of the process.

But as Xia Chuan's knowledge and strength continued to expand, gradually Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt that he had lost the initiative, and now he is completely passive.

Thinking about it at that time, she was still very ridiculous and refused to admit defeat after every defeat.

No ox can cultivate fertile land.

Losing is losing because she has no experience, and she will definitely kill back next time.

So it was a matter of losing again and again, until the facts were recognized.

Xia Chuan's talent is already extraordinary, and because he is a spell master, his physical strength and endurance must be far superior to others.

On this basis, Kasumigaoka Shiyu naturally thought of Miko, Xiaohua and Mai.

didn't know that Jianzi had already run away, so naturally he only asked Mai and Xiaohua.

"You're thinking too much. "

Xia Chuan patted Shi Yu's head gently: "Except for Xiaohua's somewhat special situation, Mai is even inferior to you." "

Xia Chuan's words are half-truths and half-truths.

Mana is a very comprehensive ability in some cases.

It can be used not only to strengthen attacks, but also to strengthen the body.

Xia Chuan hadn't exercised much of his physique.

But that's it, he can use his own magic power to strengthen his body, so as to shock and even surpass the physique of Todo Aoi and others.

This kind of strengthening can be applied to one's own endurance and physical strength.

It's just that Mai doesn't pursue mana to strengthen the body, but chooses the effect of mana enhancement techniques, so naturally she doesn't have the ability to strengthen her physique.

At the same time, on the other hand, Shiyu's own ability is not small.

Xia Chuan didn't taste much.

But it can be said that in addition to Yuri Chuanhua, the strongest endurance is Shiwa and Yukiko.

You must know that Yukiko usually has a hobby of playing tennis, while Shiyu rarely goes out and rarely exercises, and is more or less talented.

I didn't know whether Xia Chuan's words were true or false, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled with satisfaction after hearing it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lily Chuanhua belongs to a physique that can replenish energy by eating, and she really can't compare.

But it's nice to be able to compare to a spell artist like Mai Sakurajima.

Inexplicably proud in his heart, Kasumigaoka Shiyu snorted: "If I am a sorcerer, no matter how I say it, I have to be a great war three lilies." "

Hearing this, Xia Chuan chuckled: "Really?"

Ask for flowers

Kasumigaoka Shiyu inexplicably felt a little hairy in her heart, but anyway, she was not a sorcerer, so it didn't matter if she exaggerated it:

"Of course. "

"Then when you become a sorcerer, I'll have to take a good look at what you're capable of. "


Kasumigaoka Shiyu raised her head in surprise, and couldn't help but subconsciously ask, "What does this mean?"

Xia Chuan smiled dumbly and said, "Of course it's literal." "

So Kasumigaoka Shiyu was surprised and delighted, and in the end he was more happy than surprised.

Of course, she wants to be more extraordinary, if she can.

Superpowers, as long as an ordinary person is excited.

Even when it wasn't the cursed era, she had expectations when she first met Xia Chuan. []

"But didn't you say I didn't have the talent to be a sorcerer?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu still clearly remembers what Xia Chuan said.

Spellcaster is an unreasonable profession with very natural talents.

Whether a person can become a sorcerer or not, and how strong they are, is basically determined from birth.

"The past is before, the present is now, and the future is even more unknown. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't want to hear this, she hooked the back of Xia Chuan's neck and kissed him deeply.

In this way, she said with excitement and some urgency: "Don't hang my appetite, say it quickly!"

Xia Chuan slowly spoke:

"The reason why Shiyu is not a spell master is because you don't have the spell mark in your body, and your body can't use spell power, so as long as you change this, you can also become a spell master. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu nodded as if she didn't understand, so she asked directly, "Then you can make me a sorcerer now?"

Xia Chuan shook his head: "You still have to wait, as long as you want to become a spell master, I will let you fulfill your wish." "

In the original book, the 1,000 modern sorcerers who were forced to join it were turned around by Wuwei and changed their physical structure, so they directly became sorcerers.

The non-action transformation of a real person is the effect of directly transforming the physical body by touching the human soul and changing its shape.

In terms of soul, Xia Chuan has not yet been involved.

But it is only in front of him, and after he achieves the eye of reincarnation, the development of the six realms will inevitably be able to study in this aspect.

Therefore, Natsukawa does not think that this is an unattainable expectation.

"I'm looking forward to the 300 rounds of the big battle you said. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't say anything, only responded with another deep kiss.

The big deal is that Xia Chuan has taught him another hard lesson, but if he can become a spell master himself, it's a big deal to break through the limit and endure it!.

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