No one could have imagined.

The high-profile figure in the school is actually the strongest existence in the spell world?!

At this moment, Gao Zongwu's school forum completely exploded.

But compared to the whole society whose emotions have reached the boiling point at this moment, it seems that it is not the case.

Under the screen of the spell.

It's the first time they've faced off against each other.

Compared to Satoru Gojo, who was just standing on the ground with his hands, under Susanoo, who materialized his magic power, Xia Chuan was obviously more noticeable.

Since the debut of the spell master, the topic of the technique of strength symbol is naturally quite hot.

At this moment, everyone looked at the ontological armor giant on the screen who would protect the strongest.

You can see it clearly at a glance.

The gap between ordinary sorcerers and this strongest.

Under the sorcerer who made his debut in the live broadcast.

No one's technique is as exaggerated and terrifying as the strongest in front of him.

Even Gojo Satoru is far from bringing this kind of strong visual impact.

The images screened by the Sinomiya chaebol will not stop with the feelings of the people.

The battle between the two is also unfolding in the words "will win".

The tricks between the strongest can only be described as cool and terrifying.

Whether it's a one-handed wave or a Gundam, it's the most intuitive form that shocks the public's vision.

At this moment, the two of them are fighting to cause a lot of earth-shattering, and if it weren't for the fact that Gojo Satoru debuted, no one would have believed that this would be a battle that happened in reality.

As the picture progresses.

All find out.

The battle between Gojo Satoru and Natsukawa was completely a one-sided rhythm.

"Cang" and "He" are compared to Susanenghu, and they didn't even cause a single injury.

Not to mention the scene of Satoru Gojo's broken hand later, which made many people frightened.

Fortunately, through a certain ability, Gojo Satoru's broken arm was revived.

This not only makes people feel the magic of the magician, but also the level of gore under the superpower duel.


is the most important thing in this picture.

Accompanied by a virtual picture that is enough to destroy everything, it is the unfolding of Natsukawa Susano's complete body.

The halfling giant began to grow.

On the land inhabited by small human beings, suddenly stood a giant in armor hundreds of meters tall like a mountain.

The magic power of the dark blue light on his body revealed his unparalleled power.

Even if it was just watching the battlefield as a spectator, everyone felt their own insignificance at this moment.

"How tall it must be, and in that perspective, we might be like ants. "

"What kind of strength is this!"

“... That's the power that only the strongest have. "

"And other conjuretors are not more than one level at all, not a concept. "

Without giving them time to be surprised, a mighty void swept in with a devastating wave of energy.

The destructive rush caused by that energy made countless people think for a while that Gojo Satoru would cause damage to a giant for the first time.

But it still shocked everyone's eyes, and the energy wave that claimed to be enough to destroy everything was blocked by the giant's sword.

And with it, slash.

Burst into a white light that burst through the sky.

That is, under this white light.

On the one hand, they were shocked by this earth-shattering collision, and on the other hand, some people realized something.

The battle arena that I subconsciously ignored before seems to be the Shinjuku area, which is one of the most important metropolitan areas!

And this white light... Doesn't it correspond to the white light on Christmas Eve?!

With this point of view, it is a catastrophic scenario that causes the destruction of the surrounding area of several thousand meters.

Countless people looked at the huge empty crater in the picture.

They all couldn't help but close their mouths in horror, their eyes widened in disbelief.

Destroy the earth in a radius of thousands of meters with one blow!

The range of terror, the power of formidity... This catastrophic attack.

It's not at all the kind of skill level that spell masters purge spell spirits.

It can be said that it is a humanoid nuclear bomb! a symbol of destruction!

The aftermath of the terrifying power, like the heavy sound waves of a giant bell ringing, shook everyone's hearts.

This scene, in the era when a curse descended, will surely go down in history.

In the case that everyone has taken this picture to heart.

In the end, the First Battle of Shinjuku ended with a complete rout of Satoru Gojo.

Immediately after, it was the second battle between the two near the High School of Spells.

But again, all the people who watched found that the result was still a one-sided rout of Gojo Satoru.

Obviously, the collective explosion of the digital squirrels looks really shocking.

But in the end, it still didn't hurt the strongest in front of him in the slightest.

And with Susa Nenghu's reappearance, just a wave of his hand.

The two mountains of several hundred meters were instantly slashed open by the sword wave, showing how easy it is to rewrite the map.

Satoru Gojo's strength is undoubted.

But it is precisely because of this that without even a little scar, it shows the difference in strength between the two.

Both of the fights were crushed and defeated, and there are already many fans of Gojo Satoru who feel desperate for their idols.

The strongest of the predecessors, at least with the weight of the strongest name.

But in the comparison between the two, it is actually such a concept.

This is not even just adults teasing children, but also the so-called fireflies compared to the bright moon, which is completely unable to compete with it.

It's a cruel comparison alone.

But that's just the way it is.

After watching these two battles, it is impossible for anyone to say that Gojo Satoru has had a back and forth with the strongest.

The screen ends.

Congratulations to Xia Chuan are also shown at the end of the screen.

[The absolute king who does what he wants]

[Reigning at the apex of all sorcerer eras] (If you read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[With this strength, destroying the world is not a problem]

In just three sentences, the impact has already touched on the whole society.

The curtain falls below this.

It is a general connection between the previous and the next, corresponding to the remarks made in the afternoon, and the picture of the four palace chaebols showing their allegiance to Xia Chuan.

What is different is that the king who was previously the strongest has been painted in the image of Xia Chuan.

It more vividly expresses the allegiance of the four palace chaebols to whom.

In the screen of the mobile phone or computer, there is also a barrage of worship at this time.

The four palace chaebols completed Xia Chuan's explanation.

At the same time, there is an explosion of hot spots on the entire network, such as forum posts and other communication information.

For Xia Chuan's strength, the whole society boiled.

First of all, on the LINE of Xia Chuan's mobile phone, there is already a non-stop prompt.

The class group, as well as the school's teachers, students, and friends, are all sending messages frantically.

"The strongest sorcerer is by my side?"

"We are Xia Chuan's classmates, what a lucky chance we have won the jackpot!"

"It's too powerful, Xia Chuan!"

"Mr. Gao's pride!"

"Lord Xia Chuan, let me be your sidekick, and the lackeys are fine!"


At first, Xia Chuan glanced at it with interest, but there were too many of them, so he simply turned off all the prompts, and specially replied to a few who had a good relationship.

On the contrary, Yukiko was very enthusiastic to chat with the small group.

During the period, he also came to Xia Chuan's side and took a group photo at this moment.

The current queen at the apex of the campus also has a very high vanity.

Now that she has been recognized by society as the strongest, it is her boyfriend, and of course she can't help but want to show off.


At home under the snow, at this time, Yang Nai has no tricks under the snow.

Even if there was a prediction, she couldn't believe it until now, Xia Chuan was the strongest spell master.

Compared to the snow under the snow, it is even more unbelievable that it is under the snow and the snow.

This kind of classmate who has an impression around him, in the case of revealing an earth-shattering identity, brings a far more impact than the situation of a stranger.

"It feels like a dream..."

It seems that there is still some relief, and the snow under the snow can't help but speak.

When Mrs. Xuexia heard this, she asked in a leading way: "Does Xuenai know him?"

didn't know her mother's calculations, Xue Nai naturally didn't have any plans to hide it.

"He is a student of our Gao Zongwu, and he is a first-year freshman like me. "

"Yes. "

Madame Xuexia nodded in a pretended realization, and then spoke, "Xuenai, I have something I want to ask you. "

"Don't bother Yukino, Mother!"

Knowing that Xue Nai would definitely not rebel against his mother, Xue Xia Yang Nai hurriedly spoke: "Xue Nai is not very sociable, let me come." "

This is true, yes, but being said by her sister in front of her mother, Xue Nai was sad and unhappy at the same time.

She naturally knew that her mother wanted to ask her, and there was a high probability that she would contact Xia Chuan.

Let's put this matter aside, why didn't she act or even respond before she directly vetoed herself.

She has longed for her sister since she was a child, and she often imitates her sister for this.

But when she grows up, she wants to be like her sister and even surpass each other.

Under such a mentality, Xue Nai couldn't help but say: "Why don't I think I'm not good before I have my heart, if I contact Xia Chuan, I have more advantages than you, sister." "

There is a high probability that he knows that Xue Nai misunderstood himself again, but when his mother is still there, it is impossible for Yang Nai to explain anything.

But in any case, she wants Yukino to have the right to choose for herself in the future.

So she simply said directly: "But sister, I like Xia Chuan very much, are you going to snatch your brother-in-law?"

It's also fortunate that Yang Nai is usually a character who likes to tease others, and his face is not red and his heart is not beating when he says this.

In contrast, it was Yukino who was stunned and ashamed.

"What do you say in front of your mother! How could I possibly think like that!"

The Lady Under the Snow just looked at this scene, and then slowly spoke:

"Alright, Yono. "

After a symbolic warning, she continued: "You don't need to listen to her, only Xue Nai is the only one in the family who can help your sister the most." "

Seeing this, Yang Nai was anxious under the snow.

She knew that her mother was planning to go to the knife under double insurance.

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