Even if she had a purpose, Sakurajima Mai was naturally prepared.

She swayed her feet and switched channels over and over again. When she couldn't find the program she wanted to watch, she simply put the remote control aside, stretched and stood up.

"I went to take a shower first."

The girl said, walking towards the bathroom~.

But beside the aisle, she suddenly lifted up her skirt, hooked her fingers on the top edge of the stockings, and slowly moved down.

She took off the black stockings wrapped around her legs. Knee area, then hold the wall with your left hand to support your body, turn around and lift one leg backwards - and take it off with your right hand.

Then lift the other foot, so that the two beautiful and moist The legs are all liberated.

Mai Sakurajima is just like Kasumigaoka Shiu, both of them have perfect length, proportion and shape.

As the two most promiscuous legs in the family, they are the only ones who know how to use them. This advantage is often paired with black stockings that highlight the advantage.

After tasting it in his mind, Natsukawa calmly retracted the action he just witnessed Mai Sakurajima. The purpose of doing this deliberately was to attract Natsukawa's attention.

Mai Sakurajima Seeing this scene from the corner of her eye, she suddenly showed a proud smile.

Of course she knew which bright spot on her body was the most attractive to Xia Chuan.

After feeling secretly satisfied in her heart, she reminded Xia Chuan:"Don't Peeping, don't imagine doing weird things"

"After all, we all took a mixed bath together, why are you still so shy?"

"And it sounds like I'm very horny."

Natsukawa lay on the sofa, holding his head and looking at Sakurajima Mai in a funny way.

Like a cat that arched its body to show off its bluff, Sakurajima Mai said:"Your eyes are full of fire right now, and I don't want to suffer a disaster in the bathroom.."

With a symbolic gesture, Sakurajima Mai walked into the bathroom.

After all, she had lived here for a while, so she skillfully started to put hot water in the bathtub, and then paired it with her favorite scented bath ball. She just started to take off her clothes and slowly lay down in it.

While enjoying it, she looked at the door not far away from time to time.

Although she said so before, Mai Sakurajima did not actually lock the door.

She just kept vigilant and In anticipation again, Natsukawa did not push the door in.

Sakurajima Mai's thoughts were a little complicated.

Even if her actions tonight were not obvious, they were still hints.

This bad guy was obviously like that Bold, but does she have to express her intention clearly before she takes action?!

After taking a shower without any incident, Sakurajima Mai walked out slowly in her pajamas.

As expected, Natsukawa was still lying down leisurely. On the sofa, she felt a little emotional for no reason

"Then I'll go to bed first"

"So early?!"

Natsu Chuan raised his head after hearing this, only to see Mai Sakurajima walking towards the second floor.

Then Natsukawa stood up and walked slowly to the second floor.

He opened the door first, but found that Mai was not there. In the bedroom.

Then he opened the guest room where Mai was living at that time, and sure enough he saw Mai lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone.

"Why are you sleeping here?"

Xia Chuan asked.

Sakurajima Mai turned over, leaving a graceful figure for Xia Chuan.

"If I don't sleep here, where can I sleep? Should I still sleep in your room?"

Xia Chuan seemed to have heard some small emotions, so he smiled and stepped forward:"It's rare to stay overnight, so it's okay to sleep in my room."

"Bah, if I'm in your room, I'll be sleeping with you."

Mai Sakurajima replied directly. Obviously she knew Natsukawa very well.

"Didn’t you say yourself that you don’t want to get hurt in the bathroom? Wouldn’t it be better to just leave it in the bedroom?"

"What did I mean?"

As if being told something about the center, Mai Sakurajima turned back shyly, and immediately felt Natsukawa's warm breath close to her.

"Then let's put it another way, let me sleep with you in your room."

Sakurajima Mai's face became a little rosier, and she originally wanted to retort a few times.

But thinking that this was what she thought, and knowing that Tsundere would become a so-called loser, she didn't say anything. Say anything.

This was already the tacit invitation, and Natsukawa lay cleanly on the bed.

But before taking any further action, Sakurajima Mai took the initiative and said:"I want to chat with you first."

After all, it was with the girl's choice that Natsukawa was naturally satisfied.

Mai Sakurajima just turned around and looked straight at Natsukawa.

Her long black hair fell down smoothly, and through the gaps in her hair, she could see the white skin with relatively symmetrical colors. neck

"Hey, Xia Chuan."

With this sudden opening, Xia Chuan could feel Mai's warm little hands groping into his palms.

The fingers were slender and smooth, like exquisite works of art.

"I like you. Hearing this

, Xia Chuan held Mai's little hand and smiled at the same time:"I know.""

Mai Sakurajima looked dissatisfied.

Her rare confession only got three words from this guy?!

"Don't you ask why?"

"What reasons do you need to like someone?"

Xia Chuan asked back:"And isn't it normal for good people of the opposite sex to attract each other, just like I also like Mai."

It's not a moving promise or a disgusting confession.

But for Mai, it is a very pleasant sentence.

How many can compare to you confessing to the other person and the other party confessing to you at the same time? double joy

"Xia Chuan, you are so eloquent and have so many reasons."

In a happy mood, Sakurajima Mai replied cheerfully.

She didn't intend to talk about the reasons why she fell in love with him because of Natsukawa's help and companionship.

"So, I’m in fourth place now, right?"

Immediately afterwards, Sakurajima Mai changed the topic.

After hearing this, Natsukawa naturally knew what the so-called ranking meant.think

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

This was an unexpected answer, and the smile on Mai Sakurajima's face slowly faded.

She didn't believe that Natsukawa didn't understand what she meant.

And counting Kasumigaoka Shiu, Miura Yuko and Yuri Kawaka from the hot spring trip, No matter how you say it, she should be ranked fourth.

If this can be said with truth and lies, then she obviously thought of a bad result. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) I always thought Miko, who was in the same camp as her, had already escaped without her knowledge.

Mai Sakurajima then raised her"smile" and moved slightly closer to Natsukawa:"So the truth is...Am I fifth?

Xia Chuan nodded and said at the same time:"Actually, what does morning and evening have to do with each other? I won't favor any girl in the family, right?""

"You guys are just a bowl of water, you don't understand the private competition between girls."

Mai Sakurajima said:"So...What is the rank of Jianzi?"

"Third place."

Listening to Natsukawa's answer, Sakurajima Mai took a deep breath.


Fortunately, she always thought that the other person's shy character would make it difficult to take the initiative.

Yotsuya Miko is far more powerful than she thought..

From this point of view, as the fifth family member, she has really become just the fifth one!

Even someone with a character like Miko can grab the third place, so why is she still here now?


The previous look of wanting to chat and enhance the atmosphere was completely gone. []

Sakurajima Mai sat up and actually showed the bold look that Shiyu usually wears as a senior.

Of course, it is still a fake look after all.

If In the beginning, Natsukawa was really enjoying being passive, but in the end, Natsukawa slowly guided her with experience.

During this period, Natsukawa also discovered the fun that is unique to Mai Sakurajima.

After all, she is a powerful actress who has grown up from a child star.

For the role Mai Sakurajima was able to perform the role of the character perfectly.

The next morning,

Mai Sakurajima slowly opened her eyes.

Of course, she didn't wake up early, but she had replenished her energy.

At least physically, she still looked quite tired. In the end, she could imagine why Lily Kawaka's voice was so fluctuating.

Thanks to mastering the power of the spell, she felt that her physical condition had indeed improved compared to before, otherwise she really didn't know how to do it. Let Natsu Chuan have fun.

But even she was in this situation.

She couldn't help but imagine how Miura Yoshiko and Kasumigaoka Shiu, who were just ordinary people... usually satisfied Natsu Chuan.

Thinking of this, she looked at Natsu Chuan and couldn't help but feel relieved. Slowly leaned forward.

The girl's soft thin lips touched the water, and it was instant.

Then she slowly stood up paying attention to the time.

Although her body was still a little tired, she still prepared breakfast for Xia Chuan virtuously.

In fact, in As the girl's hot breath came closer and closer, Natsukawa woke up, but he knew the girl's intentions and did not open his eyes. It was not until Mai Sakurajima tiptoed out that he opened his eyes and smiled.

It seemed that no matter what Which girl would sneak up on him gently as long as it was early the next morning.

However, on the other hand, it did express the girls' love for him.

Xia Chuan lay on the bed with his eyes narrowed for a while.

Until Sakura The voice of Mai Shima's calling came, and he looked at Mai, whose temperament seemed to be completely renewed. Being looked at by Natsukawa, Mai Sakurajima always felt a little shy, but she still said:"Get up and have breakfast. Winter will come soon. It's cold"

"Then can you wake me up like yesterday? Xia Chuan said:"I still miss it a little bit."

As soon as she talked about being one, Sakurajima Mai immediately protested.

But looking at Natsukawa's expectant eyes, she immediately felt soft-hearted and couldn't refuse.

So she stepped forward, and immediately changed her expression to a weak and cute one:

"...Brother, Onii-chan~ you can get up and have breakfast now. After saying that

, she immediately returned to her original character and gritted her teeth and said:"You're satisfied, Zero!"".

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