The next day, the weather was fine.

Drowsily, Xia Chuan felt the quilt squirm.

Then he felt a soft and elastic squeeze from his chest, as well as a comforting warmth.

It was like threading a needle and thread, accurately arousing the heartstring called"desire" in his heart.

He opened his eyes, and what he saw was the culprit that caused the feeling of squeezing and fullness, followed by Yuri Kawaka's relaxed look with his eyes closed.

After discovering that Xia Chuan woke up.

Lily Chuanhua humped Xia Chuan like an orange cat and said,"I'm hungry."

Although she brought a lot of chocolate bars to replenish energy, because Xia Chuan had experienced them too many times, she naturally consumed them in just a few times. about there.

If it weren't for the energy supply provided by Xia Chuan when he attempted the reversal of the technique, Lily Chuanhua wouldn't even have the strength to stand up and brush her teeth.

"what time is it now? Xia

Chuan asked subconsciously, reaching out to touch the bedside table next to him.

"I do not know?"

Lily Chuanhua didn't pay attention to this. She wanted to feel more warmth and rubbed directly against Xia Chuan.

Xia Chuan turned on the screen and the time was after nine o'clock.

Seeing this time, he couldn't help but become confused.

""340"Have they not gotten up yet?"

Although nine o'clock is not too late for students on vacation, everyone went to bed early yesterday because of the hot spring bath.

After Xia Chuan raised a question, the door to the room was quickly pushed open.

"I'm just waiting for you to have breakfast."

With an apron draped over her shoulders, Sakurajima Mai looked at her with dissatisfaction.

"Or maybe you guys had too much fun yesterday and didn’t want to get up?"

It wasn't even through the scene in front of me that I learned that the two had hit a home run.

As early as yesterday, Sakurajima Mai was the second person besides Miko to learn this information.

There was no other reason.

It was just that she started yesterday At night, I was passing by Natsukawa's room when I suddenly heard a voice.

It was Yurikawa Hana's voice.

It just sounded like crying, joyful, and joyful.

Of course, Mai Sakurajima didn't know what was going on inside?!

I didn't expect that even a soft-hearted person like Yuri Kawaka would make such a bold move.

It seems that she and Mitsuko are the only ones left behind in this matter.

On the one hand, Mai Sakurajima values ​​​​this very much. One point, I want to choose an important day that I can remember, preferably my birthday.

On the one hand, I feel sour and resentful about the situation where Yurikawa Hanato ran away at this time.

With a slight snort, Sakurajima Mai turned around Go out.

As she opened the door and left, Kasumigaoka Shiyu walked in immediately.

"Very good, Mr. Xia.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sat on the bedside and said jokingly:"It seems that the mixed bathing in the family has allowed you to achieve another goal.""

"What's the purpose? It's not always a matter of time. Xia

Chuan smiled and pulled Shiyu over:"And I didn't expect you to fall asleep yesterday.""

"If I don't fall asleep, I won't be forced to have a double trip again, right?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu chuckled softly, and then slapped somewhere on the quilt.

"So how long will a kitten who likes to steal food have to hold Xia Chuan in bed? Lily

Chuanhua, who had been hiding under the quilt, quickly poked her head out and hesitated:"Sister Shiyu, can you go out first?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at her eyes and smiled:"Is there anything I didn't see yesterday?""

After saying that, she felt Xia Chuan slapped her buttocks.

After receiving the warning, she walked out with a smile.

"close the door"

"Cover your ears and steal the bell."

In response to Xia Chuan's words, Kasumigaoka Shiyu took the door up.

Not long after, Xia Chuan brought Lily Chuanhua to the living room.

Sure enough, everyone woke up and looked at Lily Chuanhua with various eyes. Come on, the child couldn't help but lower his head shyly.

But unlike others, Miko didn't believe the shy expression on Lily Chuanhua's face at this time.

She knew what was going on under Lily Chuanhua's shy appearance. Bold heart.

Breakfast has been prepared, and everyone started to eat after waiting for the two of them to come out.

Maybe they were already starving, but Yuri Chuanhua just said"I'm going to start" and started to gobble it up. Those who don't know may think they are hungry. For a few days, everyone who knew Lily Chuanhua's special attributes looked at Xia Chuan, the culprit.

"One can imagine how violent Xia Jun was last night"

"Even if Xiaohua is a little special, Xia Chuan, you still have to be gentle."


Xia Chuan explained:"It's just that the situation is a little special, but it is indeed my fault. I will treat Xiaohua to a big meal later as compensation."

Originally, Lily Chuanhua wanted to say that she also felt very comfortable and did not need to compensate for anything.

But when she heard about the feast, her expression brightened and she nodded quickly. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But thanks to Xiaohua, he helped me a lot. Xia

Chuan looked at Lily Chuanhua like a treasure:"Her positive energy seems to be transmitted to my body in that way, which is very convenient for me to understand the reversal of the spell.""

After experimenting and understanding the reversal of the technique yesterday night, although he has not yet completely understood the technique, his body has remembered the feeling of positive energy filling the whole body.

In that state, Xia Chuan even felt that the reversal was not only Not only the effect of the technique, but also his physique felt like it was suddenly improved.

"Speaking of which!"

When Xia Chuan said this, Lily Chuanhua, who had been immersed in cooking, suddenly thought of something.

"Now I seem to know how I can use my energy to help others."

She raised her hands and put them on the shoulders of Miko next to her.

The positive energy that had been slowly saturated after eating began to be slowly exerted on Miko with the guidance of Lily Chuanhua.

It was obvious that she felt the sudden Seeing the change, Jian Zi couldn't help but said:"Suddenly it feels so warm!"

Xia Chuan looked at this situation and gave an explanation.

"This is not just as simple as warmth, but also the giving of life energy. The effect is the healing ability with powerful recovery methods."

"It seems that it was a double happiness yesterday, and Xiaohua became a nanny who can truly help others."

From being limited to oneself to affecting others, this is almost a conceptual breakthrough.

Moreover, Lily Chuanhua's energy can be replenished by eating.[]

This level is no less than that of the"treasure of the academy" in the Magic High School.

"What an enviable and powerful ability 0."

Mai Sakurajima couldn't help but sigh, the concept of wet nurse can be reflected in the game alone, let alone in reality like this

"Mai was really born into blessings and didn’t know how to be blessed.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu spread her hands and said,"If even a person with magic skills like you thinks this way, what should ordinary people like Yumeko and I think?""

"Tsk, what’s there to think about?"

Mai Sakurajima couldn't help but pouted.

However, without refuting, it already represented her thoughts similar to Kasumigaoka Shiu's. At first, she would think it would be troublesome to have the technique, after all, it would affect her and she would be forced to watch Those disgusting curse spirits.

But as you become more familiar with the curse power, you can not only return to a normal life, but also be able to ignore the existence of the curse spirits like the Yin Yang Eyes of Miko. , the idea naturally reversed.

Miura Yuko did not participate in this topic following Kasumigaoka Shiu's speech.

After simply eating breakfast, she picked up her phone, ready to see what kind of attention the photos she posted yesterday night received.

At the same time She also wanted to see what her friends were planning for the next day at the beginning of the new year.

But then Yumiko found that the pop-up window of LINE jumped directly to the media hot news owned by the Asahi Shimbun. At the same time, a pop-up window appeared directly for her. Hot news.

It was a particularly conspicuous reminder with red enlargement and boldness.

She subconsciously thought it was an advertisement, and she wanted to swipe out the software directly.

But the size of the mobile phone screen naturally allowed her to capture a particularly familiar concept in her peripheral vision.

"Curse spirit!"

Under her green eyes, she couldn't help but turn her attention back.

【The real world! The concept of mantra power! The real cause of Shinjuku's destruction! 】

Miura Yuko suddenly took a breath of air.

Knowing the reality of the world, she would naturally not think that this was a gimmick in an advertising interface to attract attention.

"Xia, Xia Chuan!

She quickly moved the phone in front of Xia Chuan:"Look at this!""2.0 Xia Chuan looked at it, and immediately became surprised.

Seeing Xia Chuan like this, Shi Yu and others on the side couldn't help but look over.

They were immediately as surprised as Yumeko when she learned the information.

"asahisha...Is that good for morning news?!"

Mai Sakurajima caught the message address under the pop-up window, so she quickly turned on the TV in the living room. She didn't even need to adjust the channel of the TV station. At this moment, it was directly broadcast to the hot news scene.

Not just on mobile phones and TVs.

Prosperity On the screens accessible to the business district, Asahisha's powerful media capabilities are now playing this picture. The beautiful female host in the picture seems to be saying with a forced smile:

"It is reported that there are actually a large number of monsters invisible to ordinary people in our society, which are called cursed spirits!"

"These monsters will harm humans in various ways and even kill humans...."

"We are living a lie, the truth of society is covered up, but as our interviews...We learned the true side of the world!"

A video of Asahi Shimbun's interview with Xia Youjie began to play on the screen.

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