Everyone was fighting selflessly, and even the majestic night rain could not extinguish their surging blood.

The casualties close to Ye Tianhua were the most serious.

Not only is Ye Tianhua's skill and physical fitness far superior to ordinary people.

Ordinary people who approach him will only be slaughtered!

In addition, there are martial arts masters like Chen Jinnan protecting him.

Anyone who wants to threaten Ye Tianhua will be eliminated by him!

Ye Tianhua waved the machete in his hand, opening and closing it widely, and blood continued to splash and flow.

Extraordinarily brave.

Someone wants his head.

But they were all ruthlessly hacked to death!

A young man from Mingcheng Village was chopped to the ground.

Although they are very motivated.

But in the face of absolute strength, everything is in vain!

Ye Tianhua's more than two hundred younger brothers were far more powerful than those on the other side. They were armed with machetes and hacked away mercilessly.

The blood splattered on his face without even blinking!

Killing the people in the walled city who were more than twice their number, they were defeated step by step!

Many people in the walled city were panicking.

The opponent is so brave!

Most of the casualties were from their side.

If they keep fighting like this, they will lose sooner or later!

Especially Ye Tianhua, they couldn't get close at all!

Anyone who came close to him and wanted to take other people's leader rewards would be mercilessly strangled!

Not only is Ye Tianhua's strength unstoppable, but the stern man in a white suit next to him is even more terrifying!

With a long sword in hand, no one can stop it!

Every time the sword is swung there will be blood, and no one can stand on the ground!

Several other Ye Tianhua's men are also very brave and terrifying!

They all look like ruthless killers!

Killing every one of their brothers!

Even a beautiful woman can kill someone without blinking an eye!

They panic inside.

It is almost impossible to get Ye Tianhua's head!

Many of them retreated while fighting, and they no longer had the energy to move forward and kill with all their might from the beginning!

Ye Ding and several elders frowned as they looked at the group of young and middle-aged men in the city who kept retreating.

"What are you doing!"

"Rush up and get Ye Tianhua's head!"

A senator loudly rebuked a group of young and middle-aged men in the city.

However, some young and middle-aged men in the city glanced at Lord Ding and other elders and did not pay much attention to them!

Lord Ding and a group of elders were giving orders. There is no burden, and their lives may be in danger at any time if they charge forward!

And the opponent is so fierce, one by one, their brothers continue to fall in a pool of blood.

The risk factor is very high when they charge forward!

In the end, the young men in the walled city were killed. The opponent was so frightened that no one rushed forward.

Each of them kept a distance from the opponent. They looked at each other holding blood-stained machetes, looking like wolves and tigers.

Their expressions were tense, holding poles, The bamboo tube and the machete hand were trembling slightly.

Ye Tianhua held the blood-stained machete in his hand, and the heavy rain could not wash it away in time.

He saw that the young and middle-aged men in the city opposite had no longer the will to fight.

He wiped it with his hand Wiping the rain on his face, he said loudly to a group of young and middle-aged people in the village opposite.

"What I want is not your life. You can leave. I, Ye Tianhua, will never make things difficult for you!"

"If you still want to work for Ye Ding and those city elders and fight us to the end, I guarantee that the corpses on the ground will be your fate!"

"Think about it carefully!"

"You don’t want to be unable to go back and see your family!"

Listening to Ye Tianhua's words, all the young adults in the walled city were shaken!

One by one, they looked at you and me.

Although they don't know what the result will be if they continue to fight.

But even if they win, they will Who can guarantee that they will survive to the end!

They have young and old at home!

They dare not take a gamble!

Especially when they look at the corpses lying on the wet ground, they are even more shocked!

They can basically confirm Ye Tianhua's head. They can’t get it!

Since they can’t get it, why should they fight so hard!

If they can secure victory, they can have no hesitation! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But this game now!

They really saw it Death situation!

"Don't listen to that bastard Ye Tianhua!"

"He is shaking our fighting spirit and confidence!"

Seeing that everyone was starting to waver, the elders of the city hurriedly spoke to comfort them.[]

However, a group of young and middle-aged men from the walled city looked at the elders of the walled city and Lord Ding, and they had already made a decision in their hearts.

They are the ones who die.

They don't want to work hard anymore!

One by one, they put down their bamboo tubes, poles, and knife blades, turned around, and walked in the direction they came from.

They don't fight anymore!

"What are you doing!"

"Come back soon!"

"Don’t you listen to Master Ding and us?"

"Do you want to rebel?"

"Don’t you all want to stay in the Walled City anymore?"

Seeing the young and middle-aged men in the city putting down their weapons one by one and walking back, all the elders in the city became anxious.

Ye Ding also looked at all this with some disbelief!

"I command you all to come back!"

Ye Ding stood up and shouted at the young men in the village who were walking back.

But it was to no avail.

No one listened to him!

"What happened to them!"

"Why don't you even listen to me?"

"Isn’t he the lord of the city?"

"Tell me quickly!"

Ye Ding looked at the young man from the walled city who ignored him and continued to walk back through the rain. He said angrily to the elders of the walled city on the side. The two blows tonight seemed to make him mentally disturbed.

"Master Ding, let’s go quickly!"

A senator said urgently to Ye Ding.

All their people have left, and it will be very dangerous for them to stay here.


"Have you left?"

At this time, Ye Tianhua was holding a bright machete, with a sneer on his face, and slowly walked towards them with a group of people.

A group of people quickly surrounded them.

Seeing that several elders of the city wall were surrounded, Extremely panicked

"Ye Tianhua, what do you want to do?!"

"I warn you not to mess around!"

"We are all people with status in the world"

"If you attack us, you will be punished!"

Ye Tianhua looked at several city elders with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Now you still want to bluff me?"

"What are the identities of you old guys?"

"Do you think you are the governor of Hong Kong?!"

"Well, since you think you have status, then I will make you respectable!"

"I chopped them all into pieces and left no one behind!"

Ye Tianhua said coldly, Wang Jianjun and others came forward with knives.

At this moment, Ye Ding seemed to wake up and shouted to Ye Tianhua

"Ye Tianhua, my son will arrive in Hong Kong soon, and he will not let you go!"

"snort! Do you think I care?"

Ye Tianhua glanced at Ye Ding contemptuously.

"Do it!" ps: Here comes the first big chapter! Please support me!

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