Hundreds of people rushed towards the street in a mighty manner. Seeing such a scene, Wang Bao stopped and his expression suddenly changed.

"Where did these people come from?"

"Get people to evacuate quickly!"

Then he reacted and spoke to the younger brother beside him.

Then he got into the car and spoke to his driver.

"Go quickly!"

The driver nodded, started the vehicle, stepped on the accelerator and left the spot.

Wang Bao's boys, who were fighting in the street, heard the noise and turned around to see hundreds of people rushing toward them with knives. They were so frightened that they quickly turned around and ran away.!

"Hack them to death!"

The little bully spoke fiercely, and a group of younger brothers rushed up and chased the younger brother who had broken up.

Wei Jixiang and his younger brother also blocked a group of people and slashed with their swords.

The scene suddenly burst into wailing.

Some people fled in a panic. They were very frightened!

They didn't expect that Feng Fengguang's arrival would lead to such a result!

This street was much more terrifying than they thought!

After a few minutes of fighting, someone finally discovered this. They blew the police whistle and came here. When

Xiao Bawang and Wei Jixiang saw the police officer coming, they quickly called their men to retreat. Soon a large group of them returned to the car.

They started the car and left the scene.

And Ye Lei also asked his brothers to flee.

Only the wailing Wang Bao brothers were left on the ground, some of whom were directly seriously injured and died.

Several soldiers in military uniforms looked at the blood on the ground, the wounded and corpses, their faces were horrified, and they quickly called for support.

Half an hour later.

More than a dozen police cars arrived and blocked the place.

Senior inspectors Huang Zhicheng and Lu Qichang also came to the scene.

"The society is on fire and fighting. These dwarf mules are increasingly ignoring our police."

"Do you know what the situation is?"

Huang Zhicheng looked at the blood and wounded on the ground. The strong smell of blood in the air hit his face. He slightly covered his mouth and nose and said.

"I just asked, these people are all subordinates of Wang Bao in Kowloon area"

"As for why they are here, they have not yet explained"

"Who did you have a conflict with when you came here from Kowloon? Huang

Zhicheng frowned slightly and spoke.

"I don’t know, but I heard that this street recently changed its owner after Baguan’s death."

Lu Qichang glanced around and said slowly.

"We don’t know who the current owner of this land is."

"Quite mysterious"

"We don't know the details at all"


"If you don’t know the details, then you need to investigate carefully."

"Unconsciously took over the territory of Baguan, and a fire broke out and"

"If we don't figure it out, I'm afraid if something like this happens again in the future, we won't know how to investigate."

Lu Qichang nodded after hearing this.

"Let's ask someone again and see what clues we can get."


While these notes were busy, a motorcade parked not far away looked at this place quietly.

"So what happened?"

"Why are there so many notes here?"

Ye Tianhua lit a cigarette and looked at the scene in front of him, and asked the younger brother who had just come from the front to inquire about the news.

"Boss, a fire just broke out on our site and"

"There was a fire?"

Ye Tianhua frowned slightly after hearing this. The only ones who dare to come and trouble him at this time are probably Hongxing, Dongxing, or Chengzhai. Those who currently have conflicts with him are probably these three forces.

"Which force is it?"

Ye Tianhua slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and asked casually.

"Wang Bao in Kowloon area"

"Wang Bao?"

Ye Tianhua was obviously a little surprised when he heard this name.

He knew Wang Bao.

The Kowloon boss played by Hong Jingbao in the movie"Slaying the Wolf".

He remembered that he seemed to have no conflict with him.

"Do you know what happened?"

Ye Tianhua asked immediately.

The younger brother shook his head.

"The specific situation is not known.

Seeing that there was no useful information, Ye Tianhua waved his hand and asked the younger brother to step back.

"Wang Bao, Wang Bao, I didn’t mess with you, but you dare to mess with me!"

"It seems that unless I, Ye Tianhua, show my authority, no one will think that I am a soft persimmon!"

At this time, Ye Tianhua's eyes showed a trace of cold murderous intent.


After the past half hour.

All the police officers staying on Bathing Street were removed.

Ye Tianhua and his convoy returned to the Royal Bath.

Enter the lobby.

Ye Lei came up to him

"Brother Hua, you are finally back!"

"Not long ago, someone brought people over to make trouble here, and a big fight broke out."

The group came to the second floor.

Ye Lei told Ye Tianhua what happened.

After hearing this, Ye Tianhua glanced at Wu Sidao and Ye Lei

"You handled this well"

"This Wang Bao, I want you to know the consequences of messing with me, Ye Tianhua!"

Ye Tianhua praised Wu Sideo and Ye Lei, and then spoke with a cold light in his eyes.

Obviously Wang Bao would take revenge if he offended him!

Otherwise, it's not his character, Ye Tianhua.

At this time, Wang Jianjun and his group came up.

Wang Jianjun came to Ye Tianhua and said respectfully

"Brother Hua, the matter has been settled, Long Gen and that Tang Hu have been resolved."

Ye Tianhua nodded and praised a job well done.

Then, Wang Jianjun stood aside, and Ye Lei told Wang Jianjun what happened here not long ago.

After hearing this, Wang Jianjun's cold eyes radiated an icy light.

He couldn't help but He came to Ye Tianhua and said

"Brother Hua, what should we do about Wang Bao?"

"If we don’t take action, I’m afraid no matter which group or force will dare to step on us in the future"

"We must kill the chicken to scare the monkeys and establish our dignity!"

"Only in this way can we gain a firm foothold in the world!"

Ye Tianhua listened to Wang Jianjun's heartfelt words and nodded with satisfaction.

"You're right, and I'm just asking you to solve this matter."

"However, I thought about it and wanted to go and meet this Wang Bao in person."

"I want to ask him personally who asked him to deal with me!"

Ye Tianhua felt that there must be someone behind Wang Bao, otherwise he would not have come to him from Kowloon!

He would not believe it if it was just for the territory of this street!

"If I find out who is behind this, I will let him know what will happen if he goes against me, Ye Tianhua!"

When Wang Jianjun heard that Ye Tianhua was going to take action in person, his face perked up and he felt a little excited.

Brother Hua was finally going to make his mark in the world!

"Call all brothers immediately and follow me to Kowloon!"

"Tonight I want the whole world to know that I am Ye Tianhua!"

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