It sounds like Ye Tianhua wants to help him rise to the top and win the title of Kowloon Tong Hall Master.

Jimmy looked at Ye Tianhua in disbelief

"Brother Hua, are you kidding me?"

He feels that it is difficult to get out of the current dangerous situation. The other party actually wants to help him get the upper hand and become the leader of Liansheng Hall?

He doesn't know how to solve the death of his boss Guan Zaisen.

He died here!

How will he explain it when he gets out? ?

The other boys of Guan Zisen also looked at Ye Tianhua with surprised expressions.

"Do you think I'm kidding?"

Ye Tianhua looked at Jimmie with a slight smile.

Although the smile was gentle, it contained an irresistible majesty!

"What about the problem now?"

Jimmy Tsai glanced at the body of his boss Guan Tsai Sen on the ground.

The meaning was very clear.

Ye Tianhua returned to his seat with a slight smile, sat down leisurely and said

"This is easy to handle. It’s not necessarily me who dies here. Jimmy

's eyebrows moved slightly. He didn't know what Ye Tianhua meant.

But Ye Tianhua's next words made him suddenly enlightened.

"You go down later and tell me that your boss has already negotiated with me and needs to discuss the details. You ask them to wait in a restaurant nearby. I'll cover all the food and drinks."

"Someone will eventually come to assassinate you, and your boss will be accidentally thrown downstairs and die."

"This will completely fix it"

"Someone assassinated?"

"Who will come to assassinate?"

Jimmy's face changed slightly and he looked at Ye Tianhua.

Ye Tianhua said before that there was no problem, you can give it a try.

But when it came to someone coming in to assassinate, Jimmy didn't understand.

Who would come to assassinate?

Could it be that he was directing and acting in a play?

"You don’t have to worry about this, just do as I say!"

Ye Tianhua spoke calmly, obviously everything was under control.

Jimmy Tsai remained silent. Now he can only compromise and do what Ye Tianhua wants.

"So far you haven't replied to me. Do you want to join my Red Flower Club?"

Finally, Ye Tianhua raised his eyes and glanced at them vaguely.

Jimmy's eyes flashed slightly, and now he had no other choice.

Then he bowed slightly to Ye Tianhua.

"I, Jimmy, am willing to join the Red Flower Club and follow Brother Hua!"

When the other Guanzisen boys saw that Jimmyzi had compromised, they all felt no psychological burden and responded to Ye Tianhua with fists in their hands.

"We are willing to join the Red Flower Club and follow Brother Hua!"

Ye Tianhua saw that they all agreed, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Very good, you will be members of the Red Flower Club from now on!"

"But you have to continue to stay in Heliansheng and don’t expose your joining our Red Flower Club!"



Jimmy Tsai and others nodded in response.

They don't want to be exposed in their hearts. If others find out, they may have bad consequences!

Ye Tianhua's intention is to let them lurk in He Liansheng, slowly grow stronger, and finally cannibalize them step by step. And Lian Sheng!

"Okay, you do what I said before, go down and tell them!"


Jimmy Tsai nodded, and then walked out with a dozen boys.


Come downstairs.

Jimmy came to the door and looked at the more than 200 Guan Zisen's younger brothers with complicated expressions. They didn't know that the boss Guan Zisen had died upstairs.

"Brother Jimmy, where is the boss?"

The boys saw Jimmy Zai walking over and stepped forward to ask.

Jimmy Zai's face was a little unnatural, but he still pretended to be calm and said.

"Boss, let me come down and tell you that he has already reached an agreement with Ye Tianhua. The two met late and are talking about some other cooperation projects. He asked you to go to the Luk Foo Restaurant nearby to wait, and Ye Tianhua and Brother Hua will reimburse all the food and drinks!"

Hearing Jimmy Zai's words, more than 200 boys showed smiles on their faces. They had no doubts about Jimmy Zai's words.

"This feeling is so good!"

"This Ye Tianhua, Brother Hua is quite good!"

"I'm really hungry as I stand here waiting."

"Brothers, what are you waiting for when you have wine and meat to eat? Let’s go!"

More than two hundred people got up and walked toward the Luk Foo Restaurant nearby.

Looking at the background of their departure, Jimmie lit a cigarette with a complicated expression.

But it was impossible for him to tell them the truth.

Maybe they also There is no need to know the truth.

Young and Dangerous guys like them at the bottom will follow whoever they want, and the death and replacement of the boss does not seem to have any impact on them. After the arrangements were made, Jimmie went upstairs with a dozen of his younger brothers.

"Brother Hua, things have been arranged."

Jimmy Zai came to Ye Tianhua and replied.

Ye Tianhua nodded and told him to sit aside and wait.

Jimmy Zai looked at Guan Zaisen's body on the ground and felt a little uneasy while sitting there.

He didn't know what direction things would take next. Development.

Near noon, a team of waiters pushed a dining cart into the hall

"Brother Hua, it’s time for lunch."

Wang Jianjun came to Ye Tianhua and spoke. Ye Tianhua slowly stood up from the recliner and looked up at the dining car that was pushing in. It was an unintentional glance.

When he looked back, he saw a familiar face

"Natural health?"

As far as he knows, Tian Yangsheng is the Yue male killer in the movie"A Better Day". He is a mercenary!

He appears here dressed as a waiter, and I am afraid he has only one purpose.

That is to come and assassinate him!

If he guessed correctly, it should be Hong Xing was sent here.

Because in his feeling, only Hong Xing had this motive.

And the assassination he told Jimmy Zai before was an assassination from Hong Xing Society!

Because he was sure that Hong Xing Society would never Let's give it up.

Especially since he killed Big Boss B's brother-in-law, how could Big Boss B let him go?

Ye Tianhua found out about Tian Yangsheng, but he didn't say anything and said calmly.

"Let them send it over."

Wang Jianjun nodded, hooked his hand, and a row of waiters pushed the dining cart slowly towards Ye Tianhua.

When he was less than ten meters away from Ye Tianhua, Ye Tianhua suddenly said


"come here!"

Ye Tianhua pointed at Tian Yangsheng. Tian Yangsheng's face was slightly startled, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he quickly calmed down.

He didn't know why Ye Tianhua singled out himself, but still walked over.

He was a little worried. He was seen through.

But he thought for a moment that he had no flaws and would not be recognized.

When he came three meters in front of Ye Tianhua, Ye Tianhua asked him to stop, and then his words shocked him physically and mentally.

"I feel that there is murderous intent hidden in you. Who sent you here?!"

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