After hearing this, Luotuo smoked a cigar and nodded.

"It would be best if we could peacefully take over Hongtai's territory."

"If this little overlord can come to our Eastern Star, it is not impossible to make him the leader of the hall."

Luotuo thought for a moment and then said

"Ah Wei, you must do this well. Yau Jian Mong has always been a fertile land. If we at Dongxing can get in, it will be very beneficial to future development."

The smiling tiger had a smile on his face, poured two glasses of wine, handed one to the camel and said

"Boss, don’t worry, I will definitely do my best to handle this matter."

The camel took the wine, looked at the smiling tiger and nodded.

Then he turned to the crow on the side and said

"Crow, you help Ah Wei handle this matter. As long as it is done well, I will reward you heavily!"

The crow lay on the sofa, drank a glass of wine, put it on the table and looked at the camel and said

"Don't worry, boss, within two days, I will definitely let that little overlord bring Hongtai's territory to our East Star."

The crow took care of everything and seemed very confident.


"I have been waiting for your good news these two days!"

With that said, the camel raised his glass and clinked a glass with the crow and the smiling tiger Wu Zhiwei.


The other side. and Lian Sheng.

Kowloon Tong District.

Dihao Entertainment Club.

On the third floor of the luxurious living room.

A crowd of people gathered.

Sitting across from each other were Guan Zaisen, the leader of the Kowloon Tong Hall in Liansheng, and Ye Jun from the Kowloon City Walled City.

"Mr. Jun, what can you do for me when you invite me here this time?"

Guan Zisen was always groggy as if he had taken medicine. He sat on a chair and spoke first to Ye Jun who was sitting opposite.

Ye Jun didn't waste any time and took out a black box from under the table.

Use it directly. He pushed it in front of Guan Zisen.

Guan Zisen looked at the black box pushed in front of him and felt a little confused.

"Mr. Jun, what does this mean?"

Before Guan Zisen could speak, Jimmy Zi, who was standing behind Guan Zisen, silently lit a cigarette and asked Ye Jun across from him. Ye Jun sat there with his legs crossed and glanced at Jimmy. Zai, then his eyes fell on Guan Zaisen and said

"I believe you also know that Baguan’s place and territory have been taken over by others."

"I'm very interested in that land"

"Take that piece of land back, and the money in it is yours."

After Guan Zaisen heard this, he glanced at Jimmy Zai behind him. Jimmy Zai stepped forward and opened the black box on the table. When he opened it, he saw that it was all filled with red 100-dollar Hong Kong paper.

Guan Zaisen looked at it There were stacks of thick Hong Kong paper inside, and his eyes lit up slightly.

He had lost miserably in gambling recently, and he needed money very much now.

He visually estimated that there was about one million in it.

However, he still resisted the urge and looked from He removed the money from the box, raised his head and looked at Ye Jun opposite him and said

"Mr. Jun, since you are interested in that piece of land, why don't you personally lead people to snatch it back?"

"Besides, that piece of land is worth more than this amount of money."

Ye Jun smiled slightly after listening to Guan Zisen's words.

"Brother Sen, I think you also know that those police officers are deliberately targeting our city and are watching us very closely. They will definitely know if there is any big move."

"This is also the reason why our walled city is inconvenient to work in and gradually declines."

"In addition, of the 1 million, I only want half of the land, and the remaining half belongs to you. What do you think?"

As soon as Ye Jun said this, Jimmy Zai nodded calmly to Guan Zai Sen.

Because that piece of land originally belonged to the city, and if they didn't agree, they wouldn't be able to reach in.

"Okay, then have fun cooperating!"

Guan Zisen stood up and stretched out his hand. Ye Jun stood up and shook hands with Guan Zisen.

"Tomorrow, I will send people to seize the territory back. Young Master Jun will wait for the good news."

Ye Jun smiled and nodded.

At this time, they didn't know that Ye Tianhua had already killed Hongtai.

And they didn't know that it was Ye Tianhua who killed Hongtai!



Ciyun Mountain.

718 Bar.

A younger brother brought news to Chen Haonan

"Brother Nan, we found out that the current boss of the Mong Kok Bathing Street is named Ye Tianhua."

"Coming out of the Walled City."

Chen Haonan, Pheasant, Datianer, Foreskin, and Rubber were all very unfamiliar when they heard the name Ye Tianhua.

"Ye Tianhua?"

"Why haven't you heard of this guy?"

"I heard that he just came over from the mainland."

The younger brother added:

"Just came from the mainland?"

Hearing this sentence, the five people couldn't believe it.

"Did you get the wrong news?"

"Can a country boy who just came from the mainland take over Baguan's territory in one night?"

Pheasant looked at the younger brother in disbelief and said.

The younger brother frowned slightly and said

"This news is absolutely true. I couldn’t believe it when I first heard about it. I heard that Young Master Jun, the grandson of Ding Ye from Chengzhai City, met with a wall when he brought people to claim the land tonight."

"I really don’t know where this tiger Ye Tianhua sprang out from."

Hearing this, Chen Haonan and others felt incredible.

"Those who come from the Walled City don’t even give face to Master Jun of the Walled City?"

"And you just came from mainland China?"

"What powerful means does Ye Tianhua have?"

Chen Haonan and others feel that these news are somewhat untrue.

"Brother Nan, do you think these are true?"

Pheasant still couldn't believe it and looked at Chen Haonan who was deep in thought with suspicion.

Chen Haonan's eyes flickered slightly, and after a long time he slowly spoke.

"Regardless of whether it is true or not, since he has offended our Hongxing Society, we cannot allow him to continue to exist."

"Tianer, have you contacted anyone yet?"

Chen Haonan slowly raised his eyes and looked at Da Tian Er beside him and said.

Da Tian Er nodded and said

"The people have been arranged, and they are all mercenary killers from Yue Nan."

"Guaranteed to be foolproof."

Chen Haonan nodded after hearing this, and then said to the pheasant

"Pheasant, tomorrow you will lurk around with a hundred brothers. After the killer completes his task, you will immediately lead people to sweep the bathing street in Mong Kok for me!"

"We can’t let other associations get there first!"

Pheasant immediately nodded and said

"Got it, Brother Nan"

"Okay, you all go to rest and have a good time tomorrow!"

Finally, Chen Haonan spoke to Pheasant, Datian Er, Foreskin, Rubber and others.

Several people nodded.

Then they left the room.

After everyone left, Chen Haonan sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and exhaled for a while. Smoke, slowly opened

"Ye Tianhua, I don’t care if you are a dragon or a tiger, where did you come from?"

"I, Chen Haonan, will hold your head to pay homage to Ah Wei tomorrow!" ps: Brothers, please give me some data! I’m not panicking about any data at all…

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