Create a Red Flower Club?

Everyone present except Chen Jinnan was shocked.

Ye Tianhua wants to create a prefix for himself!

This is a big deal.

The emergence of a new prefix will definitely attract the attention of other societies in Hong Kong.

Maybe they will receive special attention.

Because the appearance of a new prefix will inevitably expand the territory, and the space of other associations will be squeezed.

This is something that those entrenched communities in the neighborhood cannot tolerate.

It was unwise for Ye Tianhua to announce the establishment of a prefix like this.

At the very least, it is safe to wait until you have a certain territory and power before deciding to establish a prefix.

Not to mention, if Ye Tianhua announced the establishment of his own prefix like this, there would definitely be a reaction from the Walled City.

The faces of Wang Jianjun, Ye Lei and others changed, and they wanted to say something.

"Brother Hua, is there something wrong with using a prefix like this? It’s not easy to explain to Mr. Ding."

Ye Lei thought for a while and then spoke to Ye Tianhua.

Ye Tianhua sat on the chair indifferently and said calmly.

"There is no need to be timid when you go out to explore!"

"Besides, I, Ye Tianhua, don’t need to explain to anyone when I do things!"

"Today I founded the Red Flower Club, which is the beginning of my Ye Tianhua’s foothold in the world!"

"Are you willing to follow me?"

Ye Tianhua's tone was domineering. After speaking, he glanced at everyone present.

Feeling Ye Tianhua's powerful gaze, Wang Jianjun's eyes flickered and finally turned into determination, and he respectfully said to Ye Tianhua

"I, Wang Jianjun, am willing to follow Brother Hua!"

As Wang Jianjun spoke, others also expressed their opinions.

"We are willing to follow Brother Hua to the death!"

The voice was loud and echoed throughout the hall.

Seeing everyone expressing their opinions, Ye Tianhua nodded with satisfaction.


"From now on, when you go out and walk, you will carry the words"Red Flower Club" on your shoulders."

"As long as you can serve me well, I will definitely let you dress in wealth and make a name for yourself in Hong Kong!"

Ye Tianhua finally stood up, glanced at everyone present, and spoke with a sonorous tone.

"We are willing to die for Brother Hua!"

A crowd responded

"very good!"

"Now we only have one street, and we don’t have many people at the moment. We need to expand, recruit people, and strengthen our power."

"Jianjun, you go recruit some troops, the number is about 100."

The matter of creating the prefix has been finalized, and Ye Tianhua immediately arranged it.


Wang Jianjun nodded.

"Ah Lei, please take people to count the numbers in each place and collect the ledgers."

"Okay, Brother Hua."

Ye Lei stood aside and nodded in response.

"Okay, let's go down and do some work."

Finally, Ye Tianhua sat down, waved his hands and said


Wang Jianjun's brother Ye Lei left the scene with his people.


Wang Jianjun left the Royal Bath with seven or eight brothers and got into the car.

Wang Jianguo looked at his elder brother Wang Jianjun with a complicated expression and said

"Brother, do we really want to follow him to earn a living?"

Wang Jianjun turned his head and glanced at his younger brother, and said seriously

"Since you are following Brother Hua, don’t think too much about it"

"I believe that Brother Hua will rise rapidly in the world of Xiangjiang."

"We brothers can also ride on this trend and ride on the momentum."

Wang Jianjun felt very accurate. He felt the courage and temperament of a peerless hero in Ye Tianhua.

His decision to follow Ye Tianhua was not completely forced. He saw the future in Ye Tianhua.

Seeing that his elder brother had already decided, Wang Jianguo also He didn't say anything else.

His eldest brother's decision has been right since he was a child. As long as it is his eldest brother's decision, he will be determined to follow it.

"Let's drive. What happened tonight is destined to be the beginning of changing the situation in Hong Kong. We must do things well according to Brother Hua's plan."

Wang Jianguo nodded, stepped on the accelerator and drove away from the bathing street.


As everyone left, only Ye Tianhua and Chen Jinnan remained in the empty hall.

Ye Tianhua lay down and lit a cigarette leisurely. At this time, the system's cold mechanical sound sounded.


【Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: taking back the Baguan territory and establishing the Red Flower Society】

【Reward: 1 million Hong Kong paper, a high-quality character summoning card, and 20 dead soldiers. 】

Listening to the beep of the system completing the task, Ye Tianhua's expression did not change at all.

【Is it present?】


Ye Tianhua said in a calm tone.


【Being materialized】

【Demonstrated success! ]

As the system's voice fell, a fine character summoning card appeared in his hand.

One million Hong Kong paper cash was directly deposited into his storage ring.

When the 1 million Hong Kong paper appeared in the storage ring, Ye Tianhua had already sensed it.

After all, the storage ring is connected to his spiritual consciousness, and any fluctuations can be sensed.

Immediately afterwards.

20 beams of light fell on the hall out of thin air, condensing 20 figures.

In just ten seconds, the light and shadow transformed into reality. 20 tall men with tall heads all opened their eyes. Their bright eyes flashed through the light, as if they had souls. They looked at Ye Tianhua in front of them and knelt down neatly on one knee. Go down

"Meet the master!"

Ye Tianhua looked at the 20 dead soldiers kneeling on the ground and nodded with satisfaction.

These are strong men with attributes at 12, and their physical fitness is comparable to that of well-trained special forces.

With such a group of subordinates, Ye Tianhua's power has increased. It has been strengthened a bit.

It will be much easier to cope with the next situation.

"Get up and call me boss from now on."

Ye Tianhua said to the 20 dead soldiers in front of him.

"Yes, boss."

The 20 dead soldiers stood up. They were tall and strong. They were all dressed in black suits. They looked very stylish.

Then, Ye Tianhua looked at the fine character summoning card with gold edge and black background in his hand.

There was some expectation in his heart. , the first high-quality character summoning card summoned a strong man like Chen Jinnan.

This second high-quality character summoning card did not know who would be summoned.

Immediately, he held the card in his hand and recited the summons silently in his heart.

The gold-rimmed black background in his hand The character summoning card suddenly disappeared in his hand and turned into a stream of light falling in the center of the hall.

Then it quickly condensed into shape.

Under Ye Tianhua's expectant and curious eyes, the character transformed into an entity.

A man wearing Qing Dynasty clothes and a Qing Dynasty round A middle-aged man with a hat, a cane, and a goatee appeared in front of Ye Tianhua.

Another ancient man?

A light flashed in Ye Tianhua's eyes.

"Wu Sidao met the master."

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