What appeared in front of Qiang Mujie and now Li Li was a young man with a strong temperament and a straight hair.

The moment he saw Qi Tongwei,

Qiang Mujie had his own opinion about how strong and sturdy the people he brought were.

This young boss had his arms bare at this time.

The room that was originally a study has been turned into a practice room.

Beside him, several strong men were lying on their hands to soothe the pain in their bodies.

"Boss, you won’t come, you are too perverted!"

Hearing Lin Yaodong come in,

Qi Tongwei turned around, and the person behind him hurriedly handed him a shirt.

The moment he turned around,

Qiang Mujie could clearly see a tattoo on his back that was ready to go. Black dragon!

As the man's body stretched, the black dragon's eyes also stretched, looking extremely ferocious.

But after putting on the shirt, the sturdy aura disappeared in an instant.

"Qiang Mujie, Li Li. sit"

"Sir, I don’t know what you want from me, but I will try my best to do whatever you need me to do."

Li Li stood aside and bit her lip.

She could still accept this big boss looking for Qiang Mujie.

Although Qiang Mujie didn't seem to have such a famous reputation next to Mr. A,

Li Li knew this graduate very well. As a middle-aged man who went to Neon, many of his actions in the capital market are just not well known.

If the wealthy people in the deep city knew about Qiang Mujie's operations, they would definitely come to him one by one and beg him to take him into the market with him.

But Me?

I am just a pretty woman!

With such power and such a big boss,

I can only say that I am worthless!

"Sit, drink, smoke."

The two heard Qi Tongwei's tone and hurriedly sat down.

Then someone handed them red wine and cigars.

"Qiang Mujie, Mr. A and I have reached an agreement. I am short of a trader in Shanghai, so you will work with me from now on."

Hearing this,

Qiang Mujie was shocked.

He originally thought that he could find Mr. A to solve the matter.

Who knew that the other party and Mr. A had already reached an agreement?

Then, what is their goal?

Shanghai Stock Market ?

Another capital crocodile!

Moreover, in Qiang Mujie’s eyes, this is not a simple predator.

Those capitals can make you bankrupt at most, and the man in front of you can really eat people!!!

Listen! When it came to Qi Tongwei's words, Qiang Mujie nodded without doubting that he was there.

"OK, boss."

In the final analysis, under Mr. A, he, Qiang Mujie, is just a wage earner.

In the eyes of this kind of institutional power, anyone's takeoff or fall is just a matter of an appointment certificate!

Perhaps, following the situation in front of him , Boss, he Qiang Mujie will realize his dream!

"As for your white moonlight. In Shanghai, he opened a night shop, but what he really missed was Abao. Have you understood it?"

Qi Tongwei waved his hand, and the person behind him lit a cigar.

He was holding the cigar in his mouth, and his face looked extremely determined.

Hearing Lingzi's name,

Qiang Mujie knew that the other party knew him better.

"I heard it, boss"

"Well, you can call me Mr. Qi like them from now on."

"My goal is to make Po irrecoverable. As for Reiko, it depends on your own operation."

"Okay, you go out first."

Hearing Qi Tongwei's words,

Qiang Mujie's body trembled.

Thinking of meeting Lingzi in the Neon Country,

Lingzi wearing a white shirt made an extremely deep impression on his heart.

But when he started to make a fortune,

When he sent someone to look for Reiko in Neon, he heard that Reiko had followed a man named A Bao back to China to open a hotel.

And this A Bao had built his own fleet in the stock market and made a lot of money.

These news made Qiang Mujie felt pain in his heart.

He worked hard just to go to Shanghai, to prove himself and to make Abao a loser!

"Okay, Mr. Qi!"

"Go ahead, just follow me and you will have whatever you want in the future!"

Qi Tongwei waved his hand and signaled Qiang Mujie to go out.

He also walked out obediently.

He also wanted to go back and find out from Mr. A who Mr. Qi is and what kind of attitude he should have towards him in the future!


Qi Tongwei looked at Li Li.

She should still be called Chen Zhen now.

The woman in front of him was worthy of being the woman who moved the whole Shanghai.

Although she was at an absolute disadvantage,

Li Li had bright eyes and a pair of Her big eyes looked straight at herself, and her pretty face looked extremely alluring.

A pair of red lips were also so alluring, making people want to bite them hard.···

"Chen Zhen, no, I’d better call you Li Li."

"I already know everything about you. If you follow them, you will never be anything more than a toy."

"When it's in use, I'll let you work hard, but when it's no longer in use, you'll just be a chamber pot."

"For a beauty like you, your fate shouldn't be like this."

Li Li sat on the sofa, listening to Qi Tongwei's words, and heard a hint of pity in his words.

She suddenly smiled brightly, crossed her legs, and fully displayed her body and beauty.

The look in her eyes Zhongya became more alert, and she couldn't help biting her lip.

"So, in Mr. Qi’s eyes, what can I, Li Li, do? I'm just a weak woman."

Qi Tongwei's voice was unusually crisp.

"Although I, Qi Tongwei, am not a good person, anyone who follows me will become rich and prosperous."

"If you are willing to follow me, I will give you a lifetime of success!"

Listening to Qi Tongwei's voice,

Li Li looked at him with wide eyes.

"I know more about your hate than you do. There are many more souls in the Huangpu River than you think!"

"Li family."

Hearing these two words,

Li Li's originally calm and pretty face became distorted.

She will never forget the family that has dominated Hangzhou for decades.

Her mother, her father, her brother, her sister···

She stared hard at Qi Tongwei

"Mr. Qi, I am just a weak woman. Am I really worth it for you to go against such a big family?"

"You have to believe in your abilities. Li family, I will give you the opportunity to do what you want to do."

Li Li laughed out loud, her face turned red, and her whole person became charming.

Didn't she follow Mr. A just to find such an opportunity? But the other party was too weak to eat in the capital market..Only such a hero can let her, Li Li, follow!

She stood up, and then walked in front of Qi Tongwei.

Then she knelt down on one knee and hugged Qi Tongwei's hand.

Then she lowered her head and gently saluted,

"Mr. Qi said that self-confidence lasts a hundred years, and I, Li Li, am willing to follow you!"

Looking at the docile Li Li,

Qi Tongwei laughed out loud. This is the etiquette of showing allegiance among the godfathers , and this Li Li is willing to gamble.

"Okay, I will give you a lifetime of success!"

"Follow me back to Shanghai tomorrow. The female owner of the largest hotel on Huanghe Road in Shanghai has died."

"I want you to be the most outstanding female boss in Shanghai. In the future, this will be the place where information is transmitted."

"We have to do the best!"

"If we want to kill the Li family, we still have a long way to go!"

Li Li looked at Qi Tongwei and felt that this man's strength had completely left her heart.

She gently licked her lips and felt her whole body heating up.

"Okay, Mr. Qi. I look forward to following you and seeing the most beautiful scenery!"

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