Seeing Shizuka Hiratsuka asking for help without dignity......

White feathers and Yukinoshita Yukino both had black lines on their foreheads.

"So, Jing Keai, what’s wrong with you?"

Bai Yu's eyes lit up. Looking at the situation, it seemed that Hiratsuka Shizu could give him a mission.

He immediately became interested.

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't say anything, although she was speechless about Hiratsuka Shizu's shamelessness. , but this guy was very helpful and caring to her. Yukino didn’t say anything, but she was still very grateful to Jing Kei for this guy.

"That's right——"

Hiratsuka Shizuka was about to speak when she suddenly thought of something, and immediately her face became a little unnatural,"I have a friend, and she has been in some trouble recently."

Bai Yu looked at Hiratsuka Shizu funnyly:"As long as I have a friend Nine out of ten people who give examples from friends are their own experiences."

Yukinoshita Yukino also added in agreement:"If Hiratsuka-sensei is sincerely seeking help, I think there is no need to say such meaningless words. A convincing lie"

"You two brats, teacher, I also want to save face, okay?"Hiratsuka Shizu suddenly became furious and glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino and Bai Yu angrily.

These two guys are smart, but they don't know how to understand the world. It's really depressing.

"Alas, Mr. Hiratsuka, you don’t think that a teacher who cries and asks for help from his students has such a thing as face." Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at Shizuka Hiratsuka mockingly.

Shizuka Hiratsuka coughed dryly. She really couldn't handle Yukinoshita Yukino's poisonous tongue. If it was a boy, she could threaten it with her fists. Facing a girl She was helpless, so she quickly changed the subject:"Okay, I'll tell the truth. Actually, the teacher has recently encountered a big crisis that will lead to social death."

"That's the one——"

Having said this, Shizuka Hiratsuka scratched her cheek in embarrassment. Thinking that she still had to rely on these two extremely intelligent guys to come up with solutions, she finally decided to reveal the embarrassing things she had done:

"One time after drinking, Teacher, I bragged in front of my best friends and juniors, saying that Teacher, I found a boyfriend. Now, my best friends and juniors all have to see Teacher’s boyfriend with their own eyes. What do you think Teacher should do now?"

Having said this, Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at Bai Yu and Yukinoshita Yukino pitifully, as if they were about to die.

A black line was drawn on the foreheads of Bai Yu and Yukinoshita Yukino again.

Such a thing , it’s really what Shizuka Hiratsuka can do.


Yukinoshita Yukino had no expression on her face and directly gave her own solution,"For the sake of face, deceiving friends, smart people shouldn't do such ridiculous things."

Bai Yu did not speak, because at this time——

【Ding, the host master Shizuka Hiratsuka is facing a reputation crisis.】

【Mission content: Successfully preserve the reputation of the host master】

【Expected reward: Magic weapon: Vientiane Mask (can transform the appearance, has a cultivation level no higher than the two major realms of the host, and cannot see through the true face of the host)]

Tsk, this mask is a bit interesting.

There was a smile in Bai Yu's eyes. This mask was of little use in this comic book world with low martial arts value.

After all, Bai Yu casually uses a spell to change his face, and no one in this world can see through Bai Yu's reality.

But if one day, Bai Yu goes to other planes where high-end extraordinary beings exist, this mask will be of great use.

Although Bai Yu can't leave this comprehensive comic world now, he has no idea of ​​leaving this world.

But what if things change in the future?

What if one day, after Bai Yu becomes invincible, he feels that this world is too boring, and it is not impossible to want to go to other worlds with high-end force.

So Bai Yu is quite satisfied with this reward.

He immediately made up his mind to get it

"No, it’s absolutely not okay to confess!"

After Hiratsuka Shizu heard Yukinoshita Yukino's reply, she waved her hands in panic,"If confession could solve the problem, I would have confessed long ago. There is no need to ask you for help."

"Do you want to continue lying?" Yukinoshita Yukino snorted coldly and looked at Hiratsuka Shizu with disdain,"If you want to maintain a lie, you need to tell countless lies. If this continues, sooner or later you will not be able to hide it anymore."

"Really can not.

Hiratsuka Shizuka looked shy and seemed to have a guilty conscience. She held back her shame, gritted her teeth, and decided to tell the truth completely:"Then my best friend is also a woman about the same age as me, and she has been worried about getting married."

"I've shown off in front of her so many times that if I confessed, she would definitely kill me!"

When I thought of what that guy looked like when he was in high school, and what that guy looked like after turning black, Hiratsuka Shizu could not help but tremble in fear.

Seeing Hiratsuka Shizu shamelessly say such things.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Hiratsuka Shizu's eyes were like looking at non-burnable garbage, and he made no secret of his disdain for her:

"Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you. You are obviously a girl who hates getting married, but you still show off and lie in front of other girls who hate getting married, saying that you have found a boyfriend. Mr. Hiratsuka, do you know how to write the word conscience?."

Yukinoshita Yukino's words were like sharp arrows, instantly piercing Hiratsuka Shizuka's wounds.

"Stop talking, stop talking, I know I was wrong. Hiratsuka

Shizu sobbed, wiping away non-existent tears like a child who had made a mistake,"But now, it's not just my best friend. If it's just her, it doesn't matter if I confess. The problem is, what else?" There is a junior who respects me very much. She didn't dare to raise her head to see anyone. She suppressed her shame and said,"That junior admired me very much when he was in school. He has always regarded me as his idol. After knowing that I finally found a boyfriend, he really felt sorry for me." i feel happy"

"If I let that junior know that I cheated on her, my image in her mind will definitely collapse completely!"

Seeing Hiratsuka Shizu crying, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't bear to look directly at her.

In her mind, this guy no longer had any majesty as a teacher.

The thought of someone actually worshiping such a sad guy, Yukinoshita and Yukino couldn't help but feel pity for Hiratsuka Shizu's junior.

"Sorry, I refuse to help others lie and deceive others. I refuse to lie."

Although she is very grateful to Hiratsuka Shizu in her heart and has thought about repaying Hiratsuka Shizu, she cannot do something like lying that goes against Yukinoshita Yukino's principles.

"How could you not do this!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka saw Yukinoshita Yukino's tone was so firm, and she immediately became anxious, and immediately looked at Bai Yu as if asking for help.

Even if Yukinoshita Yukino didn't agree, as long as Bai Yu is willing to help, it's not something that can't be solved, right?

Thinking of Bai Yu Ability, hope ignited in Hiratsuka Shizuka's eyes.

After watching the fun for so long, Bai Yu showed a smile on his face. He stopped watching the fun and said directly:"I can help Jing Keai. Hiratsuka

Jingmei's eyes suddenly lit up, and there was an excited look on her pretty face. She praised Bai Yu without hesitation:"You are worthy of being my most valued classmate Bai Yu. I know that Bai Yu is a good student who respects teachers and respects morality."."

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned and glanced at Bai Yu, but didn't say anything. It

's not that she really doesn't understand the ways of the world. Naturally, she knew that Shizuka Hiratsuka asked her and Bai Yu for help regardless of face. Obviously, she really didn't want to be in society. Die.

But her principle is never to lie, so even if it is Shizuka Hiratsuka, she will refuse.

However, if others want to help, she will not object.

After all, she cannot ask everyone to be like her.

"Don't be happy so early, I have a condition."

Bai Yu looked at Hiratsuka Shizu with a smile.

Although he had already obtained a task from Hiratsuka Shizu, he suddenly remembered that it might be possible to get another thing he wanted from Hiratsuka Shizu.

That is, Black Emperor Water Imperial Fist.

Hiratsuka Shizuka is the best at threatening students with his fists.

It has no effect against Bai Yu, but it is still quite threatening to others.

Therefore, this guy may be able to get the Black Emperor Water Emperor Fist. maybe

"Just ask for any conditions, even if you marry me, the teacher, it's not impossible."

Hiratsuka Shizu assured her with a carefree pat on her chest. When she talked about getting married, she showed a shy look on her face and stared at Bai Yu with expectant eyes.

Bai Yu suspected that if he opened his mouth to talk about getting married, this guy might not be able to do it today. You might even have to drag yourself to get the certificate.

This guy is so hopelessly sad.

"Just get married. Bai

Yu glanced at Hiratsuka Jingjing in a funny way and said,"How about when I get tired of playing and want to find an honest man, I will consider marrying Jingjing.""

To be honest, although Hiratsuka Shizuka is very sad, she is indeed a beauty with a good personality, and she is still somewhat tempting to Bai Yu.

Naturally, Bai Yu has never thought of letting Hiratsuka Shizu go.

But Bai Yu also knows it well. , don’t look at Hiratsuka Shizuka getting married one after another, but if you really want to conquer Hiratsuka Shizuka, isn’t it an ordinary high-end?

I really think that no one wants this girl who hates getting married, it’s just that she doesn’t like other men.

Itself How could such a beautiful and rich woman really not find someone to get married to?

Furthermore, the status gap between students and teachers lies here.

As a teacher, and an extremely responsible teacher, how could it be possible that she could really find someone to marry? She is in love and getting married with a student.

Therefore, when it comes to conquering Shizu Hiratsuka, she cannot be as direct as the little girls around her. She has to rely on patience and take her time. As soon as

Bai Yu's words came out, two sharp eyes suddenly fell on Bai Yu's. On the body. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Yukinoshita Yukino gritted her teeth and glared at Bai Yu. What does it mean to find an honest person to marry after you are tired of playing? Is this a human saying?

"This is what you said!"

Hiratsuka Shizuo looked excited, her eyes were shining, as if she had remembered these words in her heart, for fear that Bai Yu would regret it.

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt that Yukinoshita Yukino beside her looked like she was watching garbage look

"Any conditions can be negotiated at any time. Hiratsuka

Shizuka blushed, coughed, and said quickly:"So Bai Yu, how do you think I can solve this crisis?""

She looked at Bai Yu expectantly.

She was very confident about Bai Yu's ability. As long as Bai Yu was willing to take action, she believed that he could definitely get through this crisis smoothly.

"It's very simple. Bai

Yu chuckled,"You can just find a boyfriend to meet your best friend and your descendants.""

"Please, if I could find a boyfriend, I wouldn't have to say this."Hiratsuka Shizu looked at Bai Yu angrily.

Isn't this nonsense?

"I'm not looking for a real boyfriend. Bai Yu chuckled,"It's not bad to find a fake boyfriend.""[]

"fake?"Hiratsuka Shizu's eyes lit up, this is actually a good idea.

"Of course, the fake boyfriend must have superb acting skills and excellent abilities, and will not show any flaws under any circumstances."Bai Yu said with a half-smile.

"Indeed. Hiratsuka Shizuka had an expression of approval,"I praised my boyfriend so much on the phone that he was the best in the world. I have to find a man with superb acting skills to deceive those two guys." After saying that, she got a headache:"But such a person can only be found in a short time. Where do you want me to find him?""

Bai Yu smiled and said nothing, not waiting for him to speak.——

"You shouldn’t be talking about yourself, right?"There was murderous intent in Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes, and she looked at Bai Yu with an evil look.

This guy, in front of her, actually proposed to pretend to be Hiratsuka Shizuka's boyfriend.

It's simply appalling to be such a scumbag.

"Ha, you, you, you said you wanted to pretend to be my boyfriend?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka was stunned for a moment, then his eyes became a little flustered and his face turned red with embarrassment.

This time he was really embarrassed.Now, instead of being shy like before.

But at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Yes, superb acting skills and excellent abilities.

Isn't such a person Bai Yu?

Hiratsuka Shizuka is also a daughter of a wealthy family. She has seen countless outstanding men since she was a child, both at home and abroad, but she is sure that there is absolutely no one who can be half as outstanding as Bai Yu.

If Bai Yu pretends to be his boyfriend, he can definitely fool this matter easily.

But, the thought of letting one of his students pretend to be his boyfriend.

Even though he was as thick-skinned as Shizuka Hiratsuka, he felt a little embarrassed at this moment.

After all, she said that when she really wanted to have an affair with a student, she immediately became a little scared.

"Yukino, I am doing this to repay Jing Keai’s kindness."

Facing Xueno's sharp eyes, Bai Yu explained shamelessly,"Besides, I also want to take the opportunity to learn an immortal technique from Jing Keai. Xueno, please don't misunderstand me."


Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Bai Yu coldly, not even bothering to believe Bai Yu's lies.

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