Outside the interrogation room, Wu Xiaozu leaned against the wall and waited quietly.

Twenty minutes later, Liang Jinlong finally walked out of it with a note. At this time, his face was very ugly.

"nailed it?"

Wu Xiaozu pointed to the document in his hand and said

"Brother Zu, it’s all done."

Liang Jinlong nodded with an ugly expression. After handing the documents to Wu Xiaozu, he immediately turned around and returned to the interrogation room.

"Aaron, why are you going?"

"I'm going to give this bastard some more sweetness."

Liang Jinlong didn't even turn around. He slammed the door and walked towards Wang Dazhao who was huddled in the corner with a gloomy look.

Wu Xiaozu shook his head in amusement and ignored Liang Jinlong's abusive lynching. He opened the note and started reading.

After reading it, he realized what kind of change Wang Dazhao was.

This guy was really what he thought before, killing people randomly.

He used a stroller with a fake baby in it. , he found a place to squat at night.

Then when a beautiful woman came over, he played the sound of a baby crying to attract the woman who came to see her. Then he made a sneak attack and took the woman back directly.

This is how It is in line with Wu Xiaozu’s previous guess of random killings without any grudges.

And the most perverted thing about Wang Dazhao is that he killed his entire family with his own hands.

Then he sawed off the legs of his mother and sister. , and the other people were cooked and eaten by him.

The bones were chopped into pieces and laid in the basement. He was so heartbroken and crazy.

"What a pervert."

Wu Xiaozu cursed secretly. He had never seen such a murderer who directly ate his own family.

At this time, Director Raymond and Uncle Biao also came over.

Just when Liang Jinlong was executing Wang Dazhao, the two of them left. , don’t talk about watching, they don’t even want to hear it

"It's all here, what a pervert."

Wu Xiaozu handed the document to the Director of the Department"893" and couldn't help but curse again.

Director Lei Meng frowned and didn't speak. He opened the document and started reading.

Uncle Biao was also watching.

After both of them finished reading, their expressions became equally ugly. It was really crazy.

"Okay, Azu, you can go back and do your work first. By the way, I have already filled out the trainee inspector application for you, and the higher-ups have approved it."

Director Raymond collected the documents and said to Wu Xiaozu

"Trainee inspector?"

"thank you sir."

Ancestor Wu Xiao was stunned for a moment, then immediately saluted and said

"Okay, let's go back and get ready."

The director smiled and nodded. Originally, Wu Xiaozu was promoted to police sergeant, but their West Kowloon Police Station already had a quota for recommending trainee inspectors.

So he simply gave this quota to Wu Xiaozu, but he didn't expect that the superiors would I immediately agreed


Wu Xiaozu saluted Uncle Biao and the director again, and returned to Office A with a happy mood.

In the evening, Wu Xiaozu took several people from Group A out to celebrate a promotion banquet.

For Wu Xiaozu, he was directly promoted. When the trainee inspector arrived, everyone in A was very happy.

They had all been promoted collectively. How could this make them unhappy?

And the most important thing is that they had only been here with Wu Xiaozu for a long time. They had already been promoted. In the future, they would be promoted. It will still be a long time.

And they have all heard that the case solved by A this time has attracted great attention from the top brass of the police force. The process of solving the case has been directly used as a teaching material for the police academy and other police officers. Although the boss is definitely Wu Xiaozu, at least their names will be mentioned in the corners.

This is enough to make them proud. Even if they go out to brag in the future, they can say, have you seen it? I have a share in this case

"This case is our A’s first case. Everyone performed very well. Come and have a drink together."

Wu Xiaozu raised his wine glass and said to everyone with a smile.

"Okay, thank you, Brother Zu."

Everyone also raised their glasses and laughed. Although most of the credit for this case belongs to Wu Xiaozu.

But Wu Xiaozu did not forget them and also praised them in front of the director.

Only then did they get promoted. At the same time, In the hearts of everyone in Group A, they are really grateful to Wu Xiaozu.

After all, they can follow such a boss, and they will be able to grab the most popular and spicy food in the future?

They did not eat this meal for too long, it was after seven o'clock The show ended immediately.

After Wu Xiaozu sent Hu Huizhong home, he did not get in and lingered in the car for a while.

Then when Hu Huizhong rolled his eyes, Wu Xiaozu drove away with a smile.

The current relationship between the two of them is from Group A. Everyone else also understood it tacitly.

Although no one said it, they all knew what was going on. After all, no matter how well Hu Huizhong concealed it, the way she looked at Wu Xiaozu was different after all.

Wu Xiaozu left Hu Huizhong's house Finally, he did not go back directly, but came to Mong Kok.

After parking the car on a relatively remote roadside, Wu Xiaozu took out a set of clothes from the storage space and changed into them.

He wanted to verify his previous one tonight. The idea.

That is, is there any other way to obtain rewards for his evil nemesis system besides triggering tasks?

And in order to test it to the maximum extent, Wu Xiaozu decided to directly target Wang Bao.

And tonight, he officially During the test, after changing his clothes, Wu Xiaozu walked directly towards another street, where there was a parking lot.

As Wu Xiaozu walked step by step towards the Pingzhi Automobile Dealership, the citizens passing by were shocked when they saw this strange man. I couldn't help but look over.

Wu Xiaozu was wearing the suit he had prepared in advance, including a black jacket, a black shirt, black pants and shoes. The hem of the jacket reached to his knees, and there was a pocket on the back of the suit. hat.

Once the hat is on the back, others can only see Wu Xiaozu's chin, and he also wears a weird smiling mask. The black and white guns are placed on both sides of the outer thighs, so that the hands can be held naturally when they are hanging down. Pistol.

And the long black coat just hides the black and white guns inside. No one can see the gun inside unless he lifts his clothes.

And Wu Xiaozu’s weird and strange outfit now attracts the attention of many passers-by..Under the cover of the hood, others can only see the weird smile on the chin of Wu Xiaozu's mask.

"What a nice experience."

Wu Xiaozu was walking on the street, looking at the pedestrians who peeked at him from time to time.

He had the feeling that everyone was drunk and I was awake alone.

It was a feeling of freedom without caring about the eyes of the world.

He ignored everyone on the street. , Wu Xiaozu strode into the parking lot.

The parking lot was quiet. Wu Xiaozu randomly found a car, punched the window and broke it, then opened the door and got in. It does n't matter if you don't have the key, just unplug the cord and start it. The car stepped on the accelerator to the floor.

This unknown lucky car rushed out of the parking lot and drove towards Wang Bao's villa.

At ten o'clock at night, Wang Bao arranged manpower in the company to prepare to receive another batch. After he was white, he drove back slowly.

Wang Bao loved his wife very much. If there was nothing wrong, he would usually go home very early to be with her.

"Wife, I'm back."

Wang Bao returned home and parked the car, took out the key and opened the door, and walked in with a smile on his face.

Although he was a gangster and a white powder seller, he never let his wife have too much contact with his business.


Seeing no one reply, Wang Bao also became a little confused.

Usually every time he came back, his wife would be very happy to come and chat with him.

But today there was no response, and the lights in the room were still on. The witness was not asleep yet.

Seeing this, Wang Bao had no time to change his shoes and strode in directly

"Wife, who are you?"

Wang Bao first walked around the hall on the first floor and found that he didn't see his wife, so he immediately came to the second floor.

But when he went up to the second floor, he suddenly saw his wife looking scared. Sitting next to a strange man.

This strange man was dressed in black from head to toe, and even had a strange-looking smiling mask on his face. As soon as

Wang Bao saw this situation, he knew that his wife He didn't say anything before because he was threatened by this strange man.

Moreover, this bastard put his hand on his wife's thigh. Wang Bao's face instantly darkened when he felt that he was being hooded. He looked at the man in black. His eyes are full of terrifying murderous intent. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't be so excited, Mr. Wang Bao."

Wu Xiaozu smiled softly, his voice was a little low, and the hand he placed on Wang Bao's wife's thigh squeezed hard.


Wang Bao's wife suddenly exclaimed in pain.

"Bastard, let go of my wife, something is coming for me."[]

Wang Bao's eyes turned red instantly. He suppressed his anger and stared at the man in black.

He didn't dare to rush forward directly, because when the man in black was squeezing his wife's thigh, he also took out a white pistol.

"I heard you are good at fighting? Come on, as long as you defeat me, I will let your wife go."

Wu Xiaozu smiled softly, stood up slowly, and put the pistol back into the holster.

Then he came to stand opposite Wang Bao, stretched out his black-gloved hand, and curled his fingers at him.


Wang Bao's eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't expect this man who appeared out of nowhere to be so courageous.

If the man in black had just shot directly, he would have no choice but to accept his fate.

But now The man in black actually put away his gun and wanted to compete with him regardless of life or death.

Wang Bao immediately agreed, staring at the man in black standing opposite him, and rushed forward with a roar.

Wu Xiaozu looked at Wang Bao, who was charging toward him with his fists raised, and frowned. Such speed...a little slow.

Ever since his body was strengthened, Wu Xiaozu had never made a move against anyone.

The purpose of his coming here this time was not only to kill Wang Bao, but also to test his fighting ability.

It's just a pity, Wang Bao's strength is definitely not small, it's definitely not small.

Even at this speed, in Wu Xiaozu's eyes, it is still a bit slow......


He sighed softly, and when Wang Bao's fist hit him in the face, Wu Xiaozu ducked sideways.

Then he raised his foot and swept Wang Bao's side waist with a whip kick.


The terrifying explosive force directly flew Wang Bao, who weighed more than two hundred kilograms, two meters away and fell to the ground.


His throat surged, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Wang Bao covered the place where he had just been kicked, his whole face twisted in pain.

Those bloodshot eyes stared at Wu Xiaozu with disbelief.

It's too strong, whether it's strength or speed, it's not on the same level as him at all.

Wang Bao has been in the world for so many years, but he has never heard of such a strong person.

Originally, in his opinion, no one in the world could beat him except Lian Haolong, the number one tiger in East Tsim Sha Tsui and known as the best in kung fu in the world.

Unexpectedly, this man in black appeared out of nowhere and almost kicked him to death.

"you...Who is it?"

Wang Bao's mouth kept bleeding, and his eyes were fixed on the man in black in front of him.


"You don't need to know who I am."

Wu Xiaozu no longer wanted to talk nonsense to Wang Bao, so he shot him in the head with his gun.


Wu Xiaozu looked at the white gun in his hand with some surprise, and took out the black gun with his other hand and shot Wang Bao again. One shot.

Bang ~

After confirmation, the two specially-made Desert Eagles rewarded by the system, in addition to their original characteristics, including reduced recoil, improved accuracy, and a 50% increase in bullet speed. They actually fired in succession. The sound has been reduced a lot, although it is not as low as with a silencer.

But it is not much worse.


The Sin Nemesis system detected that the host killed the leader of the criminal group, Wang Bao.

He received a reward of 30 million Hong Kong dollars. This time The rewards will be transferred to the host's account in a completely legal and compliant way by investing in stocks.

"Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought."

The moment the system prompt sounded, Wu Xiaozu's heart began to beat rapidly.

Before killing Wang Bao, everything was just his guess.

But now, his guess was successful.

Suddenly.A crazier idea began to grow in Wu Xiaozu’s mind.....


Mr. Wang's wife finally reacted at this time. She looked at Wang Bao lying on the ground and screamed suddenly.

"Shut up."


Wu Xiaozu pointed the gun directly at Wang Bao's wife and said coldly.

His voice was a little deep now, completely different from his usual voice.

When Wang Bao's wife saw Wu Xiaozu pointing the gun directly at her, she quickly covered her mouth with fear on her face.

"Want to live?"

Wu Xiaozu slowly came to Wang Bao's wife, lowered his head and looked into her eyes and said.

There was a hint of relaxation and comfort in his tone.

""Uh-huh, uh-huh~"

Wang Bao's wife nodded quickly, and tears kept falling from the corners of her eyes.

At this time, the smiling mask Wu Xiaozu was wearing was like a devil in her eyes.

"Kneel 5.6 times."

Wu Xiaozu said with a cold tone, looking at the woman. Wang Bao's wife was stunned for a moment, with a trace of disbelief in her eyes.

However , due to the pressure Wu Xiaozu put on her, she still knelt down in front of him obediently......

Because I just received 30 million legal monetary rewards and figured out the correct usage of the system again. after an hour...


Wang Bao's wife swallowed her saliva and looked up at Wu Xiaozu pitifully, waiting for his resignation.

No one is afraid of death, let alone her

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I don't kill women."

Wu Xiaozu's deep voice sounded. He really had no intention of killing this woman.

Of course, if this woman had dared to resist at all, he would definitely kill her, no matter how good-looking she was.

Wu Xiaozu and other Wang Bao's wives After cleaning up the scene, Wu Xiaozu calmed down because he had just received 30 million yuan.

"Congratulations, I'm in a good mood today."

After Wang Bao's wife helped him pack the gun, Wu Xiaozu said with a smile.

He thought for a while, lowered his head and continued to Wang Bao's wife:"You call the police tomorrow morning. If the police ask you anything, just tell them truthfully. alright."

After that, Wu Xiaozu smiled softly, turned around and left Wang Bao's house.

Only Wang Bao's dead body was left at the scene, as well as Wang Bao's wife who looked numb.

On Wu Xiaozu's side, after leaving Wang Bao's house, he took out the storage ring from give himThe loaner car was taken out.

After starting the car, he drove back in the direction he came from.

After returning to the parking lot, Wu Xiaozu kindly put the car back in its original position, and then left the scene in a swaggering manner.

Today is the first time he has come out to kill, so there is no need to worry about anyone targeting him.

At most, it's because he is wearing something special now.

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