"Okay, go back."

Wandering around for nearly an hour, Wu Xiaozu rubbed his eyebrows and said.

After this hour, when he was observing everything around Zuidao Bay, he had no clue at all.

Even when he was observing the situation, he was still simulating it in his mind He learned various murder cases and methods, and then dumped the body into Zuiyu Bay.

Now he just needs to confirm the identity of the deceased and see if it matches the cases he thought about.

"Okay, Brother Zu."

Li Wenfeng drove the car and glanced at Wu Xiaozu, who was sitting in the passenger seat with his eyes closed. Just now she was trying to find suspicious clues while driving.

Unfortunately, she didn't see anything. Instead, she paid attention from time to time. Wu Xiaozu seemed to have thought of a lot of things.

This made her a little impressed. As expected of Brother Zu, he seemed to have a lot of ideas even though he didn’t have any clues yet.

"What’s wrong with you?"

After Wu Xiaozu rubbed his eyes, he found that Li Wenfeng looked at him from time to time, and his eyes were a little strange.

"Brother Zu, have you found any clues?"

Li Wenfeng swallowed his saliva and asked tentatively.

"No, I just have some scattered ideas for the time being."

Wu Xiaozu shook his head. He really only had some scattered thoughts.

As for the others, they were various murder cases, why the murderer committed the murder, etc.

But there was no certainty yet, so he decided to go back to the police station first. , and then call out all the surveillance cameras near Zuizuo Bay.

This is necessary, and the murderer must have appeared in the surveillance cameras...

After returning to the West Kowloon Police Station, Wu Xiaozu directly asked Li Wenfeng to apply for the transfer of all surveillance near Zuidao Bay for the past five days.

And he returned to his desk alone and printed out several copies of the information and clues from the on-site investigation.

Then he placed the pictures of the female corpse and the scene where the body was dumped one by one on his desk, took out a piece of white paper, looked at it, and thought about it while preparing to record it.

"Azu, I heard you're back, how's it going? Is this case very difficult?"

Just as Wu Xiaozu was posing for the photo, Uncle Biao walked in from outside.

"Well, it is indeed a bit tricky. This murderer is not simple."

Wu Xiaozu nodded, picked up a document from his desk and handed it to Uncle Biao


Uncle Biao frowned. After opening the case and looking at it, his frown deepened.

Then he looked at the photos on Wu Xiaozu's desk, and his face became even worse.

This horse-riding guy It’s all about looking at giants. Even though Uncle Biao is an old policeman, it doesn’t mean he’s not disgusted with these things.

After all, he’s just a policeman, not a forensic doctor.

Even with his many years of police service, he may not have seen this many times. Case

"Any clues now?"

Uncle Biao looked at the expressionless Wu Xiaozu and could n't help but admire him. Not only was he young and capable, but he also had such a strong endurance that even he, an old policeman, almost broke through.

Wu Xiaozu was actually very impressed. carefulness

"Not yet. Now you can see it is all in the file. For other words...Hard to say. Wu

Xiaozu touched his chin, thought for a moment and then continued:"But I think the amputated legs of the deceased are the key.""

"Amputated legs?"

Uncle Biao opened the document again and began to look at it. It recorded that the deceased's legs were sawed off while alive.

"Azu, the rest is up to you. Come to me anytime if you have any progress or need."

Close the document, Uncle Biao patted Wu Xiaozu on the shoulder and said


Wu Xiaozu did not continue to speak, but continued to look at the photos and think about it.

Seeing that Wu Xiaozu was already thinking about the case seriously, Uncle Biao nodded with satisfaction, took the document and left.

He wanted to show it to Director Raymond Take a look and see if you have any ideas that might help the case.......

‘Stockings''zu fetish''leg control''specimen''refrigerator''eating''soup''bones''dog’......

Wu Xiaozu looked at the deceased's broken legs in the photo and wrote dozens of keywords on the white paper.

He did not focus on other parts of the female corpse, but focused on the legs that had been sawed off.

The clues that can be seen from the female corpse so far are nothing more than 'binding' and 'sexual penetration'.

What does this prove?

This can only prove that the binding was because the legs were cut off. As for the sexual assault, it can only prove that the murderer is a man, or that there is a man among the accomplices.

Wu Xiaozu knew that he was now facing a huge difficulty, because he had already searched through all the Hong Kong movies he had seen in his mind.

He still can't find the same case, and now he can only rely on himself.

"Brother Zu, all surveillance cameras near Zuidao Bay within the past five days have been deployed."

While Wu Xiaozu was thinking, Li Wenfeng came to him in a hurry and said.

At the same time, her eyes were fixed on the photos on the desk, and her face turned a little pale.

But what satisfied Wu Xiaozu was that, At least I didn't vomit.

When everyone in Group A saw the scene today, although they felt nauseated and nauseated, at least no one vomited.

"Xiaofeng, go tell the people who check the surveillance. In the past five days, all the cars in the surveillance that appear more than twice will be recorded."

"This is when it is suspected that the murderer has a car. Another point is that if anyone is using a cart, a motorcycle or a bicycle, or even walking, anything suspicious will be recorded."

Wu Xiaozu thought for a moment, then raised his head and said to Li Wenfeng, who was standing next to her.

The surveillance he wanted Li Wenfeng to apply for was only the surveillance closest to Zuidao Bay.

It was already a bit remote. Except for the surveillance near the city, other places There is not much traffic flow every day under surveillance.

The murderer usually has a car when he dumps the body, and no one would be stupid enough to carry a body all over the street.

However, Wu Xiaozu decided to take all situations into consideration.


After Li Wenfeng listened to Wu Xiaozu's words, she turned around and left quickly.

She didn't need to watch the surveillance by herself. The police force had professional personnel.

"So what is missing now?"

Tapping his fingers lightly on the table, Wu Xiaozu looked at the white paper on which he had just densely written dozens of keywords.

"And careers."

With a pause of his fingers, Wu Xiaozu picked up the pen and continued writing, writing down some occupations with relatively strong psychological qualities one by one.

‘Crematorium '' fish killing '' pig killing '' dwarf mule '' (crossed out) '' psychiatrist '' doctor '' policeman '' forensic doctor '' mentally ill patient’......

Wu Xiaozu scribbled dozens of professional names on another piece of white paper.

It's not that there is no more, but in Wu Xiaozu's view, in this special parallel world.

People in some industries have no need to dump their bodies, such as dwarf mules.

Even if he hacked someone to death, he would bury them secretly instead of sawing off the victim's legs alive like a pervert.

Then clean it and throw the body away.

The dwarf mules are usually either buried, taken to the sea for cement reclamation, or even directly cremated.

There is no need to be so fancy.

In the absence of other clues, Wu Xiaozu can only do this step

The next step is to wait for Fang Yiwei to confirm the identity of the deceased, and then start an in-depth investigation.............

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