Everyone unlocked the seal on the Salt of the Earth and entered inside.

Along the way, Wanyan was using various conspiracy theories to believe that Heulia was killed by the Rock King.

"these statues……"

Many humanoid statues appeared in front of them, maintaining the posture of running away, with thick salt frost on their bodies.

Luo Chen flicked his finger, and a piece of salt fell down, revealing the mummy inside.

Because of the salt, the water in the body evaporates, but the body is completely preserved.


"These people are probably the believers of the Demon God of Salt back then, right?"

"ah? Clement and Paimon were startled, and Wanyan was puzzled."What is hidden deep in the ruins?""

They went deeper and found a salt cup half filled with salt.

"It's just a salt jar. It seems that the Demon God of Salt is just a poor Demon God."Clement said disdainfully.

Ruotuo shook his head and said:"The people of Heulia were quite rich back then, because Heulia's power could produce a large amount of salt for sale."

In ancient times, salt was a scarce commodity. Heulia, who was in charge of salt, could naturally make his people eat and drink well by selling salt and become rich.

Zhongli nodded and said,"Although the salt in this salt cup There is only half, but there is always half, in other words endless.

Clement asked excitedly:"What?" If I keep pouring it out, won't the salt decrease?"

"Exactly."Zhongli and Ruotuo nodded.

"Sure enough, the power of the Demon God of Salt is extremely powerful!"

Wan Yan was also very excited.

Clement decided to take the salt cup, and selling salt would make him rich.

When they came in, they had an agreement that each of Clement and Wan Yan could take one item.

Clements Liement took a fancy to the salt cup, and the next item was Wanyan.

Going deeper, there was a salt ruler in front of him.

According to Zhongli's explanation, when the salt ruler is inserted into the ground, the soil will look like rising water. , covered with salt, the deeper you go, the more salt particles there will be

"What? Doesn't this mean it's more powerful than Yanzhan? Clement said loudly.

But according to the contract, this salt ruler belongs to Wan Yan

"no! I disagree! I paid for it! The exploration was also organized by me! Why should I suffer?"

"Breaking the contract is the most unworthy thing to do in Liyue.

Luo Chen shook his head and Zhongli said:"You mean you are going to violate the contract?""

"So what if it's violated? I have understood the mechanism here, you are useless! Clement spoke nonsense, and Zhongli raised his arms to his chest,"The Rock King once said that those who break their promises should be punished by eating rocks.""

"That is your god of Liyue, and he has no control over the winter."

Luochen yawned, and a bolt of electricity flew out, making Clement, who was about to take action, numb all over and collapsed on the spot.

"Okay, go away, it has nothing to do with you anymore"

"Damn it, just wait for me. Clement put down the salt cup and left tremblingly.

Luo Chen looked at the salt ruler and asked,"Mr. Zhongli, since this salt ruler can grow salt grains, can it be extracted?""


"Yes, I have been developing Guiliyuan recently, but as you know, the land in Guiliyuan is suffering from salinity, so I am wondering if I can use this to extract the salt from the land and lower it to a safe threshold. Zhongli pondered,"This is indeed a method, but no one has tried it. If the Demon God of Salt is resurrected, it can be done.""

"The Demon God of Salt is so great! Wan

Yan became excited when she talked about this. Zhong Li said helplessly:"Ms. Wan Yan, you're not here for archeology, are you?""

Just like Clement is looking for opportunities to make a fortune, Wanyan also has ulterior motives. She doesn't know a few cultural relics, but she has a wealth of knowledge about the Demon God of Salt. What she cares about has always been the Demon God of Salt.

And Wanyan has an ulterior motive. Those mentioned are widely circulated in Yinyuan Hall.

Yinyuan Hall is one of the Seven Stars and Eight Gates of Liyue, and is in charge of the salt industry.

Wanyan's ancestors are the people protected by the Demon God of Salt.

"During the war, Morax assassinated our god. He was jealous of the power of the Salt Demon and left us homeless! Me, we hate him, but Liyue is the Liyue of Morax, and history must have been whitewashed by him."


Wanyan, who was brewing feelings, heard the laughter and looked at Luo Chen and Ruo Tuo with an annoyed look.

"I've tolerated you for a long time! You guys never stopped laughing!"

"Because it's funny. Luo

Chen said to Ying,"Ying, tell me a joke. During the Demon God War, the Rock King who beat the shit out of his enemies would be jealous of others who could make salt.""

"snort! Who knows what the seemingly glamorous Morax is like behind the scenes?"

"I just want to prove that Morax is also guilty, his hands are stained with blood, and he also has a cruel and ruthless side!"

"……"Zhongli was silent.

Ruotu snorted,"Little girl, I am Ruotu Dragon King who followed the Rock King Emperor in the battle. Heulia was not killed by the Rock King Emperor."

"Ruotuo Dragon King? You even attacked Liyue back then! After being suppressed by Morax, of course he must defend Morax when he comes back now!"

Wan Yan also went all out and directly contradicted Dragon King Ruotuo.

"little girl you……"

Luo Chen shook his head and said:"Yinyuan Hall is now basically run by you, the former people of the Demon God of Salt. What's the difference between you and scolding the cook after a full meal?"

"I……"Wanyan was speechless.

Luo Chen continued:"While enjoying the favor of Emperor Yan, you want to destroy the reputation of your benefactor. You people are really serious. In this case, after I go out, I should also renovate the Yinyuan Hall." (see For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"At least the Silver Plains Hall can't be controlled by White-Eyed Wolf, right?"

Yinyuan Hall is mainly responsible for making and selling salt.

The methods of making salt are recorded in Liyue, and selling salt is not difficult.

There is no need to always use the descendants of the Demon God of Salt.

"You, you are taking revenge! right! He must have felt that it contains the truth that threatens Morax, which means that Morax must have assassinated our god!

Wan Yan spoke with certainty, Luo Chen's eyes widened,"Damn it, are you so unreasonable?" Okay, I'll accompany you in. This is also your punishment."

"Oh, the dog of Morax!"


Wan Yan was slapped. Luo Chen said with a cold face:"Shut your mouth. Next time you say something rude, I will tear it up.""

"Wow, Luochen is angry! Paimon said.

Ying understood:"Normal people will be angry, right?""

Wan Yan is a bit ignorant of praise.

Luo Chen still has a good temper. This time, this person is asking for trouble.

"You bastard! How dare you hit me? snort! I will definitely make you regret it when I find out the truth! Wan

Yan looked at Zhongli,"Mr. Zhongli, we signed a contract to face the truth!" You must have fair judgment!"[]

"That's natural. Liyue is no longer the Liyue of Morax. Come with me, all the answers are ahead."

Wan Yan got up, held her breath, and continued deeper with them.

She found two broken swords in front!

"That’s right! This is it! It proves that the Salt Demon God once resisted, but he just failed to withstand the murderous hand of Morax!"

"Compared to the salt lamp and salt ruler, the power of this sword must far exceed it! If you can repair this sword, you can prove to others the power of the Salt Demon God."

"'These are two broken swords. According to the contract, you can only take one of them away."

"Why? Clement is gone!"

"Yes, but one item at a time is still valid. It is not possible to take away two artifacts at the same time. Wan

Yan's eyes flickered,"No, a broken sword cannot be repaired at all. I want to prove to the world the greatness of the Demon God of Salt, even if it means breaking the contract!""

"Now that you have decided, you have to pay the price! This also means that you have to bear the penalty of eating rocks. Zhongli said in a deep voice.

Wan Yan said seriously:"The Demon God of Salt will give even his life to protect her believers!" Then I will use my life to prove it to the Demon God of Salt!"

"It doesn't matter how you punish me, as long as you let me bring back this proof"

"I suddenly admire you a little. Luo Chen suddenly said:"Not everyone leads to the dark side in the same way.""

This kind of courage to not hit the wall and not look back made Luo Chen couldn't help but applaud.

He showed a bad smile,"But people will always add subjective thoughts to make guesses about things they don't understand. Mr. Zhongli, how about I To tell her the truth? Consider it a punishment"


"the truth? Is this considered punishment?"

"Because this is the truth you absolutely cannot accept! Ms. Wanyan, your ancestor is a traitor!"

"My ancestor? How can this be?"

"Nothing is impossible! In order to give you a more intuitive experience, Ruo (Qianqian’s) Tuolong King, you also understand the truth back then, right?"


"Can I extract some memories from you? won't hurt you"

"Haha, nothing, just do it."

Luochen nodded, searched for memories in Ruotuo's mind, and reproduced the truth of that year through the illusion.

They saw the Salt Demon God Heulia constantly giving in in the Demon God War and losing all the land.

From Ruotuo's perspective During the game, I also heard several immortals complaining that Heulia was too weak.

In the end, Heulia only had the salt of the ground as a shelter, and she didn't even have a weapon that could be raised to protect her people.

Until they heard that Heulia was assassinated by his own people.

Some of the people who escaped came to Liyue Port and prayed for the protection of the Rock King.

They offered the sword that killed Heulia.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun angrily scolded these people for betrayal, but in the end Emperor Yanwang chose to accept them.

Together with Ruotuo, he followed the fearful people back here and watched them break their swords and enshrine them here. I hope I can calm Heulia’s anger and not be cursed by Heulia

"No! Fake! all fake! You are lying to me! You are all followers of Morax!"

Wan Yan left here collapsed.

Luo Chen curled his lips,"As expected, people only want to believe what they believe."

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